• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

oke bang,ini bang setnya,,ndak ada jaminan set ini akan terhindar dari mc yaa
timeframenya di riset saja dulu nyamannya diberapa...sepemahaman saya,,makin kecil tf makin agresif..

hai kak, mau tanya apa bener adenan ini ada expired datenya? Ato free selamanya ya?

Tipe akun : Zero/Low Spread
Broker : Bebas (Saya menggunakan Exness Zero Spread)
Min.Deposit : $1000
TimeFrame : M5
Note : Set ini menggunakan XAUUSD 3Digit


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oke bang,ini bang setnya,,ndak ada jaminan set ini akan terhindar dari mc yaa
timeframenya di riset saja dulu nyamannya diberapa...sepemahaman saya,,makin kecil tf makin agresif..
Please can you tell us how many days you are using there sets and whats are the result of them. Do you always open 2 graphs to the same currency one for buy other for sell in TF =1mn and change TF to > 30 mn when 1er order is open graph by graph? Regards
Please can you tell us how many days you are using there sets and whats are the result of them. Do you always open 2 graphs to the same currency one for buy other for sell in TF =1mn and change TF to > 30 mn when 1er order is open graph by graph? Regards
Right now, I'm not using an ADENAN anymore. I've found an EA that suits my style better, it's called 'No Sleep EA'. I checked it out in this forum. It works pretty much like a grid system based on the last candle signal, and it operates on the chosen timeframe. The cool thing is, it has a trailing stop that lets me hold onto profitable positions for as long as possible before opening new orders from losing positions. It's really helpful when there's a trend, even though it still comes with risks, but I'm okay with that. And yeah, I'm using two charts at the same time. Besides that, I'm also experimenting with the STEC AVG BACKUP EA. It's also quite suitable for my trading style, but without the need to open two charts. I'm still testing it out, so don't ask me about the results yet, :)
free udah make dari 2015

Cukup menarik kalau sudah dipakai sejak 2015, yang mau saya tanyakan :
- Modal yang digunakana minimal berapa ?
- Pakai akun standar atau cent / micro ?
- Time Frame ?
- Tolong share setting rekomendasi kalau berkenan
- Broker yang digunaan apa aja ?
- Selama kurun waktu terseut apakah pernah mengalami MC ?
- Kalau masih konsisten menggunakan EA tersebut, bisa bagi tips n triknya ?
Cukup menarik kalau sudah dipakai sejak 2015, yang mau saya tanyakan :
- Modal yang digunakana minimal berapa ?
- Pakai akun standar atau cent / micro ?
- Time Frame ?
- Tolong share setting rekomendasi kalau berkenan
- Broker yang digunaan apa aja ?
- Selama kurun waktu terseut apakah pernah mengalami MC ?
- Kalau masih konsisten menggunakan EA tersebut, bisa bagi tips n triknya ?

hehehe..bang dicoba aja gak sih nnti semua akan terjawab atau gak bolak balik halaman2 sebelumnya baca aja,atau minimal beberapa komen terakhir deh biar dapat gambarannya,ya bang ya.. ada tu nnti jawabannya
hehehe..bang dicoba aja gak sih nnti semua akan terjawab atau gak bolak balik halaman2 sebelumnya baca aja,atau minimal beberapa komen terakhir deh biar dapat gambarannya,ya bang ya.. ada tu nnti jawabannya

Wedeww cukup lumayan mba kalau buka kitab sampai 184 halaman... pedes mata wkwkwk .... boleh dong penjelasan singkat dan padat
Right now, I'm not using an ADENAN anymore. I've found an EA that suits my style better, it's called 'No Sleep EA'. I checked it out in this forum. It works pretty much like a grid system based on the last candle signal, and it operates on the chosen timeframe. The cool thing is, it has a trailing stop that lets me hold onto profitable positions for as long as possible before opening new orders from losing positions. It's really helpful when there's a trend, even though it still comes with risks, but I'm okay with that. And yeah, I'm using two charts at the same time. Besides that, I'm also experimenting with the STEC AVG BACKUP EA. It's also quite suitable for my trading style, but without the need to open two charts. I'm still testing it out, so don't ask me about the results yet, :)
cba d bagi kak ea nya sma set file ke email saya [email protected]
Right now, I'm not using an ADENAN anymore. I've found an EA that suits my style better, it's called 'No Sleep EA'. I checked it out in this forum. It works pretty much like a grid system based on the last candle signal, and it operates on the chosen timeframe. The cool thing is, it has a trailing stop that lets me hold onto profitable positions for as long as possible before opening new orders from losing positions. It's really helpful when there's a trend, even though it still comes with risks, but I'm okay with that. And yeah, I'm using two charts at the same time. Besides that, I'm also experimenting with the STEC AVG BACKUP EA. It's also quite suitable for my trading style, but without the need to open two charts. I'm still testing it out, so don't ask me about the results yet, :)

hi mba mind to share your set? for No Sleep and stec avg?
hi mba mind to share your set? for No Sleep and stec avg?
set nya gitu² aja bang
tp nya pendek aja,setiap 0.01 lot tp nya di $0.35 dgn jrak pipstep 3x nya.
saya pake pair crypto pada broker fbs,jd mgkn ga relevan dgn pair forex,dan atau broker lain.
cek setingan adenan yg udh saya bagi.
Ada yg bisa bantu???
Saya pasang EA ini pada broker XM akun demo Standar berjalan lancar dengan lot size 0.01, tapi saat ke real akun XM Ultra Low Micro sesuai ketentuan minimal lot size 0.1 EA ini tidak berjalan sama sekali ... time sudah setting 24 jam.