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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

socialvps.net not allowing neteller , can anybody suggest how to make payment for this vps, because from india, we are unable to do any bank wire transfer it is restricted, kindly suggest
socialvps.net not allowing neteller , can anybody suggest how to make payment for this vps, because from india, we are unable to do any bank wire transfer it is restricted, kindly suggest
Maybe you can use paypal for purchase,or maybe you can contact moderator,cause if we talk about it too long,it would be out of theme...
any broker who gives bonus which is used for floating loss when we trade using adenan e.a., for example, if we put 10000 usd, the broker gives 100 % bonus, we can do 0.02 qty as starting, and the drawdown comes from the trading can be beared by the bonus amount, we will manage all the draw down from bonus itself, and we can realize the gain of capital of 20,000 usd. so the markets goes up or down,, irrespective of floating losses, we can make huge dollars in this ea., and maybe after the lots calculation that bonus also possible to withdraw, since this e.a, closes all trades in gain only, so we get that bonus amount also profitable capital, and our capital is double once the required volume is done, same time, the profits which we get are the real bonus
any broker who gives bonus which is used for floating loss when we trade using adenan e.a., for example, if we put 10000 usd, the broker gives 100 % bonus, we can do 0.02 qty as starting, and the drawdown comes from the trading can be beared by the bonus amount, we will manage all the draw down from bonus itself, and we can realize the gain of capital of 20,000 usd. so the markets goes up or down,, irrespective of floating losses, we can make huge dollars in this ea., and maybe after the lots calculation that bonus also possible to withdraw, since this e.a, closes all trades in gain only, so we get that bonus amount also profitable capital, and our capital is double once the required volume is done, same time, the profits which we get are the real bonus
What broker give 100% bonus?
I think if it have SL, then martingale will be useless, since this EA profitable when you got floating.. This EA is not smart EA, if smart EA, then we need stoploss.. :)

But i do not use martingale either way :). I have it turned off.
All trades are with multiplier 1.
I was using martingale when i first started testing this EA with my own settings, and back then it just did
things worst, so i had it disabled.
And with the new setting have not tried it yet.
Will give it a go tonight to see how it performs.
KTP yg saya uplod itu d tolak gan,udh sampe 4x d uplod tp ttap aja dikirimin email verfikasi d tolak,alasannya foto kurang jelas,,
saya jg berulang2, habis itu cari2 ketemu caranya
KTP nya minta di foto jgn di scan, pas fotonya pegang aja diatas telapak tangan terus 4 sisi sudut harus keliatan jelas di foto, gak usah di edit2, terus biar aja ukurannya besar yg penting sesuai batas max uploadnya
sama kalau buat verify addressnya juga susah, sim gak bisa, tagihan air jg susah, kebetulan saya ada stnk yg sesuai nama sama alamat baru diterima verify address nya, kalau ada bisa di coba
sedikit curhatan newbie perihal verifikasi
kalo bagi newbie verifikasi itu merupakan hal paling menakutkan.
1. Alamat di KTP berbeda dengan actual
2. biaya tagihan listrik, air dll bukan atas nama newbie (karena pd waktu newbie tinggal di alamat KTP tersebut status nya NUMPANG)
3. untuk tempat tinggal actual skrg, segala macam tagihan tidak ada yang atas nama newbie, karena mengikuti nama pemilik lama rumah.
4. rekening bank newbie merupakan bank yg berada di kampung halaman newbie jaman dahulu kala, skrg newbie telah menetap di tempat perantauan newbie dan masih menggunakan account bank tersebut.

tapi syukur lah si Merah kaga perlu verifikasi jikalau melalui IB.
Thanks to TS,
EAnya gila abis, saya coba FT dalam sehari tembus 60%, ganas abis, dan tidak menyisakan floating. Profit factor 22,58 DD 2,48% :clap:
luar biasa :party:

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