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Forex Copier, aka MT4 Copier 3.3

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Saya baru saja pesan vps di sosialvps dan download. hasil downloadnya ea cpiernya masih versi 2.8. tidak ada pilihan copy mode. mohon bantuan untuk setting. trims
Saya baru saja pesan vps di sosialvps dan download. hasil downloadnya ea cpiernya masih versi 2.8. tidak ada pilihan copy mode. mohon bantuan untuk setting. trims
Copier 2.8 versi terupdate dan masih running dg baik saat ini. Silahkan cek kembali semua post di page page sebelumnya sebelum running live account
Ea is very good.
Can input is edit symbol names mapping because someone broker EA Forex copier SoeHoe v2.8 auto adjust symbol name wrong.
Thank you.
Good work soehoe but for me not working I get massage for run in live account please visit soehoe.id
Also for me the server mode local, online not visible?
Bagamana cara mendapatkan forex copier yg V3.0 mas?
Dengan fitur order manual. Maksih

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
ini EA nya koq tidak bisa digunakan?? keluar tulisan EA stop please read more at soehoe.id ,dan tidak ada pilihan copymode, saya pengguna socialvps
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apakah mt4 copier ini bisa mengcopy demo akun orang (saya ada id dan passnya) ke akun trading real kita?
lim928 Bisa, EA ini bisa mengcopy transaksi dari Akun yang lain. Bisa Copy dari Akun Demo ataupun Akun Ril. Jadi MT4nya harus ada 2, yang satu Akun orang & yang satu lagi Akun kita. EA yang dipasang di Akun orang itu nama EAnya "Master Copier SoeHoe.ex4" dan EA untuk diakun kita itu namanya "! EA Forex Copier SoeHoe v2.8.ex4", jangan lupa di Tab "Common" opsi Allow live trading dicentang.
hello everyone !
I tried this Ea and it is good but it needs Improvement.
1.Sometimes the EA is lag. I mean the master is opened 5 orders at the same time and the Ea also opened 5 orders. The problem is when master is excuted their all orders and our Ea also excuted orders but sometimes 1 or 2 orders is almost still there and not excuted at the same time . My internet connection is also good and i don't know why.
2.EA comment is not satisfied for the user because the broker can know how we cheat them and they can deny our withdrawls.
I want to tell the developer of this EA . We need these improvements in new version and hope u can do it better than past.
1.EA must be Fast Speed for copying in anytime.
2.EA can change the comment
3.There is no lag in excuting time.
4.EA is more better than the past .
Thank for reading . Hope u can get in pforit in every trades . GL
Hi Raymonz, I think this EA is good enough for copy trade, because out there EA like this is not free pricing. Execution speed problem that depends on the speed of our computer and internet. If the issue of comments may be good Mr. SoeHoe can change for this EA can we fill in accordance with the comments we want, or yes may be special Socialvps users can change the comment in accordance with the desired. Thank you
salam bos. keren EAnya nih. thank's a lot. sangat membantu :)

btw, mau nanya. saya sdh berhasil eksekusi buy/sell dari account master dan secara otomatis dicopy ke beberapa account slave. ga ada masalah juga dg buy/sell limit. Tapi tiap mau close open position, kok selalu gagal diikuti sama account metatrader slave ya? fyi, Auto trading sudah diaktifkan. apa ada yg saya lupa lakukan? mohon pencerahannya :)
Bagus nih kerjanya ea bisa mengcopy akun trader lain,
tapi untuk mencari master copy perlu mencari yang sudah ahli trading kali
kalau bisa mengcopy trader yang sering loss juga menjadi masalah
Mas admin, saya mengalami ini... kenapa ya ? di akun slave tidak bisa dipasang ea copier-nya. Saya sertakan expert history-nya. Apa yg harus dilakukan, Mas ?
