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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Aduh gan resa2410 ane di sini jadi ikutan gegana nih, semoga floating-nya segera selesai dgn hasil profit. Ane juga terus pantau EU ada kemungkinan untuk naik.

Spt-nya Adenan/Jacksen tdk cocok tuk EU / GU.. Mungkin lebih baik pindah ke E/J.. sepertinya EJ bergerak sideway terus2an.. klo pun trending, dia bergeraknya cepat, tdk trending pelan2..
Spt-nya Adenan/Jacksen tdk cocok tuk EU / GU.. Mungkin lebih baik pindah ke E/J.. sepertinya EJ bergerak sideway terus2an.. klo pun trending, dia bergeraknya cepat, tdk trending pelan2..

Gmn bro floating nya... D supirin ngga tadi? News nya untung merah..
Gmn bro floating nya... D supirin ngga tadi? News nya untung merah..
Tewas akun ane gan.. Dia SL hunt.. drop kebawah dulu baru naik... :banghead:
Biasanya SL hunt itu dilakuin ama broker2 dealing desk, tuk hajar costumer-nya biar pada kena MC.. :mad:
it is better one of us, should open direct forex broker, and help for all

yes, but the question is, who we can trust.. :rofl:

If forum owner open for investment and said like "Open for investment, using xxx EA, been BT x years, profitable.. Minimum investment $xx.. Maximal investment $xxx. You can monitor your investment at fxjuction / myfxbook. Investment will be returned after x month.. Profit send every x week.. Join at your own risk.. " Surely I'll jump in.. :D
This morning a little bit later after my last post i saw for the first time three orders open at once.
As i said, what i have noticed is, that when two orders are open, it can take several hours with no
new orders at all.
Also i have noticed that it opens 1 order every hour on the clock, and the only time it stops from opening
new ones is the reason above.
But since there is 100 maximum orders, i dont understand why such behavior.
With the settings you are using, it opens one order every time?
Spt-nya Adenan/Jacksen tdk cocok tuk EU / GU.. Mungkin lebih baik pindah ke E/J.. sepertinya EJ bergerak sideway terus2an.. klo pun trending, dia bergeraknya cepat, tdk trending pelan2..

Ane turut sedih gan akun agan kena SL hunt, hmmmm....

Iya pair EJ cenderung koreksi harganya lumayan dan aktif kalau sideways. Naik turun dgn range yg lumayan. Perlu di eksplore tuh.


Atas hal ini ada sedikit gambaran mengapai si empu nya EA Adenan aka Agustinus Adenan mensetting filter Friday "false" agar tidak kena imbas floating dan atau gap yang bisa berdampak negatif di pembukaan market pada hari seninnya.

:) keep spirit gan.
This morning a little bit later after my last post i saw for the first time three orders open at once.
As i said, what i have noticed is, that when two orders are open, it can take several hours with no
new orders at all.
Also i have noticed that it opens 1 order every hour on the clock, and the only time it stops from opening
new ones is the reason above.
But since there is 100 maximum orders, i dont understand why such behavior.
With the settings you are using, it opens one order every time?

Many posibility..
1st, maybe u restart your MT4, when u restart and there's OP, it will do OP again, and not in right sequence and right pipstep.. eg. its already open 15 step, then u refresh your MT 4, when your MT 4 start, it do OP from beginning 0.02 lot (OP can be at same place at 15 step) , but at comment said its step 16..
2nd, try deactivate "allow dll import" because sometimes broker send fake signal to EA..
3rd, EA only will open 1 order every hour if you put on TF H1.. I put EA on TF M1, so order open every minute.
4th, there's no limit how much OP on EA (but you can limit it), but broker can limit how much OP you have, and also limit max volume from 1 OP (eg. max 100 lot). eg. at E*NESS, max OP is 100, and max vol. from 1 OP is 1.00 lot
5th, check pipstep, if you put ZERO at pipstep, it can make OP at same position.

I've no problem with EA, so far so good.. its just bad broker, who seem make some kinda "break" when about to touch TP, and thats what make my account getting MC..

Ane turut sedih gan akun agan kena SL hunt, hmmmm....

Iya pair EJ cenderung koreksi harganya lumayan dan aktif kalau sideways. Naik turun dgn range yg lumayan. Perlu di eksplore tuh.


