• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

kalau menggunakan time filter , saat waktu habis , apakah transaksi yang masih ada otomatis close sendiri ? makasih
transaksi akan tetap buka sampai TP tercapai.. setelah TP tercapai, dia tdk akan OP lagi bila waktunya habis.. :)
mas resa, boleh tau setting adenang itu waktunya gimana yaa? kalo saya mau pake EU pas sideway aja berarti jamnya gimana> pake robiforox cent
amiiin gan...
ni cobak FT pakai setting high risk...
awal OP langsung o.26 lot.
tanpa sopir full otomatis 24 jam
modal 3.000 cent
sekarang sudah jadi 8.600 cent. running hari senin sampai sekarang terima kasih gan wisnu karena udah share EA nya

GAN boleh inbox indinya yang dipakai donk....sprtnya ciamik ttuh...
saya nyoba tiap awal tahun selalu drop sampe MC ya? mohon petunjuknya.....
sebenarnya kalo agan pelajari sejak pejwan, mungkin dpt ditarik kesimpulannya. semisal kapan harus di on off kan, lot sekian, pair apa saja dll. sudah banyak pembahasannya sih Gan, dan dikembalikan ke selera masing, kalo saya pribadi lebih suka test demo pake ft, kalo bt modal perharinya harus sama, krn dengan modal yg sama akan dpt diketahui kekuatan balance nya, kalo modal tdk ditarik semisal bt hari pertama pas kondisi sideways ringan pasti untung, tp kalo hari 1 kebetulan langsung masuk tren panjang pasti akan wafat.
Thanks om wisnu sharing EA nya, sy baru nyoba 2 hr ini. kmrn 1 hr profit 990an cent, modal 10.000 cent mantap bgt, krn ada news juga mungkin ya News EU sama USD . sy setting yg aman ikut sharenya om nikimura.
nah srkrng hari jumat, EA nya kan di setting utk trading jumat "True" tp posisi nya berhenti setlh order hr kamis close. abis itu ga open posis lagi ya. trus sy utak atik jam Friday hournya: jam waktu server saat itu, bias tu open posisi lg. tp setlh clear all berhenti lagi. saya ganti lagi jam nya jalan lagi. dan berhenti lg klo udah clear.
itu gmn ya biar seting pas hr jumat bis 24 jam running?

thanks sebelumnya.
BTW cara colek om wisnu and om nikimura gmn ya di post ini? hahaha newbie di forum ini soalnya
mas resa, boleh tau setting adenang itu waktunya gimana yaa? kalo saya mau pake EU pas sideway aja berarti jamnya gimana> pake robiforox cent
klo manggil pake tanda @ depannya gan jd misal ane panggil agan Arya Prasetyadi ane nulisnya @ Arya Prasetyadi (antar @ dan A tdk ada spasi).. nanti muncul deh di "notification" ane.. :D

Ane set jam sideway di robo jam 22 s/d 06 waktu server atau jam 2 pagi s/d 10 pagi WIB, krn jam London buka jam 15 WIB... Ane set di jam 10 pagi, biar klo msh ada yg ke floating, diharapkan dalam waktu 5 jam floating-nya sdh close semua.. Jadi saat London market buka, posisi sdh clear..

GAN boleh inbox indinya yang dipakai donk....sprtnya ciamik ttuh...

Thanks om wisnu sharing EA nya, sy baru nyoba 2 hr ini. kmrn 1 hr profit 990an cent, modal 10.000 cent mantap bgt, krn ada news juga mungkin ya News EU sama USD . sy setting yg aman ikut sharenya om nikimura.
nah srkrng hari jumat, EA nya kan di setting utk trading jumat "True" tp posisi nya berhenti setlh order hr kamis close. abis itu ga open posis lagi ya. trus sy utak atik jam Friday hournya: jam waktu server saat itu, bias tu open posisi lg. tp setlh clear all berhenti lagi. saya ganti lagi jam nya jalan lagi. dan berhenti lg klo udah clear.
itu gmn ya biar seting pas hr jumat bis 24 jam running?

thanks sebelumnya.
BTW cara colek om wisnu and om nikimura gmn ya di post ini? hahaha newbie di forum ini soalnya

Hati2 klo pake EU dgn settingan agan nikimura.. Sdh beberapa kena MC gan.. Klo agan baca dari awal, agan pasti tau klo settingan apa yg bakal MC, setingan yg mana yg bisa bertahan, pair-nya sebaiknya dimana, dll... Coba agan cari2 settingan lain, caranya klik di "thread mark" di atas gan, disitu nanti muncul macem2, mulai settingan, EA, indicator, dll yg sdh pernah di share di trit ini..

