Thanks let me check and revert.
Thanks let me check and revert.
Hi Balaram. May I know if you have tested this set file? It has not disappointed me at all so far. Very happy with this & I am very tempted to increase my fixed lot size. Hope you and others find it useful.No problem, Balaram. See attached.
Not sure if you'll like it though as it is NOT perfect.
I basically go for a safe option - no martingale, fix lot size 0.01 no multiplier, no use_attack_martin or any other danger options.
I am only after for 10-20 pips with stop loss around 30-50 pips but note that I do sometimes close position manually during high volatility.
Run it on M5 chart with H1 filter.
Please read this.
i must say it was very good but sometimes the news doesn't make the price go crazyH
How was news EA? Good?
i must say it was really good ea but when the news doesn't make the price go crazy example lest say news already comes out but the previous (news) and actual (news) is the same the effect will not that good need some tweaks to make this ea really really good if Mr. tanaka can code the ea to read previous and actual news it would be hella greatHello pu
Hello puturex,
Any update on the test results of this EA? Is it worth trying on a live account or still needs some more demo tests?
Please read this.
Just download indicator and use the new version attached.
New version EA reads the HMA indicator file in your MT4 Market folder.
If you want to use this EA in VPS, you need to download the HMA indicator in VPS.
OK, you use the old version EA, right?Mr Tanaka, no use replacing the file, I downloaded the indicator plus the error continuesView attachment 79903 View attachment 79904 View attachment 79905 View attachment 79903 View attachment 79904 View attachment 79905
here all ahmad setfiles, copy to mt4 included profiles, experts, presets, from mt4 select profiles 1pair, that run together sometime make hedge and make dd low, 3 day test at demo tickmill so far so good!b2JFmIZI!G85D2ib__g2UKbs_xC_FRCAVp-_As_ROk7smZwM-qtA
Dear all, I am observing this thread which is led by Respected Sir Tanaka San and a major contribution from Ahmed Khan and a few others, I am checking regularly most of the EA prepared by Mr. Tanaka. I noticed most of the EA here are based on various type of indicators. The fact is that the average accuracy of the majority of indicators is not more than 50 to 60%. Resultly the EA based on indicator will do the same accuracy, but with the martingale, we only increasing its accuracy to 80%. but if one martingale is stuck in the trendy market it will blow the account easily. It is Mr. Tanaka greatness that he makes every request responsive. Some of the members frequently requesting EA on repainting indicators. It is very easy to know if an indicator is repainting or not. Just apply the indicator on a chart and save that chart as a {tester.tpl} >now when you try any EA in the strategy tester will open up with that specific indicator you saved(please select visual mood). through this way anyone can see the behavior of an indicator if it is repainting or not? I request you all not rely on a single indicator only and do not request EA based on a single indicator only. Yes some time the combination of indicators do good job. Instead, you explore your manual trading strategy/Ideas which you practiced for a long time and its winning rate is more than 85%. Mr. Tanaka is here to convert that Idea into automation/ EA. I appreciate Ahmed Khan and a few others who always exploring trading logic which producing a good result. This will definitely reduce the extra burden on Mr. Tanaka and together we can develop some good EA utilizing multi brain through this thread. I will try my best to post some results of the EAs so we can improve it further. One last thing. Keep serving Mr. Tanaka San with coffee because the nicotine in coffee boost his super brain as he is the only one here converting your ideas into automation. Many thanks
Dear celioI have several orders open with this EA HMA & Force and some are negative if I stop the EA, how should I do, in case I change the EA in the graph the orders will not be changed correctly.
Dear celio
I think you should not use the Martingale EA in live account without Demo test.Martingale is EA is very dangours if it change the market you should use the EA to avoid news time.
Best of luck