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misal :Ketika kita close manual ketika profit pada EA tahan banting, akan ada masalah gak pada EA nantinya??
ada 3 posisi sell floting minus
asa 2 posisi buy floting plus.
maka close manual ketika 2 posisi profit, tidak ada masalah.
misal :Ketika kita close manual ketika profit pada EA tahan banting, akan ada masalah gak pada EA nantinya??
guys some one answer
1- which paris good result on this EA
2-Which time frame
3-minmum deposit we can to start & how many paris set
4- anyone have good result sharing setfile
thanks & regards
Halo , saya pakai EA ini dengan Social VPS. Saya mau tanya apakah lot size kita akan di adjust sesuai dengan besar equity kita ketika masuk posisi? Misalnya akun berisi $3000 , lot yang dimasukkan apakah otomatis di sesuaikan dgn sendiri nya? Yg pasti nya dgn dana $ 1000 tentu nya jumlah lot nya juga akan berbeda ? Trima kasih
just run this EA don't need set take profit.how to set take profit please
hiSoeHoe submitted a new resource:
EA Tahan Banting - EA yang tahan Trend sepanjang apa pun dan Sideways selama apa pun
Read more about this resource...
[QUOTE = "Profitsfactor, post: 384750, member: 81204"] EA Hardiness I think there are some oddities
1. sometimes some TP buy and sell positions become 1000 points (if it appears like that I close it manually and refresh)
2. if the price moves fast there are some positions without TP (I close it manually)
3. The key to this EA is not to " RATS ".
I deposited $ 5000 18 feb 2020
MARCH 17, 2020 $ 7199.90 PROFITS $ 2199.90
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
EA Hardiness in my opinion there are some oddities
1. sometimes some TP buy and sell positions become 1000 points (if it appears like that I close it manually and refresh)
2. if the price moves fast there are some positions without TP (I close it manually)
3. The key to this EA is not to " GREEDY ".
my deposit is $ 5,000 February 18, 2020
MARCH 17, 2020 $ 7199.90 PROFITS $ 2199.90
[ATTACH = full] 111742 [/ ATTACH]
[ATTACH = full] 111741 [/ ATTACH] [/ QUOTE]
WH YOU MEAN BY #3? thnks for sharing
I am newbie, here. Sorry that i have download the
EA Tahan Banting 3.2 .
I not sure is it the latest one. By the way, I dun have Social VPS, so is not automatic configure.
Can guide me how to configure the settings?
How to join SocialVPS also?
sayaEmang sudah ada yg bisa pakai selain di VPS yg di sarankan mas soehoe ???plz jawab
make dimana tuh omsaya
https://soehoe.id/resources/ea-tahan-banting.5/EA TB jika dijalankan menggunakan akun cent dengan modal $ 300 atau 30000 cent apakah aman dan bisa profit untuk sekarang ini
Klau bisa setting default nya apakah ada yang harus dirubah seperti initial deposit,base equity,lot dll
Jika bisa tolong share set file nya donk...
silahkan docoba dulumake dimana tuh om. setau saya kalau make EA TB di luar dari VPS yang disaranin, beberapa fitur dan fungsinya ngk akan jalan
Just Drop & Drag into your EurUsd chart with default set or you can use Social VPS to make Auto set & just running.HI how to activate this EA ? I already downloaded .
Saya udah baca2 mashttps://soehoe.id/resources/ea-tahan-banting.5/
silahkan dibaca dulu dan pelajari thread2 yang ada agar tidak mengalami hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti yang lain alami karena malas membaca.