Tuk Adenan, memang sering mogok kerja di hari Jum'at gan.. Ane skr pake EA Jacksen (cara kerjanya sama), tp dia ga mogok kerja di hari Jumat alias bisa running 24/5...
resa, do you still use the same setup with eurjpy?
It started good at some point, but lately it goes bad.
I am using your setup on the 1M time frame.
I have open positions from 1st of the month :)
With 0.01 lots the losses were at some point -31 euro. Today it is down to -19 euro.
It does not look good so far :)
I do not know if with lower Take Profit the result, would have been different.
I find the TP 70 a bit high, but i am following your recommendation :)
Have you been getting the same results lately?
dear fxillions, can you provide any statement of losses, which i can compare with my trading, i am doing this same e.a. with different type of settings and i can get idea about the loss which you have faced
some people did trade with 0.10 qty, gbpusd, one of the trader , shared his password, which yielded 7 times to his capital 100 cent to 700 cent in 1 month, he used only gbpusd with settings 0.10, avg 100 target 100 , multi fact 2.
I need to make a correction here.
The above results so far are from testing the same setup in different time frames.
They are from M15 and H1 with only one cart with long and short together.
These setups have open positions from 3d of September.
The ones from M1 have open positions from 1st of September :)
I am attaching a statement from 26th of August. Started one day earlier but there are too many
other orders, from different setups, so could not provide the info.
You will see it started good and the results were great at some point.
Now the floating covers the profit so far :)

Well i cant upload detailed statement :) so ill give ya a screenshot.
I have added all the history in a rar file with all the trades.
All the trades are from the M1 Time Frame.
Pay attention also, that the trade does not take place in a 24 hrs basis.
So the results could have been a lot more different in this scenario.
Also while the time frame is M1, you can see that the amount of positions are not as many as i thought
they would be.
I was expecting many more trades.

Conclusions are yours :)


resa, do you still use the same setup with eurjpy?
It started good at some point, but lately it goes bad.
I am using your setup on the 1M time frame.
I have open positions from 1st of the month :)
With 0.01 lots the losses were at some point -31 euro. Today it is down to -19 euro.
It does not look good so far :)
I do not know if with lower Take Profit the result, would have been different.
I find the TP 70 a bit high, but i am following your recommendation :)
Have you been getting the same results lately?
I use TP 70, because at my R*boF*rex, minimum TP is 70 points (7 pips).. So if I use TP 30 points (3 pips), TP at terminal show zero, a.k.a no TP.. If at your broker allow taking TP 3, then better use it.. More faster reach TP is better.. BTW I use Jacksen, if you use Jacksen TP is 7, not 70...
Definitely i will lower the TP and keep monitoring the eurjpy.
I should be running parallel, one with a stop loss EA. Would have been great to make a comparison.
I am using adenan and i have stopped trading on fridays. Bad history so far on fridays :)
klo manggil pake tanda @ depannya gan jd misal ane panggil agan Arya Prasetyadi ane nulisnya @ Arya Prasetyadi (antar @ dan A tdk ada spasi).. nanti muncul deh di "notification" ane.. :D

Ane set jam sideway di robo jam 22 s/d 06 waktu server atau jam 2 pagi s/d 10 pagi WIB, krn jam London buka jam 15 WIB... Ane set di jam 10 pagi, biar klo msh ada yg ke floating, diharapkan dalam waktu 5 jam floating-nya sdh close semua.. Jadi saat London market buka, posisi sdh clear..

Hati2 klo pake EU dgn settingan agan nikimura.. Sdh beberapa kena MC gan.. Klo agan baca dari awal, agan pasti tau klo settingan apa yg bakal MC, setingan yg mana yg bisa bertahan, pair-nya sebaiknya dimana, dll... Coba agan cari2 settingan lain, caranya klik di "thread mark" di atas gan, disitu nanti muncul macem2, mulai settingan, EA, indicator, dll yg sdh pernah di share di trit ini..

Tuk Adenan, memang sering mogok kerja di hari Jum'at gan.. Ane skr pake EA Jacksen (cara kerjanya sama), tp dia ga mogok kerja di hari Jumat alias bisa running 24/5...

Thanks mas resa, wah iya saya blom baca2 semua si baru sampe page 10an jd coba yg ada di page itu dulu deh hahaha, ok nanti sy buka threadmark deh.
Ane pake EJ gan.. lebih sering bolak baliknya.. TF M1, set : lot 0.01, lot exp. 1.33, TP 3 (Adenan 30), PipStep 3 (Adenan 30)... Tapi ane pake additional lot klo market sideway (mulai 21 Agustus 2015).. jadi ada 4 chart, 2 chart (buy only dan sell only) tuk 24 jam dan 2 chart lagi (buy only dan sell only) tuk jam sideway, settingan sama.. Tapi kemarin kena cut loss gara2 di utak-atik jadinya lupa, trus salah setting jam tuk additional lot-nya, harusnya jam sideway, start jam 2 pagi, tutup jam 10 WIB, ane set jam tutup di jam 10 juga, padahal jam server itu seharusnya jam 6 pagi, akibatnya keseret sesi London.. Yg cut loss di real account, klo yg demo ga salah setting, jd harusnya yg real acc ane spt ini.. :banghead:


mas resa mau tanya donk, masi bingung yg setting diatas itu pake EA jacksen kan mas? Trus cara set biar buy only ato sell only itu gmn nya?
bukannya EA ini sama kyk adenan yg opnya sesuai closing candle M1, klo close candle up brarti op buy dan sebaliknya?
Trus klo utk setingan mas resa modal brp biar aman bisa pasang 4 chart? makasih mas