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Suggestion You will fall in love with Autofibonacci indicator

Salam and hai..

Today i want share 1 indicator that im still use till now.. we call it AutoFibonacci indicator.. like the name, this indicator will auto calculate and draw fibo in new day every day..

So far i use this indicator still in profit condition.. 7win, 3loss in 10 trades.. i use at pair EU, EJ, UJ, Time frame H1..

When enter in new day, this indicator draw for you level fibonacci and tell you where to put pending order, where TP and SL.. how to know sell or buy? Dont worry, if you see the line of fibo green thats mean buy, and red for sell..

So, dont waste your time read my babbling, download and try it your self.. you will love it.. hahaha

"Hit like if u like, hit me if u dislike"

Selama siang,

Saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih telah memberikan teknik Auto Fibo berserta keterangan disetiap garisnya. sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih.


Ridwan S S.kom
Did u manage to get the password?
I can't find the download link? Can someone point me to the link for download?
Thank you.
See page 6, post113. I asked password from ascoty 2 days ago, but do not receive the password. Ascoty do not visit our forum long time. His last post was 10 February 2016.
Salam, smoga smua diberi keberkahan... Maaf klw saya lama ga Online, ada kesibukan lain. Passwordnya akan saya kirim nanti selepas shalat jum'at. Nanti saya akan buka tread sinyal gratis, smoga smua berjaya :ok::ok::ok:
Karna banyak yg inbox, Passwordnya saya share aja di profile.. [HASHTAG]#susahbalesnya[/HASHTAG] ;)
Leenazen, wrong tread....:ok: this's not compile room... ;)

Hanya analisa saya saja... SELL EUR/USD TP 1.12440 SL 1.13018... [HASHTAG]#jagaMM[/HASHTAG]

16 April.jpg
SELL again EUR/USD TP fibo correction dan TP minus OP pertama.. lebih mudah lagi pake EA close all... salam jum'at

16 April OP2.jpg
19 April.jpg

Signal jum'at kena SL tapi tergantikan dengan fibo break... Alhamdulillah $ 38, dikit2 lama2 menjadi bukit... Next Sinyal SENEN, SELL STOP EUR/USD 1.12721 TP 10 pip ++, atau BUY LIMIT 1.2449 di Break FIBO (tapi tunggu waktu London start), baru bisa lihat arahnya kemana... [HASHTAG]#fibonya[/HASHTAG] dipercantik dikit biar enak liatnya