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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Hello guys,

I would like to submit a problem that will certainly also be useful for new users of this thread.

Today I went very close to STOP OUT.

For this I would like to know; $ 3000 on EUR / USD apart from the STOP OUT percentage ?

Because in my case, which I use FBS at 20% STOP OUT, I can actually use $ 2400.

So to get $ 3,000 I'd have to get $ 3800 which minus 20% (STOP OUT) is $ 3040.

Is this so ?

I hope I explained myself.

Sorry for my bad English but I'm using a language translator.

Thank you all and happy weekend
Would you share your set here to see what you mean ? may be we can help here.
Thank you for your reply.

Then ; EA default set, $ 3000, 1: 1000 leverage, 20% stop out.

So the question is; do I have to have $ 3000 in my account excluding leverage and stop out ?

I use social vps but modified setting (all set false except UseAutoLots & UseStartingTime with "true") a little bit to make it suitable for my self. and Yess as recommendation 0.01 lot for 3000 from soehoe with default. more than that is good to make your drawdown low and you have to change maxaveraging level set to suitable for you.
karna saya pakai laptop dirumah sndiri gan hidup 24jam. mumpung ga trpakai dan ada jaringan intrnet yang aktif 24jam jg.. jd ini saya pakai sbg penganti VPS.

dr rule dan koment bbrp yang sdh saya baca, memang penggunaan modal 3000$ utk 1 pair eurusd cukup pakai set default. hanya saya ksulitan jika seting dengan modal cent yang balancenya akan melebihi angka 3000$ diatas. sprti contohnya 500$ mnjadi 50000$cent.
apakah yang dirubah hanya lot saja? atau ada yang lainya.. mohon infonya
Wah bisa jebol laptop di running 24 jam tiap hari mas hehehe... lot akan mengikuti modal centnya secara otomatis. misal dengan modal 50rb cent dg set 0.01 per 3000 itu artinya lot startnya akan menjadi 0.16 . Nah dari sini nanti mas bs liat kekuatan modal dengan lot tersebut saat terjadi trending hingga misal level 13 & nilai profitnya setelah dia clear.. klo cocok pertahankan set tersebut.
can you please elaborate more about the EA trading and what is the issue you have fact it
Than you have to read all discussion here to know that. it's easy to get set file that suitable for some people but may be not for you. you have to try it first on demo. what i share with some people here based on my experience with that. You will much learn from our discussion here and you can ask if you have an issue than we glad to help each other here.
Been testing the EA Tahan Banting V3.2 since 21 May 2020 to 30th May 2020. Having 7 pairs at M5. with 0.01. Deposit was 5,000 with a VPS being online 24/7 online. The ending profit was 4,567. with open trades on -195 Making NET Profit of 4,372. That makes it 87.44% in 7 days!
See attached pic.

- Uses martingale, However, the codes are very sharp to safeguard profits. It can close a high risk lot to slip it in small lots anytime it predicts market changes.
What can i say about the robot, its a holy Grail.


  • Screenshot (8).png
    Screenshot (8).png
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I use social vps but modified setting (all set false except UseAutoLots & UseStartingTime with "true") a little bit to make it suitable for my self. and Yess as recommendation 0.01 lot for 3000 from soehoe with default. more than that is good to make your drawdown low and you have to change maxaveraging level set to suitable for you.

Thank you master,
UseAuotoLot "False"
UseAutoLots "true"
UseStartingTime "true"
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Been testing the EA Tahan Banting V3.2 since 21 May 2020 to 30th May 2020. Having 7 pairs at M5. with 0.01. Deposit was 5,000 with a VPS being online 24/7 online. The ending profit was 4,567. with open trades on -195 Making NET Profit of 4,372. That makes it 87.44% in 7 days!
See attached pic.

- Uses martingale, However, the codes are very sharp to safeguard profits. It can close a high risk lot to slip it in small lots anytime it predicts market changes.
What can i say about the robot, its a holy Grail.

That's an impressive result. This is demo account or real account? Any myfxbook link to show? *smile*.
What broker leverage are selected for your account & forex broker used?
Pls do share your 7 pairs settings individually. Thank you so much for the newbie brother.
Wah bisa jebol laptop di running 24 jam tiap hari mas hehehe... lot akan mengikuti modal centnya secara otomatis. misal dengan modal 50rb cent dg set 0.01 per 3000 itu artinya lot startnya akan menjadi 0.16 . Nah dari sini nanti mas bs liat kekuatan modal dengan lot tersebut saat terjadi trending hingga misal level 13 & nilai profitnya setelah dia clear.. klo cocok pertahankan set tersebut.

Perlu dirubah kira2 set defaultnya atau sdh auto lotnya nanti menyesuaikan dengan balancenya?
. I am looking for the help regarding EA trading so I have find out forexrobotrading. Can I take their service. They are reliable if anyone has taken the service contact me.
om, ada yang bisa bantu EA nya sudah ane donlot dan di running untuk saya test, tapi masih belum open posisi? kenapa yah... mohon bantuan