Dear Tanaka san
Thank you very much for response my email. I will explain roughly about parameters first :
·EA Type : RSI or RANDOM , When RSI will need to follow RSI condition below. When Random, only price move.
·RSI (Period) : Place 1stSell / Buy based on RSI(Period)
·Random : Randomly place 1st Sell or Buy
·Auto Buy : True/False : Allow EA to Buy automatically
·Auto Sell : True/False : Allow EA to Sell automatically
·Lot Exponent : To determine the Lot exponent 3rdorder . The 1stand 2ndorder are same lot
·Lots (Lot) : Initial Lot
·Take Profit(Point) : Count by Point (Exclude Spread)
·Profit 0 (Order) : Example EA are openning 5 trades, the trade 6th will calculate Lot size to make 5 openning trades become 0 Profit if hit Target (set by TakeProfit)
·Pipstep (Point) : When price are moved N Points , the EA trigger Buy/Sell . Exclude Spread.
·Order Buy Max (Order) : Maximum number of Buy position
·Order Sell Max (Order) : Maximum number of Sell Posistion
·Timeframes : Determine how RSI’s preiod
·Apply to : Open or Close price or bar/candle
·OPEN BUY <= : System will trigger Buy if Price move N points and RSI(Period) < this parameter
·OPEN SELL >= : System will trigger Sell if Price move N points and RSI(Period) > this parameter
System Logical :
1.Setup initial Lots for Intial Buy or Sell (Buy/Sell 1) by RSI(2) AND Price move XXX Point from when Auto Trading Enabled.
2.Price move N points (PipStep) AND RSI(Period) is : EA will open 2nd buy/sell and modify TARGET PRICE of combination Buy/Sell 1 + Buy/Sell 2. So both Buy/Sell 1 and Buy/Sell2 will have same TP
3.Price move N points : EA will open 3rd buy/sell with new Lots = LotExponent * Inital Lots and modify TP of Buy/Sell1 , Buy/Sell2, Buy/Sell3 so all 3 Positions will have same Target Price.
4.Continue until MAX Open Order is hit.
5.Buy/Sell determine by Random or RSI (Period)
6.There are 2 button : BUY LIMIT and SELL LIMIT and one Manual input Limit Price . This is to trigger last order to balance all Pre-Openned Positions and Modify TP of ALL positions to same TP (see images 2). This is key thing when want to system to SOFT CLOSE all position , will open last buy Manually by technical analyst .
Please help to add some features :
1.Start time , Stop time
-Before Start time , After Stop time : : OPEN BUY <=0, OPEN SELL >=100 : So AUTO TRADING Still keep enable without need to Stop.
-Between Start time and Stop time : Follow by Parameter
2.Add options to start Exponents Lot number from which orders (examples Exponents from 4thorders,…)
3.Option to select BUY&SELL , ONLY SELL , ONLY BUY
4.Basket Profit to close all orders same as your EA3strategies
5.STOP EA (SOFT STOP) Before Red news N hours
Thank you very much
Best regards