Atas hal ini ada sedikit gambaran mengapai si empu nya EA Adenan aka Agustinus Adenan mensetting filter Friday "false" agar tidak kena imbas floating dan atau gap yang bisa berdampak negatif di pembukaan market pada hari seninnya.

:) keep spirit gan.

Ane pake 2 broker, yg di broker ijo tewas, sementara di R*bo lancar2 aja.. padahal di jalankan pd waktu yg hampir sama (hanya beda beberapa detik), jd spt-nya memang ada rem di broker ijo klo mau hit TP..

Spt-nya klo Friday dibuat false, selain yg agan bilang, jg krn market cenderung trending, jd berbahaya tuk pakai EA ini..

Ane skr coba FT :
- EJ, pakai Jecksen, setting : pipstep 3 (klo adenan 30), lot exponent 1.667, TP 7 (klo adenan 70), lot awal 0.01..
- GJ, pakai Jecksen, setting : pipstep 3 (klo adenan 30), lot exponent 1.333, TP 7 (klo adenan 70), lot awal 0.01..

Di BT bisa 3 stlh beberapa kali error, tapi di FT minimum 7, klo di set 3 dia tdk akan keluar TP-nya alias error.. Baru muncul TP-nya stlh OP ke 2..

Seminggu test sih hasilnya lebih baik dari EU, dan DD-nya lebih rendah juga.. Mungkin masta2 ada yg bisa bantu BT settingan itu, di tempat ane tdk ada datanya tuk BT.. Klo hasil BT kena MC, ane mo ganti settingan, jd biar menghemat waktu FT...
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OK. Thanks for your reply.
Did not know that position opening depends on the time frame you are running this EA.
I do not have such limits from my broker.
I will try your suggestions about the dll, and i will lower the pipsteps, to see if i can make it open
more positions.
Thanks for your reply.
OK. Thanks for your reply.
Did not know that position opening depends on the time frame you are running this EA.
I do not have such limits from my broker.
I will try your suggestions about the dll, and i will lower the pipsteps, to see if i can make it open
more positions.
Thanks for your reply.

If you use Jacksen, at 5 digit broker, put (eg.) pipstep 3.. If you use Adenan, put (eg.) pipstep 30..

Here's my setting for EU using Jacksen EA with 10k balance :


And dont forget :
1. Put on 2 chart : 1 chart for BUY only, and other chart for SELL only..
2. Change Magic #.. It have to be different on each chart..

Your welcome and wish you luck.. ;)
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I ma testing Jacksee too and this one is worst in position opening :)
I have now changed the settings to the ones you gave me to see how it works.
But i did not know it needs to be put in two different charts for Buy and Sell.
No need for manual changes besides Magic Number in order to trade both, besides two charts?

And do not tell me that i have to do so with Adenan too :) cause i am pretty sure it opens both orders :)
Last example today.
Now regarding Adenan, i have made the changes i told you above like you suggested, but it still opens
only one trade on the hour....
Many posibility..
1st, maybe u restart your MT4, when u restart and there's OP, it will do OP again, and not in right sequence and right pipstep.. eg. its already open 15 step, then u refresh your MT 4, when your MT 4 start, it do OP from beginning 0.02 lot (OP can be at same place at 15 step) , but at comment said its step 16..
2nd, try deactivate "allow dll import" because sometimes broker send fake signal to EA..
3rd, EA only will open 1 order every hour if you put on TF H1.. I put EA on TF M1, so order open every minute.
4th, there's no limit how much OP on EA (but you can limit it), but broker can limit how much OP you have, and also limit max volume from 1 OP (eg. max 100 lot). eg. at E*NESS, max OP is 100, and max vol. from 1 OP is 1.00 lot
5th, check pipstep, if you put ZERO at pipstep, it can make OP at same position.

I've no problem with EA, so far so good.. its just bad broker, who seem make some kinda "break" when about to touch TP, and thats what make my account getting MC..

Ane pake 2 broker, yg di broker ijo tewas, sementara di R*bo lancar2 aja.. padahal di jalankan pd waktu yg hampir sama (hanya beda beberapa detik), jd spt-nya memang ada rem di broker ijo klo mau hit TP..

