I have an idea for first improvement of big open losses. In Super arrow there is a problem that first two trades are sell&buy but after that, if markets goes in bad direction, EA add only buy trades and no sell trades. At this case, after some time, there is horrible situation. But first rule of all trading, manual & automatic as well, is PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL. ANd adding to lossing position without any other inteligence is WAY TO HELL and exact the opposite way. Trust me, I know it from my manual trading. When I learned rule No.1, I finally find the profitable way. So, we can't add to lossing trades & also some stop loss for that trades isn't also the way because entry signals are old and at this situation there doesn't work any strategy to show you how far the stop loss will work.
The only way should be minimize your losses.
There could help us some system of hedging.
What is first idea of this EA? Make a $1. With starting of 0.01lots. And this should be still the main idea. Why I need 50lots position to make $1? It's a stupid way.
My idea of hedging is this:
If we open BUY trade 0.01 and it goes against us (for example 50 pips), we open another BUY trade 0.02 pips. OK. At this moment we have BUY 0.03 lots. If price still goes agains us 50pips, we open BUY trade 0.04lots & also SELL trade 0.06lots. At the same time. OK. AT this moment we have 0.07lots BUY & 0.06lots SELL and loss $20, what is nothing important. And now, we can wait for our profit. If market reverse finally back and goes UP, we still have together positive 0.01lots, as on the begining, when we want to make $1. And if price goes against us, we have just 0.01lots negative what is not WAY TO HELL, every 100 pips it's loss $10. And after some defined pips. For example 200 pips, we can try to open another group of trades in double size but also, if it goes agains us, we make one hedge trade in opposite direction.
I think, with this system, we can rescue from a really long long trend moves..
For sure, during this recovery process we still can open SELL trades from SELL signales because if first group of BUY trades still isn't in profit, it means, we are probably in long down trend and we can profit from SELL trades.
If Mr. Tanaka can make something like this in some EA, it could be very helpful.
We don't need to make a lot of money on one pair. We need to make a money in long term run and you can acumulate profits from more pairs with little drawdown..
I hope, it will be helpful for all..