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Done ya pakkendala masih tetap pak , mohon di bantu ne . buat trading bsk pagi.
ip teamviuwer dan password saya kirim kemana ne , saya tunggu

Done ya pakkendala masih tetap pak , mohon di bantu ne . buat trading bsk pagi.
ip teamviuwer dan password saya kirim kemana ne , saya tunggu
-Remove some annoying alerts
-Remove some settings to avoid misunderstanding
-Reduce latency setting. You can adjust it to sweet your need.
Do not use too many accounts at one VPS. You may need to reduce latency if you load to many MT4 copier in one VPS, to ensure copier stability.
Please post the feature suggestion in this tread. We will try our best to implement your suggestion.
This EA Copier is free forever for SocialVPS.net user.
This EA Copier is also free for everyone for a...
Silakan download versi terbaru masom soehoe tidak bisa di pakai eanya..
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Di hatimudimana pak
You can order a Standard VPS with 1G RAM for this EA and if there are problems in installed please contact me via PM . I will be help you Livehi i not understand indonesia language, and translator is not clear, someone can explain me how i can use this copier trade ? i see need pay one VPS for have free ? but what plan vps have many solution.
Menurut saya, EA ini kerjanya ringan aja mas. Tidak jauh beda dengan EA pada umumnya. Tinggal minimalkan chart yg dibuka aja. TF besar aja. Show pair yang perlu aja.Mau tanya, apakah ea copier ini membutuhkan resource banyak? seumpama saya pakai paket classic pro dan di kasi mt4 kira2 13..
Tentu masMas Agus Mardiyanto sy adalah pengguna social VPS, daftar langsung ke situsnya. Apakah diizinkan utk menggunakan forex copier ini utk seterusnya?