New version will be available soon. The coming new version will need no additional setting. Just attach the EA in chart and LET IT GO
Will be available before this Sunday.
Untuk download klik tombol merah pojok kanan atas Mas
Ini silahkan coba set file bisa untuk semua pair any TF hasil mungkin tidak akan sama karena spread,stop level dan slippage berbeda tiap jenis akunnya
Saya running 3 jenis akun berbeda monggo sesuaikan dg jumlah balance dan bonus Anda
Ya kadang hal seperti itu membingungkan..saya coba BT pake file set ini ko ga bisa mas agus?
di journal muncul : " Alert EA STOP! Target profit or maxrisk is reached
I am about to upload. Please wait. It will be available tonight, (GMT+7)Already available for new version?
Please available for will be good..thanks..
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
EA ini memang tidak bisa di BT. Hampir semua EA yang saya buat sudah saya block BackTestnya. Mengapa?saya coba BT pake file set ini ko ga bisa mas agus?
di journal muncul : " Alert EA STOP! Target profit or maxrisk is reached
Vote for MT4 and MT5 version..[emoji41]I am about to upload. Please wait. It will be available tonight, (GMT+7)
It will needs huge modification to run on MT5, but we can make it if there are many users ask it.
Lanjutkan bos, setia menunggu nih.. Update pasti lebih mantap hasilnya..I am about to upload. Please wait. It will be available tonight, (GMT+7)
It will needs huge modification to run on MT5, but we can make it if there are many users ask it.
- Fix bug on TakeProfit calculation
- Auto config only works if you use this EA on
- If you run it outside then you need to setup the configuration setting manually
- We are recommended you to use a VPS from to run this EA. All settings will be loaded and configure automatically.
- USE Lot 0.01 for each $3.000 deposit
- Withdraw your profit regularly.
- Do not compound the Equity
Boleh nanya Soehoe?SoeHoe updated EA Tahan Banting with a new update entry:
Auto config and setup
Read the rest of this update entry...
1. Dia akan jalan versi terbaru, tetapi akan ada informasi agar menggunakan SocialVPS karena terkait load setting. EA tetap bisa jalan di mana saja. Hanya saja soal load setting lebih baik menggunakan, agar 1 lokasi server.Boleh nanya Soehoe?
1. Jika kita lom memakai socialvps, apakah tetap jalan versi yang dolo?
2. Haruskah kita lgsg ganti versi ea terbaru?
3. Paket socialvps apa yang jalan auto setting ini?
Thanks you so much ya
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Mantap kalau begitu.Anak baru nimbrung gan. Salam profit.
Maksud nya auto setting di gmn ya gan..?
Saya uda pake dr dlu.
Trus gmn . apakah lgsung tinggal pasang EA nya tanpa setting ?
Mohon pencerahan..
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