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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Yuup....setelah averaging hedging clear EA order follow trend dan membuka hedging averaging lagi ketika kembali sideway
Jika averaging hedging blm clear maka EA menyelesaikan Cycle Buy Sell nya [emoji4]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Yuup....setelah averaging hedging clear EA order follow trend dan membuka hedging averaging lagi ketika kembali sideway
Jika averaging hedging blm clear maka EA menyelesaikan Cycle Buy Sell nya [emoji4]

Saya kira ini ea murni hedging averaging only, ternyata ada filter logic follow trend juga ya.. keren dah, biarpun saya gak ngerti bahasa ea jadi penasaran logic apa yang dipakai, hohoho:)
Hello everybody!

I am interested in running this EA but I cannot find any intructions on what the parameters do.

I have read through the discussions here and see that many peole have asked for instructions, and all have been told to read the thread - but the thread does not contain any instructions! I have downloaded the SET file from the Threadmarks drop-down, but still do not understand how to change how it works.

Could someone create a document with instructions on what all the parameters are, and how to change things such as the lot size, set auto lot sizing etc? If it can be created in Indonesian, I would happily translate it into English for everyone else.

Many thanks in advance,
New version will be available soon. The coming new version will need no additional setting. Just attach the EA in chart and LET IT GO :)
Will be available before this Sunday.
New version will be available soon. The coming new version will need no additional setting. Just attach the EA in chart and LET IT GO :)
Will be available before this Sunday.
Hi ,
thanks for update.
Did new version has news filter or stop trading time?
Hi All, apakah yang pakai ea ini sama kayak yang saya alami td malam? harga terjun, tapi ea gak bikin op buy, kira2 kenapa ya, kalo memang ea bisa seperti ini berarti ea ini LUARBIASA:ok::ok:, kalo ea bikin op buy pasti floating :).

Yuup....setelah averaging hedging clear EA order follow trend dan membuka hedging averaging lagi ketika kembali sideway
Jika averaging hedging blm clear maka EA menyelesaikan Cycle Buy Sell nya [emoji4]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
iya, beberapa malam lalu sempet kaget ko ga buka op buy ketika ada spike sell....tadinya saya kira karena spike maka banyak misquote sehingga buy tidak ke open....ternyata bisa begitu logic nya ....thumbs up....
New version will be available soon. The coming new version will need no additional setting. Just attach the EA in chart and LET IT GO :)
Will be available before this Sunday.
Please make it work with $100 USD accounts! Thank you so much in advance! :)
Please make it work with $100 USD accounts! Thank you so much in advance! :)
It's work for $100 usd accounts.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Do you guys recommend running multiple EAs at the same time? I'm thinking of running this alongside Budak ubat v1.51. Any thoughts? Thanks!

I've been running BU since Wednesday on a demo with 100usd and so far have got 136. I'm just wondering if it's advisable to run these 2 EAs together.
[QUOTE = "saintrogue, post: 166970, member: 29440"] É trabalho por US $ 100 de contas usd.

Enviado a partir de aplicações móveis SoeHoe.ID [/ QUOTE]
set , help
[QUOTE = "saintrogue, post: 166970, member: 29440"] É trabalho por US $ 100 de contas usd.
It's work for $100 usd accounts.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Sent from mobile applications SoeHoe.ID [/ QUOTE]
set , help

Awesome! :) And if I understood google translator correctly, all you had to do was load the EA into main currency pairs under M15, apply the default settings, change everything true to false, and then set "Initial Deposit" to 100, is that right? Thanks a lot, gentlemen! (I have to say, I just love the sharing spirit in this forum.) Have a nice weekend everyone!
Awesome! :) And if I understood google translator correctly, all you had to do was load the EA into main currency pairs under M15, apply the default settings, change everything true to false, and then set "Initial Deposit" to 100, is that right? Thanks a lot, gentlemen! (I have to say, I just love the sharing spirit in this forum.) Have a nice weekend everyone!
Pair H1

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
pagi menjelang siang buat para trader, moderator dan pak Soehoe yg telah senang hati dan ikhlas berbagi ilmu disini...

di page awal disebutkan klo ingin donlot ea nya harus dengan kredit 10$ tpi difile atachment yg ada diatas itu kok sy bisa donlot ya...jdi apakah ea yg sy donlot barusan khusus yg hanya run di demo saja ato bgmana...?

trz di page 40an kok disebutin klo ea dibagi menjadi 2 ea tahan dan banting? maksudnya itu setingannya atau bagaimana? mohon pencerahannya para suhu...


Mantab kalau ea ini bisa membuat 100$ menjadi 397$
pokoknya the best ea ever
bagus gak dijalankan hanya sesi newyork saja ?
pagi menjelang siang buat para trader, moderator dan pak Soehoe yg telah senang hati dan ikhlas berbagi ilmu disini...

di page awal disebutkan klo ingin donlot ea nya harus dengan kredit 10$ tpi difile atachment yg ada diatas itu kok sy bisa donlot ya...jdi apakah ea yg sy donlot barusan khusus yg hanya run di demo saja ato bgmana...?

trz di page 40an kok disebutin klo ea dibagi menjadi 2 ea tahan dan banting? maksudnya itu setingannya atau bagaimana? mohon pencerahannya para suhu...


Berarti blum baca seluruh page nya, kalo udah baca pasti tau, :)
Saya langsung pake di real , :ok::ok: