Hi all newbies and Reviews those members who only know English,
In order to use this Adenan ea safely, please do follow Reviews These steps:
1. Start with at least 10,000 usd (you can use standard account if you do have this big money to trade, or you USD Cent account which is only 100 usd = 10,000 USD Cents). If you want more safety, please put extra 10,000 - 20,000 usd to make your deposit become 20,000 usd - 30,000 usd.
2. Please use the preset files of Vishnu (the file name is Super_Anan) or Nikimura (name of file is profitable). Pip Step = 30 - 45.
3. Please do not allow Imports as per idea of Resa2410. Thanks for this good idea that I even forgot to do so. Sometimes, broker can cheat the ea by creating some fake signals, and so, we must select "DO NOT ALLOW..."
4. Sit back and relax to enjoy around at least 25% net profits (based on 10,000 usd account, so, it is at least 2,500 usd. Even you put 20k usd, you can still expect to earn at least 2,500 usd per month because the extra 10k usd is for RESERVE CAPITAL to avoid Margin Call when price goes against the ea for many levels, for example it can go up to level 20, or 21, or 22, or 25, etc. So, your RESERVE CAPITAL is to protect your account in case you do not have much free time to monitor your account daily).
5. Open 2 charts of EURUSD, M1 Timeframe. On the first EURUSD Chart, select "ONLY BUY" and on second EURUSD Chart, select "ONLY SELL". This is a trick that in case price goes down, our sell trades will make some good profits to increase balance and equity while our buy trades are in bigger floating Loss, and vice versa.
These are all requirements, and so, please do not ask again Because this thread is getting longer and longer when lots of members are using this profitable ea and write Reviews their success here.
We will only share new Profitable settings and findings to increase more profits and reduce lesser drawdown, not to repeat the same things by answering the same basic questions.
Please do not compare and talk about BAD backtesting results versus real, live account profits results, because if we see, even all backtesting results shows that this ea will blow up the account, it is due to Margin call / not enough money to sustain market, but in live testings as many members are using this ea, it is very profitable because the users have enough money to sustain market and to avoid Margin call. This is big difference, and of course, we only trust FORWARD-TESTING than BACKTESTING.
Hope all my explanations above are quite clea to all English-only members.