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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Because all EA make from buffer signal indicator and indicator repaint, sometimes will have a ghost signal, sometimes will hedging, if anyone can make EA use scricpt maybe no have this problem, some indicator use basic indicator ( rsi, stochastic, bb, bullbear, MA ) this maybe use scricpt better like superarrow, 60sec, dynasty. but for bstrend and megafx cannot make use scripct
View attachment 69232 martingale blow out account
Dear Himmy,With die respect I would like to inform you that all the martingale EA must be Blown your account today or tomorrow.Recently maximum EA made by Akiko are Martingale attack option.so I think you can think how to avoid Martingale and make profit by single order.best of luck.
Mr Tanaka what meaning use order distance and shift_RG=1 and shift_superarrow=1 ?
order distance is to avoid many orders. For example, order distance=5pips means 2nd order has to be more than 5pips away from a previous order.
shift 1 means if the indicator signal comes, then an order is placed in next bar (candle stick), Shift=2 means signal comes, then after 2 bars, an order is placed. This is Mr. fotios requet.
The EA 60sec doesn’t work, or I can’t get it too..lol.. can you please fix it... I manually trade with 60sec indicator it is good.. thinking a EA with it would be really good... here is the indicator again too if you need..
Thanks Tanaka you are awesome..
This is 60sec with new templete.:ok:


i still wait revision :
1. superarrow
2. dafa mtf rsi
3. the dynasty trader
Here you go. :D
I fixed attack martin bug, so you can change N of attack martin =1 for safety.
BTW, I can not find EA_dynasty trader, can you past URL which I uploaded in this thread?


Tanaka san,

EA_super_arrow_RGstar(revA).ex4 also does not work on Friday because of the same bug you mentioned, I think.

And I think "EA_mega_fx (revA)" is very profitable.

Is it possible to combine attached "FL11.ex4" with "EA_mega_fx (revA)" as one of options for profit taking ?
This indicator shows us over sold and over bought,and really works for 30M chart , 1H and 4H.

SamTborn, I added FL11 indicator.
But both of them are repaint ones, so I don't know if it works good. Please play with it anyway.

PS. Please put FL11 indicator file in your indi folder to run the EA.


Good days Mr tanaka,
I just use EA Ilan Trioks, it look ok, but can you adjust little bit for me, just add true or false at every indicator, so i can choose ti use it or not,

Thanks Lot Master Tanaka.


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