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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Maaf nih agan2, ane ga maksud spam di trit ini, hanya pas edit, sy ga bs taruh kalimat dibawah gambar, jadi-nya pakai reply.. Kirain seperti biasanya, double post akan langsung di gabung..

Berita lanjutan untuk EU, posisi clear semua dalam posisi opit, apakah itu kebetulan ataukah memang EA-nya yg jago dan bisa berfikir klo dia pasti kena di TP ya... :whew:

Ini hasil hari ini.. Walau masih demo account... :party:
please what is the best setting for small accounts like 100$
klo ke floating yang OP SELL berarti chart kedua pakai setting " ONLY LONG " y gan...???
tapi menurut aq sih... klo pakai setting risk 2% dan pip step nya 30 pakai modal minimal 100$ ( 10.000 cent ) aman meskipun akan running 24 jam.
terfloting jauh pun masih kuat utk nahan,,, punyaq tadi tak cut loss karena sudah masuk ke level 23 ,,, dan margin level % nya tinggal 100%.
dari pada kena MC tak cut loss pada saat yg tepat... alhamdulillah masih aman sampai sekarang.
klo mau lebih aman lagi pakai minimal modal 200-300$....
bisa tidur nyenyak dan enak makan....:D:D:p:p
please what is the best setting for small accounts like 100$
Saya baru tahu kalau yang di share disini masih HitmanV3-Light. Saya dulu donasi, dan minta dibuatkan Hitman-LightV2, yg di lengkapi TS dalam bentuk $ dan ada fitur Cut-Switch-Martingale (bila terkena SL, akan OP kebalikannya yg bisa di martingale). Mungkin mastah resa2410 lupa share. Ini saya share Hitman-LightV2, tdk ada expired date dan bisa digunakan untuk account real.

Mungkin perbedaannya seperti di gambar yang saya beri kotak merah :


Semoga bermanfaat.


Saya baru tahu kalau yang di share disini masih HitmanV3-Light. Saya dulu donasi, dan minta dibuatkan Hitman-LightV2, yg di lengkapi TS dalam bentuk $ dan ada fitur Cut-Switch-Martingale (bila terkena SL, akan OP kebalikannya yg bisa di martingale). Mungkin mastah resa2410 lupa share. Ini saya share Hitman-LightV2, tdk ada expired date dan bisa digunakan untuk account real.

Mungkin perbedaannya seperti di gambar yang saya beri kotak merah :

Semoga bermanfaat.
thanks sis Sisca Yuliasari ...
fyi om resa2410 ngambek gegara beliau merasa member diforum ini kurang menghargai beliau sis :banghead:
[QUOTE = "Vishnu, post: 25 420, member: 1469"] May of next forum. vps just plug in and enjoy the profits.
Pair EU, TF M1, broker 5 digit, gak perlu dinsopirin[/QUOTE]
Thank you for sharing the strategy.
Michald: Hi, I used Adenan how to suggest in previous comment (used your .set), but for me survive for 4-5 days, after blow the gain :(. How to use it? Manual intervention? stop during news? Close all positions after a little gain? ecc. ecc.

I ask you, How to use for the best trading?

Thanks a lot :)
Hi, Hitman-Fans ;)
Does anyone own the code / MQL Source File of the Hitman V3 Light and would share it please?!
Trying the EA for many weeks now. But after investigating the trades in detail, Hitman is not that stalbe as it should...
Michald: Hi, I used Adenan how to suggest in previous comment (used your .set), but for me survive for 4-5 days, after blow the gain :(. How to use it? Manual intervention? stop during news? Close all positions after a little gain? ecc. ecc.

I ask you, How to use for the best trading?

Thanks a lot :)
Hi, I do not know how it looked at you, I still use this EA and so far no surprises. It works almost 1.5 month and running 24/4 because it operates on Friday 12.
I do not shut the no positions let alone fully EA work just like I said I work on a micro account and with minimal profits which, after all through this period of work gave me a return of 80%
Michald: Hi :) , thank you for your answer...Only little question, but how do you do to avoid that your account blow out? Which strategy do you use? Thank you so much
I think that in order to reduce the risk of several ways:
1. Accordingly big capital on small stakes
2. Using EA only at night in order to avoid market data.
3. Increase in setting the distance between the positions (step)
Hi all, Hi jrc74xxx!
This might be the reason why your account blows! See this video - the last half of orders - starting from 0:00:
Sometimes the EA starts weired orders. Here I used PS 5 and it traded good for many days. Seems working well at first.
But suddenly it opened orders until the account was wiped out! Happend already with many brokers.
Often in the night... Maybe there are tickt data the EA can't handle...?!
Has anyone an idea how to solve this??
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I thought I would give an update to my previous post on page 105. Testing the Adenan High Risk Version, Demo, $10,000 starting balance, forward testing. I tested it almost exactly a month before it blew the account. However within that month it got to a point (yesterday) where it hit $102,000. Now it has 4,500 in the account. Here is the daily results. to keep it simple I only recorded the closed balance and not the equity. Each daily result was taking at the end of each trading day. There was no manual interaction, I just let the system do its thing. I have to warn everyone, while this gets incredible results, it does have major equity draw downs everyday. It is definitely high risk/high reward.


I thought I would give an update to my previous post on page 105. Testing the Adenan High Risk Version, Demo, $10,000 starting balance, forward testing. I tested it almost exactly a month before it blew the account. However within that month it got to a point (yesterday) where it hit $102,000. Now it has 4,500 in the account. Here is the daily results. to keep it simple I only recorded the closed balance and not the equity. Each daily result was taking at the end of each trading day. There was no manual interaction, I just let the system do its thing. I have to warn everyone, while this gets incredible results, it does have major equity draw downs everyday. It is definitely high risk/high reward.
you mean that it is making profits after that losses?
may i know what is the best setting for using this expert advisor and is that good for the small amounts like 1000$?