What you are saying is not true.
I'm working alone. I have no collaboration with any other coders!.
I wounder, From where did you get this!
I already did my Ultimate ea with my own.
Hi Oshaban,
Please re-read my post.
In the context of the quote "
Coder of this thread Ran away for always...." I said: "
That is unfortunate. The coder could have collaborated with Oshaban to create the ULTIMATE EA. Oshaban has created a Currency Strength EA of his own with a similar concept:" (emphasis added).
In other words, if the coder did not "run away forever", he
could have (future tense, hypothetical, potentially might have) collaborated together with you to create the "ultimate EA" [in the future]. And it is unfortunate that this possibility will not occur now that the coder "ran away".
And I re-iterated the fact that you worked alone:
"Oshaban has created a Currency Strength EA of his own with a similar concept:"
Please do not misunderstand me:
1. I knew you worked alone.
2. I know you are a coder with valuable skill and talent.
3. Your "ultimate EA" needs improvement, and perhaps you should consider collaborating with other coders?
4. "wounder" is spelt "wonder" (no 'u'), and do not use capital letters in the middle of sentences unless indicating a proper noun.
Your English lesson was free today.
Please do not see contention where none exists.
Kind regards,