EA Pro Night Scalp K7
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Pro Night Scalp K7
Pro Night Scalp K7 is a fully automated multi-currency advisor for trading in the Asian session. Advisor works on many strategies.
Advisor works on the basis of four standard indicators.
You decide the strategy according to your choice. Scalper or Grid. If you choose Scalper, then you must set Step = 5000 ;.
You can use Stop order, Limit Order or Buy Sell as you wish (for this you must set Buy_Stop_Limit). The grid does not work for Stop and Limit orders.
You need to set the time correctly. Example: GMT + 2 for Alpari. TimeEnd: not specified by GMT. You must set it to GMT -0. If you do not need TimeEnd, you can disable it (TimeEnd = false).
If you turn it on, try and use a demo account for 1-2 days. News filter test results disabled (News filter does not work for testing). The results can be even better.
The Expert Advisor works on the following currency pairs: GBPUSD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, USDCHF, USDCAD, GBPNZD, EURNZD, etc.
Expert_settings = "==================== Settings ===================";
- Buy_Stop_Limit: Buy Sell order = 0 Stop order = 1 Limit order = 2;
- AutoLot: initial lot depending on the deposit;
- Lots: fixed lot size;
- StepLot: lot pitch;
- MaxSpread: maximum spread;
- MaxLot: maximum lot;
- Delta: indent from price;
- OrderExpiry: expiration order (hour);
- StopLoss: stop loss;
- TakeProfit: take profit;
- TrailingStop: trailing stop in points;
- Loss: loss in% (balance protection);
- Step: order step (if Buy_Stop_Limit: 1 or 2, you set Step = 5000 or more; (Order step only Buy Sell orders work));
- PlusStep: order distance in%;
- Slip: allowable slippage, in points;
- Magic: magic number;
- Comments: comment;
Filter_settings = "==================== Settings ===================";
- GMT: Broker Time (for example, for Alpari = 2);
- StartHour: time to start trading;
- StartMin: minute to start trading;
- EndHour: the end of trading hour;
- EndMin: minute to end trading;
- TimeDelAllOrder: if true, all orders will be deleted at the specified time.
- TimeEnd: delete order at a specified time;
Filter_settings = "==================== Settings ===================";
- Use_NewsFilter: news filter true (enable) false (disable);
- MinDo: working minutes before the news;
- MinPosle: working minutes after the news;
- offset: server time zone;
- Vhigh: important news;
- Vmedium: average news;
- Vlow: weak news;
- NewsSymb: currencies for trading;
Day_settings = "==================== Settings ===================";
- MonDay: if true, allow trading on Monday.
- TuesDay: if true to allow bargaining on Tuesday.
- WednesDay: if true, allow bargaining on Wednesday.
- ThursDay: If true to allow trading on Thursday.
- FriDay: if true allow bargaining on Friday.