Hi There..
Unfortunately this is not an Ea that I’m able to share it in this forum, As of yet..
The propose of my last statement is to prove and provide to everyone that Martingale, Grids, are very ‘toxic’ Ea’s and very ‘unreliable products’.
This particular model works with a concept of a ‘tick’ basis and a pure ‘price action’. It has only ‘2’ trades opened at time. always hedged from a ‘Buy’ and a ‘Sell’ in the same amount. That’s all...
This ea has been coded by me and 2 ‘quantum engineers’ from Brazil & India professors respectively majored in physics & math....
I was able and fortunate to work with them, during my last Classes course on my senior year in college. I am work with them still.
Furthermore, this particular EA works very well with accounts with 1:100 and 1:30 leverage.
Here, in this forum most of you or maybe I should saying ‘all of you’ are working in a unrealistically environment results due to accounts with ‘super high leverage’ such as 1:500/1:1000..
This type of a ‘hype’ environment are soon to be banned by brokers around the world due to new regulations coming up soon from ESMA FCA ASIC and the FTC in USA.
Not a chance for Martingale & Grids lovers EA to survive in this type of hype settings. Most of you (traders) has to migrate into a ‘non-regulated’ environment such as Belize, Cayman Island, Bahamas or other places not mentioned on my list where the regulatory environment are practical at their minimum or basically not able to be apllied. Meaning any dispute regarding your account or money invested with these brokers will no be protected from regulatory agencies and you might been losing all your funds without any legal recourse nor resources.
Welcome to a ‘Reality’!...
I’m not here to discourage anyone to pursuit their trading style or their potential in developing any Ea software that might suit their needs from this forum, but I’m trying to put everyone into a ‘realistic’ prospective that soon or later this environment is becoming very hard and complex due to unforeseen Governmental regulatory requests trying to manipulate and controlling through ‘regulations’ a possibility to make a leaving in trading foreign market exchange aka ‘Forex’.
So your next questions is where to trade and where to go.
Middle East such as Dubai, Jordan are definitely the best bet for Forex-Pro in trading mega accounts due to their ‘particular’ environment and Tax privilege in sending funds into these countries. But for the small fishes the only option available is either trading with conscious that in order to succeed in this environment the broker has to be choose wisely.
The Broker definitely would be your best friend if trusted. I’m assuming that even for ‘them’ [the Broker] should be better and less detrimental to migrate in places where they are able to support costumers into a no-regulated environment and provide you in supporting 'high leverage' accounts as well.
In doing so ‘they’ should be able to make a better business for themselves and attract more small customers into their business.
The problem then are the ‘LP’ aka - Liquidity Providers -. I’m not going to dig details regarding them [the Banks] as I might need 3 more pages of lecture here in order to be explained...
But in short, what I need you to understand is that LP’s such as JP Morgan, UBS, Goldman, etc are the main structure for brokers to be alive and to be run properly.
What I meant is they are the ‘Rulers’ in this Forex environment. They will decide which broker would be best to work with and how to kill your baby account as fast as they can.
By law the LP has to accept to take 30% losses on their financial book aka ‘Toxic’ trades. But the rest of the 70% of their financial book ‘must’ to be a ‘winner’! No games here. They will always win when chances are giving.
Here it comes your EA running in an a ‘hype environment’ in which you are giving them the best easy solution to steal your money.
First comes with Fees the you are require to pay in order to have the ‘privileged’ of an account with 1:10000000000 ....leverage
second comes the swap to hold your positions for days if not even months to keep your account alive still.
Third the possibility to run your Marti or Grid Ea’s knowing that your bets are getting extremely slimmed to be maintained when market getting adverse and consequently you will lose and their are always the winners.
It’s indeed a very sophisticate trap that they are playing at your own expenses without your knowledge.
To conclude this long lecture there are members of this forum, myself include that provides best EA with a 'common sense' and safe technique. Focusing in one particulate EA in this forum and pretending that it works best from anyone else its a wrong attitude to be approached and soon to come to realization that it is indeed a prompt product to be failure.
Hope this will help or a better understanding my position in this forum.
Thanks Jessy, or should I say Max? hahaha, yes, I know who you are from your first post ..... you are not a woman, you are not a lawyer, you are not even a good trader, you are not rich, you are not from New York, you are not even a natural citizen of the United States .
You are so heavy and misplaced, so pathetically in need of attention and a liar that you pity me.
By the way, so far you have not done anything other than exaggerate me to lie simulating great knowledge in laws and trading, which is not so because of your very serious rookie mistakes (I am a lawyer) that you try to seem true by force of affirmations. .. don't disinform anymore please.
I did not even read half of your post, very long, it is obvious that you are not for this forum, you are totally misplaced, perhaps because you are resentful of being thrown out of it before (with another name).
Are you still trying to find an EA to recover the 350,000 usd from your customers? why are you so resentful right?
You are only looking for a little attention, it shows that you have a lot of envy and resentment, surely you must be a young man desperate to try something on someone, cheating on the road many people, typical of a foreigner in the US who wants to succeed ....
I ask you please on behalf of all who do not bother with your very long post that does not contribute anything and that nobody is interested, do not write more to attract attention with exaggerations and lies .... do not be stupid, you are not the last desert coke, nobody cares about your opinion or opinions, you are nobody!
P.S. If you keep bothering, I will say who you really are and I will denounce the administrators as you have also done with other users (with your previous account).