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      Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

      I have not changed much really. You can see it, in the set file. I am testing it live since last Thursday.
      Not with vps though. I have it online about 16 hours per day. No new trades so far from the last ones i posted here.
      I am doing back tests now with different sets, to see if i can get it to open positions more frequently.
      I will let you know, if i get something good.
      thanks for your share of set for this EA.
      kalau aja ea ini bersahabat di onta nikmat banget yak ini hasil ft saya dari tgl 5 mei
      Gila bener nih way grow.... BTnya sih luar biasa... satu bulan saja tepat 30 hari... dari modal 500 jadi 18.000.000 dollar...
      Pas dicoba di demo... dia nunggu trend dan candle besar... sekali profit 0,5% s/d 1%.... klo rugi juga di kisaran itu... tapi finalnya masih untung.....
      setelah beberapa transaksi pfofit per hari sekitar 10%... (maaf brur baru hari pertama)

      Berharap agar bisa terjadi pada akun real...Moga2 terkabul...amiin.


      • waygrow 1 bulan.png
        waygrow 1 bulan.png
        89.4 KB · Views: 584
      Istimewa peserta yg nyimak EA ini, buaaaannnyyyyaaaaakkkkk
      Kali ini saya bagi tips bagi yg belum mrasakan menggunakan EA Waygrow EDU di broker onta (meski 1 akunku dibanned sama onta wkwkwkwk)
      1. Create akun octa dg email baru, verifikasi, depo misal 50$
      2. Gunakan EA WAYGROW EDU & EA HIDDEN TP/SL (cek postingan saya tentang kombinasi 2 EA tersebut)
      3. Jalankan kedua EA tersebut pada jam 14.00 S/d 22.00 WIB
      4. Request WD hanya 1x yaitu setelah profit 100%.
      5. Ganti akun baru dg email beda,usahakanrubah sedikit data registrasinya.

      Selamat menambang profit si onta
      Intinya, si onta tetep bisa dikerjain. Tinggal utak atik dikit2 kawan...
      I am still back testing this one, the results are profitable always, but almost similar. I have not found huge differences from the preset on it.
      The one i am running live (and again about 16 hours per day) opened one more trade today and closed it at stop loss. So in general now it is minus.
      But i really believe that if ti runs with vps all day long that should not be a problem, and that it can recover at once.
      I do not remember if i have said this before, but well done to the creator of this one !!!:ok:
      Istimewa peserta yg nyimak EA ini, buaaaannnyyyyaaaaakkkkk
      Kali ini saya bagi tips bagi yg belum mrasakan menggunakan EA Waygrow EDU di broker onta (meski 1 akunku dibanned sama onta wkwkwkwk)
      1. Create akun octa dg email baru, verifikasi, depo misal 50$
      2. Gunakan EA WAYGROW EDU & EA HIDDEN TP/SL (cek postingan saya tentang kombinasi 2 EA tersebut)
      3. Jalankan kedua EA tersebut pada jam 14.00 S/d 22.00 WIB
      4. Request WD hanya 1x yaitu setelah profit 100%.
      5. Ganti akun baru dg email beda,usahakanrubah sedikit data registrasinya.

      Selamat menambang profit si onta
      Intinya, si onta tetep bisa dikerjain. Tinggal utak atik dikit2 kawan...
      mahu tanya.. guna acc micro atau ecn pak?
      A little bit of an update here. I am still doing back tests, trying to find a better setup.
      At the same time i have it online running.
      Yesterday it opened one position which it closed in profit, so i made it in the plus again.
      Today it has opened five positions. It closed one in profit of 0.45 and all other four in loss.
      The thing that i did not get is, why it closed the positions, with 1 and 2 seconds difference,
      from the time, it opened them.
      One more minute later and it could have closed all positions in profit, instead they were closed with 2 $
      each loss.
      Di broker biru, saya coba di demo.... 1 dan 2 juli begitu banyak open posisi.... hasilnya masing masing 20% jadi totalnya 40 % lebih, dan hari ini cuma ada 4 open posisi... hasil bersihnya juga 20 %.... jadi total selama 3 hari... nett profit 66,3%...
      moga2 bisa begitu jg klo dg akun riil.
      Nb : setting standar bawaan pabrik... cuma dirubah no IDnya (magic) dan jam kerjanya... 10 dan 20.
      Ane, udah pasang ea nya tapi knp gak jalan ya? bisa dibantu para master..
      bukan ga jalan bung.... mungkin lg nunggu pergerakan trend yg cepat... karena kadang sehari bisa banyak open posisi... kadang juga cuma 2 atau 5 open posisi... nunggu pergerakan yg kenceng dg pip yg besar...
      I have not changed much from the default setting either. The only changes i have made so far, is bot Minimum and Maximum lots to 0.1.
      So i doubt that this can be a reason for different results. Maybe the hours is the problem here. We do not trade same hours.
      Select broker which have lowest spread, as well as blue broker (less than 1 pip), use only original setting, and make sure your broker is 5 digits. Coz this EA doesn't work on 4 digit MT4, and try first in demo account. When you are going to try it on real, ensure to change the open and close hour, also magic number. Goodluck.....n have a huge profit.
      Note : this EA sometime open so many position in a day, but in the other day..only open 2, 3, or 5 position.. so.. don't assume this EA does't work. It works, but waiting big pips movement of candle bar...
      Never said it does not work. I can not say something like that unless i have done and extensive live run with a vps in a 24 hours basis.
      So far it is the best EA that i have tested. And i have tested lots of them :)

      You are also saying to change the hours that the EA operates. Can you give me your recommendations in GMT time? Thanks
      Di broker biru, saya coba di demo.... 1 dan 2 juli begitu banyak open posisi.... hasilnya masing masing 20% jadi totalnya 40 % lebih, dan hari ini cuma ada 4 open posisi... hasil bersihnya juga 20 %.... jadi total selama 3 hari... nett profit 66,3%...
      moga2 bisa begitu jg klo dg akun riil.
      Nb : setting standar bawaan pabrik... cuma dirubah no IDnya (magic) dan jam kerjanya... 10 dan 20.

      bukan ga jalan bung.... mungkin lg nunggu pergerakan trend yg cepat... karena kadang sehari bisa banyak open posisi... kadang juga cuma 2 atau 5 open posisi... nunggu pergerakan yg kenceng dg pip yg besar...
      Ooo..begitu ya om..saya kirain kenapa gak jalan2..rupanya nungggu pergerakan cepat ya..thanks om atas infonya..salam kenal
      time that I mentioned is broker time..., this is london opening time until new york closing time (not including equity trading time, only untill 11 am newyork time ) mean 7.00 gmt till 17.oo gmt

      I love it being in this forum! I am Canadian and I have two years in forex without much success, therefore, I am dedicating my efforts in tests with several EA'se also yet without much success. Is there someone who is results? The Waygrow yet even a DEMO account only did lose money. Any idea?