Finally today i have seen some movement. It has opened sixteen orders in about three hours.
The final outcome so far from this with 0.10 lots orders is 1.9 $ profit. Could have been a little better,
since the gain was much higher but hte last thre orders closed with a loss of 2.04 $ each.
You can download it here :
Download the rar file. Unrar.
Then in order for it to work properly, you will have to install the program in another file than
C:\Users . If yo install there you wont be able to save history data and you will keep getting errors.
You will need to do the same with the program from the broker you want to install the
Tick Story. If you have installed the MT4 in the
C:\Users, then unistal and install it somewhere else.
It will be easier to creat a new folder with all your MT4 in along with Tick Story.
After you have done the installtion of the Tick Story, open the program and the click
File (top left) then settings. Here in the
Ducascopy Datasource, you are designating the folder for the history files to be saved.
Then click on MT4 settings. Here in the
MT4 Installation click
Select. Locate where you have installed the MT4 broker you want to use and then click ok.
After you have done this, choose the
History you want to download for the
PAIR you want, from the menu you see. Choose the dates you want. The more the space you choose the bigger the download will be.
Right click, then,
Export to MT4. Wait for the download to finish.
When the download is over, click
Tools and then
Launch MT4. Thats it, you can start your testing now with 99.90% Modelling Quality.
If you want more pairs then you will have to download their history.
IMPORTANT Every time you want to do a back test with Tick Story Lite,
you will need to open the
Tick Story Lite first and then,
Launch MT4.
Otherwise it wont work.
I believe it was a detailed explanation, with the whole installation and workaround.
If you have any more questions just ask, to see if i can help.