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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Pakai settingan TS gan, cuma diganti lot dan jam open closenya aja :ok:
hari ini mau coba turunin lot dan ganti akun $1000, dan ganti jam terbangnya
Pakai settingan TS gan, cuma diganti lot dan jam open closenya aja :ok:
hari ini mau coba turunin lot dan ganti akun $1000, dan ganti jam terbangnya
bagus sih klo disupirin gan.. jam sideways bisa gede lot-nya.. klo jam trending hati2 aja.. jg klo Jum'at.. mantap brow.. (y)
lagi saya coba lepas supir gan, kmrn si sempet ada gede2 lotnya, krn sideway juga saya lihat, tapi untungnya close semua, kayaknya kl news high impact mendingan matiin saja ya, jumat kira2 yang bagus maksimal nyala sampe jam brp ya gan?
lagi saya coba lepas supir gan, kmrn si sempet ada gede2 lotnya, krn sideway juga saya lihat, tapi untungnya close semua, kayaknya kl news high impact mendingan matiin saja ya, jumat kira2 yang bagus maksimal nyala sampe jam brp ya gan?
klo pake lot gede, mending Jum'at off gan, krn kadang di Kamis masih ada floating, bisa keseret trending.. Klo mau sih, gini aja, set Trade on Friday = false, terus nanti klo OP-nya sdh close semua (yg kena floating mulai Kamis), baru dijalanin lg stlh ganti lot-nya ke yg terendah tuk running di Jum'at 24 jam.. ntar klo kira2 sdh sideway di hari Senin ganti lagi lot-nya (stlh OP Jum'at-nya clear)..
ane udah sering mc pake ea marti gan
ane dulu spt itu jg gan, krn biasanya marti nya berdasarkan fixex pip step.. artinya dia naik / turun (misalnya 10 pips), dia OP.. klo model spt itu gampang kena mc.. klo yg ini, krn dia bergerak berdasarkan candle, msh lebih bertahan gan.. Ini sih hanya berdasarkan pengalaman ane, nanti sih krg tau jg gan.. :rofl:
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Hi Brekz,

Very nice result. What did you change about the lot size, multiplier, Pip step, and trading hours in this ea to avoid long floating loss and avoid big news events? Can you please post such setting to share with us?

This ea is really profitable, if we can control its' drawdown and big floating loss during big news time.


klo pake lot gede, mending Jum'at off gan, krn kadang di Kamis masih ada floating, bisa keseret trending.. Klo mau sih, gini aja, set Trade on Friday = false, terus nanti klo OP-nya sdh close semua (yg kena floating mulai Kamis), baru dijalanin lg stlh ganti lot-nya ke yg terendah tuk running di Jum'at 24 jam.. ntar klo kira2 sdh sideway di hari Senin ganti lagi lot-nya (stlh OP Jum'at-nya clear)..

yup bener, nanti saya coba prakteken, makasi masukannya gan :clap:

Hi Brekz,

Very nice result. What did you change about the lot size, multiplier, Pip step, and trading hours in this ea to avoid long floating loss and avoid big news events? Can you please post such setting to share with us?

This ea is really profitable, if we can control its' drawdown and big floating loss during big news time.



lot 0.01 to 0.1, and also try multiplier 1.33 to 1.1, no change pipstep, trading time i try open 10.00 and close 18.00, and i avoiding high impact news 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after, it would be great, i just use setting same as thread owner, i just make a little bit change that i wrote earlier

small DD maybe because of my big amount deposit, i think this ea good for sideway

please use setfile thread owner, is best setfile i think, also depend on what broker do you play
Hi Brekz1,

Thanks for information.

Now, I can see that you reduced lot multiplier to reduce total lot sizes if ít comes to many levels.

Also, ít is good to stop using this ea 30 minutes before and after big news time.

But if you are having open orders with some floating Losses, do you decide to close all those open orders for some Losses about 30 minutes before big news time comes? Or you just keep those open orders? I want to learn this experience from you.


Hi Brekz1,

Thanks for information.

Now, I can see that you reduced lot multiplier to reduce total lot sizes if ít comes to many levels.

Also, ít is good to stop using this ea 30 minutes before and after big news time.

But if you are having open orders with some floating Losses, do you decide to close all those open orders for some Losses about 30 minutes before big news time comes? Or you just keep those open orders? I want to learn this experience from you.



Yes, exactly what i mean, for floating losses, i prefer to close all, we dont know what happen at news effect,
if i dont close all, and i have floating losses, and news effect direction opposite with my floating losses, its make my floating losses to be worst,
its why i prefer to close all 30 minutes before high impact news, and start again 30 minutes after high impact news

Mantap gan. Mari kita lanjutkan eskplorasi EA ini

yuk mareeeeeee agannnnnn, semangatttt
Yes, exactly what i mean, for floating losses, i prefer to close all, we dont know what happen at news effect,
if i dont close all, and i have floating losses, and news effect direction opposite with my floating losses, its make my floating losses to be worst,
its why i prefer to close all 30 minutes before high impact news, and start again 30 minutes after high impact news

yuk mareeeeeee agannnnnn, semangatttt
marti 1.1 sangat soft. cocok buat yang ingin trading santai
berikut ini hasil akun dengan $1000 cuman hasil hari ini saja
profit factornya wow abis 130.91 dan DD 0.04%
dari semua EA yg pernah saya coba, cuman yang ini bisa kasih profit factor 130.91 :clap:
dan lagi2 tanpa floating loss, semua diselesaikan dengan damai, bersih tidak ada floating tersisa :party:

dengan hanya memakai setfile orginal empunya thread, dengan memainkan open dan close hournya saja :giggle:

screenshot-{domain} {date} {time}.png
Hi Brekz1,

1. Yes, I understand your point to stop floating big losses that can happen after big news has come out. It's good discipline.

2. Your above forward-testing results are so good in terms of steady profits, but very low drawdown = almost no risk because of this too low drawdown. You said that 1,000 usd account is mini account, or pro-cent account ?

Also, the which eas are you running with such good FT low drawdown, if you can share your experiences?

Thanks a lot for your helpful information, my friend !

Have a nice and great winning day !


By the way, if we see Lot Multiplier = 1.1 is too soft, we can use Lot Multiplier = 1.2345, it is moderate. 1.2345 is in middle of 1.1 and 1.33.

The main point is to keep our accounts SAFE at all times, and then profits will pour in our account for us to withdraw it to put in our POCKET. Lol

Best regards,
Hi Brekz1,

1. Yes, I understand your point to stop floating big losses that can happen after big news has come out. It's good discipline.

2. Your above forward-testing results are so good in terms of steady profits, but very low drawdown = almost no risk because of this too low drawdown. You said that 1,000 usd account is mini account, or pro-cent account ?

Also, the which eas are you running with such good FT low drawdown, if you can share your experiences?

Thanks a lot for your helpful information, my friend !

Have a nice and great winning day !


Yes, correct, $1000 in mini account, im planning to test on cent account, hope give same result :party:


By the way, if we see Lot Multiplier = 1.1 is too soft, we can use Lot Multiplier = 1.2345, it is moderate. 1.2345 is in middle of 1.1 and 1.33.

The main point is to keep our accounts SAFE at all times, and then profits will pour in our account for us to withdraw it to put in our POCKET. Lol

Best regards,

if you dont want to change lot multiplier, you can try change pip step order, keep our account safe too :party:
maff ini eanya kok ga bisa di di bt ya? kira" masalahnya kenapa? mungkin ada yang tau?
atau ea ini ga work di spread 2-3 pips?
mohon pencerahannya. thx