soehoe aja tetap gunain ea ini ,Apa yg membuat Gan masih terus mencoba EA ini, meskipun sdh bbrp x MC? (penasaran hehehe)
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
soehoe aja tetap gunain ea ini ,Apa yg membuat Gan masih terus mencoba EA ini, meskipun sdh bbrp x MC? (penasaran hehehe)
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Setuju....hehehe, mungkin karena EA resminya forum soehoe ...
mantab dong gan, apa mungkin tingkat kesuksesan ea juga bisa bergantung pada jumlah modal yang dipakai ya gansoehoe aja tetap gunain ea ini ,
EA YK FILTER NEWS with 40% profit after 2weeks run on demo acc hotforex..
Coba aja gan, barangkali cocokEA YK ini bisa di insta forex?
this is my review for ea >>>> XM 1:888 micro >>> manual lot 0.01 for every 50$ and forextime cent account 1:1000 >>> manual lot 0.01 for every 40$ and fbs cent account manual lot 0.01 for every 50$ ..... any std 1:1000 >>0.01 for 5000$ or 1:888 >> 0.01 for 6500$ >>> i test in real accounts past 3 months after 15 of oct till now >>> thanks SoeHoe for this good ea ...... about settings as normal ... anly 45 befor news and 60 after and mm false
thanks alot
Wa'alaikumussalam you can put another pair but recommend GU for best result bro [emoji3]alsalam alikom guys
I downloaded it but GBPUSD TF h1 only ? or could use with other pairs please ?
Yes 24 works on vps with default set or you can change another sett up to you.thanks for your reply so GBPUSD TF h1 24 vps works with news with default settings or should turn it off with impact news ?
EA YK FILTER NEWS with 40% profit after 2weeks run on demo acc hotforex..
Nothing to hide, I am still use this EA with custom set file.
As we all know you can not backtest this EA only FT, mine using real money
I would like to share the set file but let share your opinion about this EA using my signal
(there is big DD in MQL5 because I use standart set file while las month using new set)
You can monitor this
using new custom set file, all running 24H![]()
Aku juga mau dong mas, nuwunMas Yusri, bisa tolong sharing dong settingan EA YK Filter News, kalau bisa minta screen shot.Thanks sebelumnya