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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
! EA_YK_Filter_News

Tested ! EA_YK_Filter_News 2.7

No permission to download
Pake set yang dikasih jadi jinak banget ini EA
Tapi ya akibatnya low risk low gain hahaha
Baru aku running seminggu siy, jadi monitor lagi belum coba2 ganti setting
Pair yang recommended apa ya?
Gw cobain GU, EG, EU
Lot awal kecil, kalau pasar lagi sideways membosankan. Hasilnya kecil. Tapi baru terasa manfaatnya saat pasar fluktuatif, modal terjaga dan kalau badai sudah lewat, hasilnya baru mantap...
Lot awal besar, pasar sideways hasilnya langsung terasa, tetapi saat pasar fluktuatif jantung bisa copot... :D

Jadi monitor manual ya
Pas sideways kasih gede lot nya, begitu fluktuatif kasih kecil
Manual manual manual
Jadi monitor manual ya
Pas sideways kasih gede lot nya, begitu fluktuatif kasih kecil
Manual manual manual

Saya nggak berani gan, modal pas-pasan dan pasar susah ditebak. Sementara ini saya selalu pasang lot kecil, yang penting konsisten hasilnya...
Hi all

Been reading all threads but its dificult to understand even with Google translator!

I have the EA running but i have some questions that i cant get solved cause i dont speak the language, so, i will leave my question here and if someone can help me it will be much apreciated!


* Standard ECN account with $200

- LOT ?





--- Seems like the EA its set on default for Cent Account

* Cent Account with $100 " 10.000 Cents "

- Same questions as above!

Thanks a lot to all ppl that helped to clear this out!

Hi all

Been reading all threads but its dificult to understand even with Google translator!

I have the EA running but i have some questions that i cant get solved cause i dont speak the language, so, i will leave my question here and if someone can help me it will be much apreciated!


* Standard ECN account with $200

- LOT ?





--- Seems like the EA its set on default for Cent Account

* Cent Account with $100 " 10.000 Cents "

- Same questions as above!

Thanks a lot to all ppl that helped to clear this out!


let me try tor help you

- LOT ? "its mean lot size your trade on each open order"

-USEMM ? "its mean Money Management so if you set it true EA will calculate the lot size from your balance depending KETAHANANPIPS"

- KETAHANPIPS ? "its mean how much pip will be use " in example if i have $1000 and i set KETAHANAN pip 15000, so EA will calculate how much lot size will be use to reach 15000 pip from your balance"

- TARGET IN PERCENT ? "its daily target i think, if you have $100 on balance or start on day and you set target 50%, it mean if your profit reach $50 your EA will be stop and not open any order again until change a day

- RISK IN PERCENT ? "its mean if you have $1000 of equity and your set RISK on 10% so if your equity drop to $900 ($1000*10%) EA will close all order no matter profit or loss"
Thanks for your help trand, but i didnt explained myself properly!

I know what all those terms means, i dont know is if we should have it on or off.

I think was nice to have one example for a ECN $300 account.


EA in Standard ECN account with $300 Equity

- LOT i think this one is obvious 0.01

- MM on or off

- Ketahanpips value

- target and risk in percent values

again thanks for your help
how to use this set file?
I assume that you already know how to install this EA on MT4, after you drag and drop on specified pair new window will open, choose input an load the set file that already shared, you can choose OK and you ready to go

New update, I have just check my account it got MC tonight so let find really best set file together. Or you can turn off the EA if there is really really big news like today
Kadang news tak terduga bisa membuat pair bergerak lebar
kalau ea gak ada pengaman dan melawan trend sebab news bisa kolaps
apalagi ketahanan kecil bisa mc cepat-cepat
Tahan banting MC di GU..
Ea ini..
Bertahan dengan DD mentok di 62%..
Mantap gan..
Hebat ea ini..
Padahal modal dan lot sama..
Ajib bener..

Semoga bertahan hidup ea nya..
Thanks gan mastah yg udah mau share set file nya.. :D
baru sebulan makai ea ini dan masih bertahan. Tapi ini posisi open masih ada belum close padahal sudah dua minggu. lama juga yah close nya pair EJ dan GU
baru sebulan makai ea ini dan masih bertahan. Tapi ini posisi open masih ada belum close padahal sudah dua minggu. lama juga yah close nya pair EJ dan GU
Sabar Mas...tunggu panennya nanti :D
Makin floating maka TP lumayan,tidak ingin MC dan membatasi kerugian ? Gunakan Max Risk saja
Akun akun saya Alhamdulillah masih survive 4 bulan terakhir cuma profitnya ga wah bangeet :lipssealed:
Sabar Mas...tunggu panennya nanti :D
Makin floating maka TP lumayan,tidak ingin MC dan membatasi kerugian ? Gunakan Max Risk saja
Akun akun saya Alhamdulillah masih survive 4 bulan terakhir cuma profitnya ga wah bangeet :lipssealed:
maaf yang di maksud Max Risk bagaimana itu gan ?
Permisi mau tanya gan..EA ini sudah bisa di download ya ? Bisa di pakai di broker apa baiknya gan ?dengan standard minimal modal berapa? tolong share pengalaman di broker apa yg recommended..trims