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Suggestion You will fall in love with Autofibonacci indicator

maaf, seperti yg saya tulis distatus sebelumnya... password silahkan lihat di profile page saya, disana sudah saya berikan, karna pesan yg tidak dapat saya balas satu persatu.

Signal SENEN kemaren rulenya : SELL tidak tersentuh di sesi LONDON, BUY LIMIT tidak dapat juga.. maka sinyal BUY di S/R Fibo 61.8, cuma saya tadi telat.. dan ini pun saya Order BUY nya jg telat.. mudah2an tidak kena SL.. ;) [HASHTAG]#jangandiikuti[/HASHTAG]
18 April.jpg
i'ts fibo... just see correction and trend... :ok:
gota SL last night, SL to close.. Now AUD/USD Strong BUY after Break FIBO... TP 1... EUR/USD if crash FIBO Break it'll be strong BUY... TP 1.. Good Luck

19 april.jpg
Selamatkan dlu sebagian opit... lanjut BUY EUR/USD ... target TP 1 [HASHTAG]#janganlupatrailingstop[/HASHTAG]

19 april 2.jpg
dikit lagi TP....

19 april 3.jpg
Dear sir, please share your password here. We thank you very much
Nih gan link yg baru comot aja dibawah...
(Password PM aja)
Dulu trading juga make fibo + trend.. modal jg $ 500, tiga tahun jadi $ 10.535... bisa beli boil.
Yang penting ya itu Kontrol Emosi dan MM yg benar...
Selasa kemaren profit udah $ 70an... sebenarnya udah $ 80an tapi karna ada minus jadi $ 70an .. ;)
Klw modal $ 500 target perhari ya ga banyak2.. $ 10, ntar klw udah $ 600 an naikin lotnya dikit dan targetnya... trading dari jam 3-5 sore atau jam 8 - 10 malam

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Good Luck :talking:
Tintrantin93 don't u read my last status.... password show on my profile page. [HASHTAG]#tomuchinbox[/HASHTAG] :ok::ok:
Clear for today $ 182.... Good Luck All... have a nice day... istirahat dolo [HASHTAG]#janganserakah[/HASHTAG]
19 april clear.jpg
Try first... u'll find the rule... just find FIBO correction and off course u must see the trend UP/Down.. phil peak and other just a support indicator.
surrender before trying.... ;) ;)
Now, see the EUR/USD... it's to hard to go UP.. let's see, if break down TP 1, u can order SELL.. wait for candle time.. :ok:
SELL now EUR/USD after break down TP1... [HASHTAG]#justwatchforprofit[/HASHTAG]

19 april last.jpg
doji.... set SL 25
surrender before trying.... ;) ;)
Now, see the EUR/USD... it's to hard to go UP.. let's see, if break down TP 1, u can order SELL.. wait for candle time.. :ok:
SELL now EUR/USD after break down TP1... [HASHTAG]#justwatchforprofit[/HASHTAG]

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doji.... set SL 25

pair yang sering digunakan apa.... dan ambil TP berapa pips...

Jika waktu mau entry kondisi market strong trending, time juga mendukung,
tetapi posisi candle diluar area correction apakah tetap entry op or cancel.. thanks
manual closed SELL EUR/USD last night....

19 april closed.jpg

mayoritas pair yg digunakan ya EUR/USD... lebih jinak dibandingkan yg laen...
TP, kalau lagi liatin chart saya gunakan TP manual liat kondisi market dan arah FIBO, klw ga didepan monitor sy gunakan EA Trailing Stop atau EA trade panel dengan Trailing Stop BEP 5 pip ++...
SL, biasanya 25 - 45 pip dan juga tergantung FIBO.... kadang-kadang juga tidak make SL..
Saya hanya melakukan order jika arah FIBO sudah benar dan trendnya searah dengan FIBO.
manual closed SELL EUR/USD last night....

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mayoritas pair yg digunakan ya EUR/USD... lebih jinak dibandingkan yg laen...
TP, kalau lagi liatin chart saya gunakan TP manual liat kondisi market dan arah FIBO, klw ga didepan monitor sy gunakan EA Trailing Stop atau EA trade panel dengan Trailing Stop BEP 5 pip ++...
SL, biasanya 25 - 45 pip dan juga tergantung FIBO.... kadang-kadang juga tidak make SL..
Saya hanya melakukan order jika arah FIBO sudah benar dan trendnya searah dengan FIBO.
its only break in or out only place order?
if price break s/r?
Just see break S/R and Break FIBO 100.. wait time candle, don't place order in running candle.... Now, look at pair EUR/USD, break FIBO 61.8 (S/R) trend UP... but the candle has approached the half way FIBO break 100.0.. at now i'm wait for FIBO 38.2 for BUY/SELL or not trade at this time (London Session)
i am using 2 pair for correlation.. EUR/USD and USD/CHF.. at now USD/CHF trend UP and usually EUR/USD is DOWN.. just wait for the best timing..
if U wana BUY EUR/USD.. TP 5 pip ++ ... or wait for SELL/ BUY in break FIBO 100...
if there is any doubt, I do not trade... SL/TP it's just the goal...
Just my opinion... SELL LIMIT EUR/USD 1.13836 TP in FIBO 61.8, SL 25 pip...

20 april.jpg
Just see break S/R and Break FIBO 100.. wait time candle, don't place order in running candle.... Now, look at pair EUR/USD, break FIBO 61.8 (S/R) trend UP... but the candle has approached the half way FIBO break 100.0.. at now i'm wait for FIBO 38.2 for BUY/SELL or not trade at this time (London Session)
i am using 2 pair for correlation.. EUR/USD and USD/CHF.. at now USD/CHF trend UP and usually EUR/USD is DOWN.. just wait for the best timing..
if U wana BUY EUR/USD.. TP 5 pip ++ ... or wait for SELL/ BUY in break FIBO 100...
if there is any doubt, I do not trade... SL/TP it's just the goal...
Just my opinion... SELL LIMIT EUR/USD 1.13836 TP in FIBO 61.8, SL 25 pip...

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