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New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

OP sampe level brapa gan? ane masih 15
Ane di 15 jg gan.. Msh aman..

alhamdulillah masih running ok dan sejauh ini masih profitable. kemarin uda tak WD profit nya 50% dari balance awal.
kemarin malam sempat terfloating sampai 13 level akhirnya TP juga.
set up masih tetepa pakai "profitable" risk tak naik kan 4%
View attachment 3936
Wah... mantap.. panen neh... (y)
Ane di 15 jg gan.. Msh aman..

Wah... mantap.. panen neh... :ok:
tak syukuri saja, asal target bulanan bisa tercapai sudah lebih dari cukup.....:rock::rock::rock:
untuk bulan ini malah lebih... EA jalan blm genap 1 bulan running sudah 60% total profit nya.
klo pakai modal 30.000 cent bisa kita target kan 2.000 sampai 3.000 untuk profit harian nya.
trims mas bro wisnu uda share EA ini....:ok::ok::ok:
level 15 sisa margin level berapa persen? punya ku dah kurang 500% kayaknya siap2 close all aja dah:cry:
udh sampe 2,55 gan seremmmmmm hehehehehehe

balance awal dan balance terkhir berapa gan?
klo lebih dari 10.000 atau minmal 15.000$ inshaa ALLAH masih aman nahan floating.
set parameter rubah pakai set "profitable' aja gan...
ama cek margin level nya sisa berapa %....???
klo sudah masuk 300% siap2 inject dana baru atau kemungkinan terburuk nya cut loss klo levedl margin sudah ndak mampu
level 15 sisa margin level berapa persen? punya ku dah kurang 500% kayaknya siap2 close all aja dah:cry:
Loh kok tinggal 500%? Pakai modal ama leverage brp gan? Margin lvl ane masih di 2500%-an.. Modal 12rb, leverage 1:1000...
I just realize, that if u using jacksen, you should put 1000 at "Target Percentage".... If using standar setting at "Target Percentage", martingale wont works..

You can use AdenanScalping EA or Jacksen EA (sometimes AdenanScalping not do OP at Friday, but jacksen do OP).. Search for those EA and "SupperAman" setting or "Profitable" setting for AdenanScalping EA and "jacksen set" setting for jacksen EA at threadmark .. Recommended at EUR/USD pair, TF M1, using 10k balance ($10k at ECN/STP/Standard account or $100 at cent account) with leverage 1:500 (higher leverage will be better)... Set MT4 at vps so EA can works 24/5, then put EA that you choose (AdenanScalping OR Jacksen) on 2 chart, 1 chart for "buy only", and 1 other chart is for "sell only".. Turn off "allow dll import" so broker wont send fake signal to that EA.. and after that, sleep well and get profit around 30% - 40% per month... :rofl:
Dear resa2410,
if i use $100 at cent account you mean that it will return $30 or $40 /month? Is it right?
hi, please guide me about adenanscalping ea best setting, i just know english, so i have difficult in reading posts, please use english fully guide me really thanks.
Dear resa2410,
if i use $100 at cent account you mean that it will return $30 or $40 /month? Is it right?
Yes.. Around that.. I already got almost 600 USDCent just with trading 2 day with 10k USDCent balance.. Note: that 1k balance is 10% bonus from broker :rock:


hi, please guide me about adenanscalping ea best setting, i just know english, so i have difficult in reading posts, please use english fully guide me really thanks.
See my guide at this post : Guide ;)

Sell sudah clear lagi.. Panen profit neh.. :party:
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