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New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Settingan yg pada di pake yang mana yah ? Ane udh ketinggalan jauh, mulai bahas settingan yg agan2 pake sekarang, dari Page brapa ya ? Hehehehe
Ane nemu nya Settingan agan Nikimura .. Kalo agan pake yang mana ?
Baru tau ada fasilitas ThreadMark awkwkkawka w
Pakai yg agan Nikimura, settingan SuperAman.. Tp lot-nya 0.02 spt-nya msh kegedean.. Klo mo cari aman, lebih baik pakai lot 0.01.. Kecuali klo kita di uber setoran, baru pakai lot 0.02, tp kadang harus disupirin... :rofl:
The EA has in settings Maximum Orders 100.
And yet it only opens two trades at a time.
Is there another setting that i need to change also so that it can open more trades?
Its been a couple of hours now with no trades at all.
I noticed that the same thing happened last week also.
The EA has in settings Maximum Orders 100.
And yet it only opens two trades at a time.
Is there another setting that i need to change also so that it can open more trades?
Its been a couple of hours now with no trades at all.
I noticed that the same thing happened last week also.
sorry, but I never have 100 orders before.. usually less then 40 orders before hit.. But, maybe your broker that have limit on max orders?
Adakah yg sdh TP posisi BUY yg sejak Jum'at kemaren terfloating? Ane masih jauh TP BUY-nya, di posisi 1.10053... :mad:

Mungkin ada masta2 disini yg bisa bantu prediksi kapan kira2 EU up trend kembali? :sweating:
Adakah yg sdh TP posisi BUY yg sejak Jum'at kemaren terfloating? Ane masih jauh TP BUY-nya, di posisi 1.10053... :mad:

Mungkin ada masta2 disini yg bisa bantu prediksi kapan kira2 EU up trend kembali? :sweating:

TP brp gan.... kalau boleh tau Level brp sudah OP?
TP BUY-nya, di posisi 1.10053.. OP BUY sdh 20.. OP Buy terakhir (4.71 lot) di posisi 1.09956...

Tuk yg SELL, ane ganti pipstep jadi NOL sebanyak 8 OP.. terus pipstep-nya dinaikan jd 5 sebanyak 2 OP, jd totalnya 10 OP SELL.. Itu maksimum OP SELL yg kebuka, biasanya kena TP SELL lagi...
TP BUY-nya, di posisi 1.10053.. OP BUY sdh 20.. OP Buy terakhir (4.71 lot) di posisi 1.09956...

Tuk yg SELL, ane ganti pipstep jadi NOL sebanyak 8 OP.. terus pipstep-nya dinaikan jd 5 sebanyak 2 OP, jd totalnya 10 OP SELL.. Itu maksimum OP SELL yg kebuka, biasanya kena TP SELL lagi...

Mudah2 an bebas floating gan.... semoga news USD jelek jadi EU bisa UP..
kalau ane liat dari newbie sih... bisa kesentuh nanti malam... cuma analisa newbie.
Semoga bisa jadi positive thinking..
Mudah2 an bebas floating gan.... semoga news USD jelek jadi EU bisa UP..
kalau ane liat dari newbie sih... bisa kesentuh nanti malam... cuma analisa newbie.
Semoga bisa jadi positive thinking..
wah.. makasih atas info-nya gan.. moga aja kena TP Buy-nya.. Skr kira2 msh down trend atau sdh ada kemungkinan tuk up trend gan? And kira2 aman ga klo di inject.. takutnya makin kebawah, jdnya semuanya malah amblas..
TP BUY-nya, di posisi 1.10053.. OP BUY sdh 20.. OP Buy terakhir (4.71 lot) di posisi 1.09956...

Tuk yg SELL, ane ganti pipstep jadi NOL sebanyak 8 OP.. terus pipstep-nya dinaikan jd 5 sebanyak 2 OP, jd totalnya 10 OP SELL.. Itu maksimum OP SELL yg kebuka, biasanya kena TP SELL lagi...

punya saya juga terfloating dari jumat skrg di 1.09938, siap2 close all kyaknya hhah kyaknya sih masih turun terus

kalau pipstep sell nya jadi NOL gimana sih itu blm mudeng saya, cara ngatur OP maksimum sell nya gmna? maaf masih tergolong newbie hhe
punya saya juga terfloating dari jumat skrg di 1.09938, siap2 close all kyaknya hhah kyaknya sih masih turun terus

kalau pipstep sell nya jadi NOL gimana sih itu blm mudeng saya, cara ngatur OP maksimum sell nya gmna? maaf masih tergolong newbie hhe
PipStep di EA-nya yg asalnya 3, dibuah jd NOL... Tapi yg SELL 0nly-nya aja.. Yg BUY only di stop OP...
Hello guys,
could anybody explain to me how adenan's martingale works? I don't understand why the steps between martingale orders isn't fixed to 20 point as adenan setting as you can see in snapshot?
Is FBS a good broker to work with for adenan EA in cent account?
Hello guys,
could anybody explain to me how adenan's martingale works? I don't understand why the steps between martingale orders isn't fixed to 20 point as adenan setting as you can see in snapshot?
Is FBS a good broker to work with for adenan EA in cent account?
Its base on candle.. If candle move more then pipstep then its open on next candle.. which is why adenan is good.. eg. u use 30 as pipstep, then market move 300 pips in 1 minute.. Fix pipstep will do OP 10 times, but using adenan only do OP 1 time because 300 pips is moving in 1 candle..

I dont prefer F*S.. Somehow it hold when about reach TP.. I move my account from there.. Better R*boF*rex...
Its base on candle.. If candle move more then pipstep then its open on next candle.. which is why adenan is good.. eg. u use 30 as pipstep, then market move 300 pips in 1 minute.. Fix pipstep will do OP 10 times, but using adenan only do OP 1 time because 300 pips is moving in 1 candle..

I dont prefer F*S.. Somehow it hold when about reach TP.. I move my account from there.. Better R*boF*rex...
Tks resa2410.