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      Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

      I have it online running, since yesterday, not VPS, just left the computer on :), but so far no orders have been opened.
      From the back test results i got, i saw that order openings were not happening in daily basis. At some point it could take more than a week from the last trade,
      in order to open a new one.
      This is a thing that i hate in ea's. They might be profitable, but that waiting is killing me :)
      my account every day there are open transactions
      try checking the settings,,,, if it is in accordance with my info? and master using EA waygrow what kind?

      tembus page 100 :ok:
      smoga teman2 disini juga bisa menemukan broker yang cocok n bisa di WD profitnya :)
      ijin sedot gan..semoga menjadi berkah bagi kita semua....amieennn
      ijin sedot gan,
      izin download masta
      izin bossss.... sruput
      silakan mas,,, smoga bermanfaat ya :)
      Yes i have tried your suggestions but it does not open trades every day.
      Of course i have to say here that the spread in the broker i am using it is above one, but i doubt this is the issue.
      I have checked the .htm file you have into the rar from the history and i confirmed like my back tests, that the trade opening does not happen in a daily basis :)
      The results of course are great. So far it is the best ea i have tried here. Thanks for the download by the way.
      asik, review yg tickmill....
      kira2 modal minim di tickmill berapa ya??? mw icip2 dulu
      eh iya, klo dbandingin smaa chantika kira2 ganasan mana OPnya???
      chantika linknya dmn agan
      I have downloaded the EA and trying to do back tests with it, with no luck at all. When i am using the EA with TickStory Light, with 99.90% modelling quality,
      I keep getting order send error 130. Trying like a half hour now.
      I have tried with two other brokers, where i dont have Tick Story installed, but the modelling quality is low at 25%. Practically for me this percentage is like no testing at all,
      since i have seen many ea's winning like crazy, and then testing them with 90% and up and do nothing more than keep going down.
      The results with the 25% though were very impressive.
      I am downloading now, history data, from tick story, to the brokers that the EA worked, to see if that is going to solve the problem and have a more realistic backtest.
      where can i get tick story, and how to install it, would u mind to share
      dicoba aj mas... msh bisa di toleransikan :)

      maslah ini udh pernah sy alami jg....

      solusinya ; Wd akun lama, buka akun baru dengan email n no tlp yg berbeda :)

      sekarang sy lagi buka akun baru... mulai dari awal lg (depo $50) ;),

      kalau tentang magic number.... sy kurang paham. terkadang sy ubah sendiri jg menjadi :123

      om kalau buka akun baru, bagimana dengan ferifikasi akunnya?? kan harus dgn KTP sesuai akun.
      Finally today i have seen some movement. It has opened sixteen orders in about three hours.
      The final outcome so far from this with 0.10 lots orders is 1.9 $ profit. Could have been a little better,
      since the gain was much higher but hte last thre orders closed with a loss of 2.04 $ each.

      You can download it here :
      Download the rar file. Unrar.
      Then in order for it to work properly, you will have to install the program in another file than
      the C:\Users . If yo install there you wont be able to save history data and you will keep getting errors.
      You will need to do the same with the program from the broker you want to install the
      Tick Story. If you have installed the MT4 in the C:\Users, then unistal and install it somewhere else.
      It will be easier to creat a new folder with all your MT4 in along with Tick Story.
      After you have done the installtion of the Tick Story, open the program and the click
      File (top left) then settings. Here in the Ducascopy Datasource, you are designating the folder for the history files to be saved.
      Then click on MT4 settings. Here in the MT4 Installation click Select. Locate where you have installed the MT4 broker you want to use and then click ok.
      After you have done this, choose the History you want to download for the PAIR you want, from the menu you see. Choose the dates you want. The more the space you choose the bigger the download will be.
      Right click, then, Export to MT4. Wait for the download to finish.
      When the download is over, click Tools and then Launch MT4. Thats it, you can start your testing now with 99.90% Modelling Quality.
      If you want more pairs then you will have to download their history.

      IMPORTANT Every time you want to do a back test with Tick Story Lite,
      you will need to open the Tick Story Lite first and then, Tools, Launch MT4.
      Otherwise it wont work.

      I believe it was a detailed explanation, with the whole installation and workaround.
      If you have any more questions just ask, to see if i can help.
      syarat dan ketentuan EA ini, gmna boss ?
      ayo kuras broker HF :D
      jgn lupa id di isi "171809" biar dapat rebate plus plus:):ok:
      info selengkapny
      syarat dan ketentuan EA ini, gmna boss ?
      ayo kuras broker HF :D
      jgn lupa id di isi "171809" biar dapat rebate plus plus:):ok:
      info selengkapny
      baca pada bagian threadmakrs untuk mempersingkat mengetahui EA ini
      maaf gan saya ingin memberitahukan, soal post koment IB agan itu sebaiknya membuat thread baru di sub forum iklan,saya khawatir nanti kena baned admin.
      Finally today i have seen some movement. It has opened sixteen orders in about three hours.
      The final outcome so far from this with 0.10 lots orders is 1.9 $ profit. Could have been a little better,
      since the gain was much higher but hte last thre orders closed with a loss of 2.04 $ each.

      which broker did you use for ride this EA?
      Saya coba lagi di BT dari tg 24 April 2015... sampai 8 Mei 2015.... hasilnya luar biasa. Settingan standard.... direset aja input parameternya. dari 500 jadi 530.000 dalam waktu cuma 2 minggu ...? coba klo bisa jadi kenyataan.... cepet kaya deh... eyegrow.png
      dah ada yg nyobain di real...?
      Bagusnya EA ini hanya dijalankan bila ada candle besar saja... selebihnya dinon aktifkan saja... ga bagus kalo kondisi side way.
      Moga-2 semoga rekan -2 selalu @ profit.
      I have not changed much really. You can see it, in the set file. I am testing it live since last Thursday.
      Not with vps though. I have it online about 16 hours per day. No new trades so far from the last ones i posted here.
      I am doing back tests now with different sets, to see if i can get it to open positions more frequently.
      I will let you know, if i get something good.

