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saya pakai 0.02 Alhamdulillah lewat, tapi begitu sudah OP di level 21, EA nya saya off kan. deg deg an juga.10k, 0.01 lewat kah buat senin sama rabu kemaren yg pada modar? pip step sama tp nya brp gan?
saya pakai 0.02 Alhamdulillah lewat, tapi begitu sudah OP di level 21, EA nya saya off kan. deg deg an juga.10k, 0.01 lewat kah buat senin sama rabu kemaren yg pada modar? pip step sama tp nya brp gan?
what about pepperstone?
modal berapa om?hanya mau memberi informasi saja, pakai jacksen start tgl 2 sampai sekarang sudang profit 60%, full 24 jam on vps, badai news beberapa hari ini terlewati. sekian terima kasih
$100 jadikan cent di robo, adenan tewas, jacksen berjaya.modal berapa om?
kok bisa ya, padahal kan adenan dan jacksen cara kerja nya sama? apa yang membedakan?$100 jadikan cent di robo, adenan tewas, jacksen berjaya.
semua petunjuk sudah disampaikan oleh om wisnu.
saya tidak paham logic nya, mungkin om wisnu bisa menjelaskannya.kok bisa ya, padahal kan adenan dan jacksen cara kerja nya sama? apa yang membedakan?
Waktu itu ane pake 0.02, tapi akibatnya harus ane setirin gan, dan ane lolos.. Tapi berdasarkan pemantauan klo pake 10k, lot 0.01, pip step 3 (klo adenan 30), TP 3 (klo adenan 30) aman.. coba aja di BT tuk 1 minggu - 2 minggu kemaren saat EU menggila... Lihat max DD-nya lewat dr 10k tdk..10k, 0.01 lewat kah buat senin sama rabu kemaren yg pada modar? pip step sama tp nya brp gan?
Actually pepperstone razor is the new ECN account that i did open a couple of hours ago
So far all three positions closed in profit.
But of course it is a bit early making conclusions.
I opened an account there, because their commission was 3.5 AUS $,
just to realize a few minutes later that their commission is in round turn lot.
Since i am new in ECN and commissions i had no idea what that was, only that i was getting
charged the double.
So i looked it up, and the way it works is, you pay the commission twice, when you open a trade and then when you are closing it.
How sick is that lol. Is the any chance to open a trade and leave it always open, so that you are going to get charged the half of it?
Why dont they say from the start that the commission is 7 AUS $ per lot.
And not 3.5 AUS $ per round lot.
Perhaps i am missing something else here, but i didnt get into trouble looking into it
Now in a comparison between the two accounts, standard and ECN, sometimes the difference is huge,
to a point the standard opens a sell and the ECN opens a buy.
I had seven open trades Sell in standard account, all are losing at the moment, and some of them big time, the trend is up from what i see, and few minutes ago it opened another Sell.
It seems the EA in the ECN is smarteropened a buy position and closed it in profit in a few seconds.
Thats my observations and remarks for today.
Ane pikir sih sama gan, yg menyebabkan tewas adalah perbedaan posisi OP, sehingga TP berbeda.. Yg 1 account agan sempet sampe TP, yg 1 lg tdk sempat sampai TP krn harga keburu berbalik lagi.. Klo mau komparasi, agan harus jalankan pada saat bersamaan, sehingga dia OP pada saat bersamaan.. Ane kira klo spt itu, hasilnya akan sama krn agan pake broker yg sama.. Beda dgn kasus ane, pake jacksen di 2 broker beda, dijalankan saat bersamaan, yg 1 tewas, yg 1 selamat.. Jadi broker ane yg bikin MC itu broker kacau, karena ditempat lain kena TP, di broker ini dia ngerem sehingga harga keburu berbalik..saya tidak paham logic nya, mungkin om wisnu bisa menjelaskannya.
yang jelas settingan jacksen yang dimodif ini lebih simple dari adenan
nanya donk,gmn ya caranya bikin EA berhenti OP pada target tertentu,karna kalo di set dengan waktu aja kan masih ada posisi yg terbuka..
I running on Friday too now.. Yesterday I was afraid to running it on Friday, because Friday before yesterday Friday is disaster... But last Friday I run this EA, and its ok.. You can see my trading journal, link at my signature.. FYI, at my trading journal I also share my test at demo account using Jacksen at another pair..So far in pepperstone razor it runs good. But this one has 0.8 spread so its a bit different from the ICMarkets
with 0.
The commission though is still high with 5.2 per lot.
resa is there a reason why you are not running the EA on Fridays and instead you are using the Jacksen?
You are saying that both ea's are similar and adenan has an option for trading on Friday's.
So why not using that the whole week?
Coba pakai EA Sentry di Forum ini.. Semacam Close At Profit, tapi punya kemampuan tuk menghentikan EA, juga mematikan MT4 bila target tercapai.. Target-nya sendiri bisa ditentukan apakah berdasarkan Equity atau Balance..nanya donk,gmn ya caranya bikin EA berhenti OP pada target tertentu,karna kalo di set dengan waktu aja kan masih ada posisi yg terbuka..
I running on Friday too now.. Yesterday I was afraid to running it on Friday, because Friday before yesterday Friday is disaster... But last Friday I run this EA, and its ok.. You can see my trading journal, link at my signature.. FYI, at my trading journal I also share my test at demo account using Jacksen at another pair..
Coba pakai EA Sentry di Forum ini.. Semacam Close At Profit, tapi punya kemampuan tuk menghentikan EA, juga mematikan MT4 bila target tercapai.. Target-nya sendiri bisa ditentukan apakah berdasarkan Equity atau Balance..![]()
I think if it have SL, then martingale will be useless, since this EA profitable when you got floating.. This EA is not smart EA, if smart EA, then we need stoploss..Yea i remember that Friday. Things did not go that well.
And its not like other EA's cause it does not have a stop loss.
So things can turn a really angry turn in a moment blowing away all profit in a flash.
I would prefer it to have a stop loss. It is a safer option i believe.
if I got floating, usually I move TF, from M1 to H1 / H4 / D1.. more simple..it is better to increase average value to 300 and target as 200 in the time of data, by disabling previous charts, this is better option