Spt-nya klo Friday dibuat false, selain yg agan bilang, jg krn market cenderung trending, jd berbahaya tuk pakai EA ini..

Ane skr coba FT :
- EJ, pakai Jecksen, setting : pipstep 3 (klo adenan 30), lot exponent 1.667, TP 7 (klo adenan 70), lot awal 0.01..
- GJ, pakai Jecksen, setting : pipstep 3 (klo adenan 30), lot exponent 1.333, TP 7 (klo adenan 70), lot awal 0.01..

Di BT bisa 3 stlh beberapa kali error, tapi di FT minimum 7, klo di set 3 dia tdk akan keluar TP-nya alias error.. Baru muncul TP-nya stlh OP ke 2..

Seminggu test sih hasilnya lebih baik dari EU, dan DD-nya lebih rendah juga.. Mungkin masta2 ada yg bisa bantu BT settingan itu, di tempat ane tdk ada datanya tuk BT.. Klo hasil BT kena MC, ane mo ganti settingan, jd biar menghemat waktu FT...

Turut bersedih atas satu akun yang tewas.

Untuk info aja, dari forum sebelah katanya trader banyak loss/MC di GJ.
GJ itu pergerakannya liar.
Tapi kalo ente bisa jalanin dan profitable di GJ, beta akan ikut juga.
I ma testing Jacksee too and this one is worst in position opening :)
I have now changed the settings to the ones you gave me to see how it works.
But i did not know it needs to be put in two different charts for Buy and Sell.
No need for manual changes besides Magic Number in order to trade both, besides two charts?

And do not tell me that i have to do so with Adenan too :) cause i am pretty sure it opens both orders :)
Last example today.
Now regarding Adenan, i have made the changes i told you above like you suggested, but it still opens
only one trade on the hour....

Adenan / Jacksen open in 2 chart, BUY only and SELL only so u can took profit from both position, and it also decrease your drowndown.. ;)


I attach my Addenan setting (no trade on Friday).. Attach it on 2 chart (BUY only and SELL only) at TF1 .. No need to change other things, beside Magic Number and turn off "Allow dll import" in both chart .. :)

I use Jacksen so I can trade on Friday.. And using that setting my account can survive from yesterday Friday nightmare on EU..:rofl:

But because that nightmare, now I use Adenan (so I can turn off trade on Friday) and decrease start lot to 0.01 (from 0.02).. I think it will more safer.. :blush:



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Turut bersedih atas satu akun yang tewas.

Untuk info aja, dari forum sebelah katanya trader banyak loss/MC di GJ.
GJ itu pergerakannya liar.
Tapi kalo ente bisa jalanin dan profitable di GJ, beta akan ikut juga.

EU ane tewasnya karena faktor broker gan.. dijalankan di 2 broker yg beda pada saat yg sama, yg satu aman2 saja, yg satu tewas.. :banghead:

GJ and EJ masih dalam uji FT gan.. Klo bertahan 1 bulan, baru berani masuk real... Biar tdk jantungan.. :D
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EU ane tewasnya karena faktor broker gan.. dijalankan di 2 broker yg beda pada saat yg sama, yg satu aman2 saja, yg satu tewas.. :banghead:

GJ and EJ masih dalam uji FT gan.. Klo bertahan 1 bulan, baru berani masuk real... Biar tdk jantungan.. :D

Ane pake 2 broker, yg di broker ijo tewas, sementara di R*bo lancar2 aja.. padahal di jalankan pd waktu yg hampir sama (hanya beda beberapa detik), jd spt-nya memang ada rem di broker ijo klo mau hit TP..

Wah... penyakit broker paling ngenes kejadian begitu... turut prihatin gan.. secara kita mesti ikut rule mereka,
sependapat banget dengan masalah REM saat mau TP, saat berbalik arah NGEBUT nya minta ampun... ane sering perhatiin di akun ane juga..
masih kena badai floating di level 13 nih, op BUY di EU. Ada yang sedang mengalami juga?

Sama gan ada floating BUY di EU.. cuma ane LEVEL 5.. TP nya di 1.09461.. agan TP brp?
kalau tadi pagi sempat kena Floating sampai LEVEL 9 tapi sudah TP.