jadi fenomal atuh kalau akunnya 100xMantap gan..lanjutkan
Itu akan dahsyat gan kalo balance nya 10x lipat,lot nya 10x lipat,trus dikalikan setahun...weweew..
Hi guys, here we go as promised. this is my statement that was running from the 17th to the 28th August 2015 on a micro real account.
Regards Ryan
Here we go guys, this is my setting. I think it is the same as most of the outer guys that have the setting. This EA has been good for me and still is with low risk.
This remember guys, this is on a real account and it is a Micro account. I have 1 chart that buys and 1 chart that sells all EURUSD 1m
The EA has been running from the 16th to the 27th August 2015 and still running, I live in South Africa so my time is not the same.
Dead ryandicks,Hi guys, here we go as promised. this is my statement that was running from the 17th to the 28th August 2015 on a micro real account.
Regards Ryan
Dear pradnyanegara,wah profitnya mantabs ni gan, jadi 4 char 2 tuk 24 jam dan 2 lagi tuk sideway gt y gan???
jadinya kan bisa ada 2 OP di tempat yg sama y gan??
alna yg 24 jam dengan sideway bs opnya sama y?
mohon pencerahan....
Dead ryandicks,
First of all thank for sharing your trading history. All toghether can discover the best setting for this Ea. As I said several days ago, the setting of super Adena had failed the 26/08 zeroed an real account micro with a balance of 500$ and with only 4 graphs, two sell and two buy. This is the prove that this setting is absolutely no good and very very risk. So it must delete and classify as very bad setting. Returning on discussion, I has analyzed you history and I noted that you have changed setting during the all trading period. In fact, at page 29 I say different sell orders starting at 17:06 of 21/08 that increase with a multiplicator factor of 1,33 and a TP of about 15 pips. But starting from 10:47 of 26/08 your setting seams to be change becouse now the orders increase with a multiplicator factor of 1,15 and a TP of about 50 pips. So my question is if you change the setting always or you now has decided to use a more safety setting than to the past.
Ps: please inviting all participants in discussions to write in English
[Doublepost = 1440850027.1440849492] [/ Doublepost]
Dear pradnyanegara,
Can you say what setting you ara using and on what cross? How long are you using this settings. Can you upload your history?
Sorry for all this questions.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Dead resa2410,Ane pake EJ gan.. lebih sering bolak baliknya.. TF M1, set : lot 0.01, lot exp. 1.33, TP 3 (Adenan 30), PipStep 3 (Adenan 30)... Tapi ane pake additional lot klo market sideway (mulai 21 Agustus 2015).. jadi ada 4 chart, 2 chart (buy only dan sell only) tuk 24 jam dan 2 chart lagi (buy only dan sell only) tuk jam sideway, settingan sama.. Tapi kemarin kena cut loss gara2 di utak-atik jadinya lupa, trus salah setting jam tuk additional lot-nya, harusnya jam sideway, start jam 2 pagi, tutup jam 10 WIB, ane set jam tutup di jam 10 juga, padahal jam server itu seharusnya jam 6 pagi, akibatnya keseret sesi London.. Yg cut loss di real account, klo yg demo ga salah setting, jd harusnya yg real acc ane spt ini..
I use Jacksen EA..Dead resa2410,
Can you translate in english your comment?
Thanks a lot.
dear resa2410, is it EURJPY ? you are trading in real account ?
You the one who bullshit.. coz u not read from beginning.. We already know if we use wrong setting will bring result like your BT...Total bullshit. Profit only temporary. Loss sooner or later not inevitableView attachment 4860
I use Jacksen EA..
Set :
start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 1) and sell only (chart2)) running 24/5 >> main lot
start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 3) and sell only (chart4)) running on sideway market only >> additional lot
Need minimum 20k balance..
I make mistake by wrong put time.. I use timezone, not time server.. so my additional lot that should sideway market (20:00 - 05:59 server time = 02:00 - 09:59 my time zone), but I set 09:59 on EA... So my floating goes till London market open.. Then I cut loss that additional lot... but coz loss too much and I afraid that price will still goes down, I also do cut loss on main lot.. But if my time setting is correct, it should be what look like at my demo account..
But I think you should do BT 1st... Who know market will be get worst someday..
I play on demo and also real account.. Real account at R*boF*rex, demo at T*ckmill..
You the one who bullshit.. coz u not read from beginning.. We already know if we use wrong setting will bring result like your BT...
So u better READ.. READ.. READ... Dont just came here and yelling... you should contribute by give us feed back on right setting, just like other members did.. Remember, we didnt get paid from you for sharing all this EA, so you have no right to yelling like that... If you want yelling coz result not good, then go to other place and pay for EA..![]()
Abisnya datang2 langsung maki2.. baca dari awal jg kaga.. lagaknya kayak boss, padahal nyari gratisan.. wkwkwkw..Kapok,kena sembur agan resa koe...
I use Jacksen EA..
Set :
start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 1) and sell only (chart2)) running 24/5 >> main lot
start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 3) and sell only (chart4)) running on sideway market only >> additional lot
Need minimum 20k balance..
I make mistake by wrong put time.. I use timezone, not time server.. so my additional lot that should sideway market (20:00 - 05:59 server time = 02:00 - 09:59 my time zone, but I set 09:59 on EA) goes floating till London market open.. Then I cut loss that additional lot... but coz loss too much and I afraid that price will still goes down, I also do cut loss on main lot.. But if my time setting is correct, it should be what look like at my demo account..
But I think you should do BT 1st... Who know market will be get worst someday..
I play on demo and also real account.. Real account at R*boF*rex, demo at T*ckmill.. And yes, I only play on EJ pair..
You the one who bullshit.. coz u not read from beginning.. We already know if we use wrong setting will bring result like your BT...
So u better READ.. READ.. READ... Dont just came here and yelling... you should contribute by give us feed back on right setting, just like other members did.. Remember, we didnt get paid from you for sharing all this EA, so you have no right to yelling like that... If you want yelling coz result not good, then go to other place and pay for EA..
maaf ya gan momod trader_with_ea klo kalimatnya rada2 kasar gt, soalnya orgnya ngeselin..![]()
kalau menggunakan time filter , saat waktu habis , apakah transaksi yang masih ada otomatis close sendiri ? makasihBtw, guys, if you use my setting, please remember that I use 1:1000 as leverage... So if you use my setting on EJ pair with 1:500, you need to double your balance.. Leverage is very crucial to hold drown down, and keep you away from Margin Call..