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New EA EVoss EA Night v1.0

This is the code snippet:

extern int GMT_offset = 2; // (for ICMarket)
extern int GMTstartHour = 22;
extern int GMTendHour = 23;

serverStartHour = GMTstartHour + GMT_offset;
serverEndHour = GMTendHour + GMT_offset;
if(serverStartHour >=24)
serverStartHour -= 24;
if(serverEndHour >=24)
serverEndHour -=24;

bool tradeOK=false;
if(serverStartHour < serverEndHour)
if(Hour() >=serverStartHour && Hour() <= serverEndHour)
if(Hour() >= serverStartHour || Hour() <= serverEndHour())

The above will work for all brokers if you adjust the GMT_offset correctly including daylight savings. I will use GMT_offset =0 for my broker and loverhh will use GMT_offset=1 and you will use GMT_offset=2 for ICMarket.
Hello reddevil,

let's leave doubt, please can you send the market time of your broker at this time and compare
Original EA trade only tuesday wednsday thursday.and this one ?
Monday to Friday
Trade Monday 12-02-2018 ICMarket real account


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I have now big loss! Yesterday at ICMarkets I have closed manually to have profit but I have do it automatically at FxTm and lost more than 100 euro...

Edgae I see that you user Evoss2.0Premium.. eventually you changed again many things.. but the shared version is a loss version.. sorry
Trade 13-02-2018 ICMarket real account


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Trade 12-02-2018 FXTM real account (Stoploss %5. loss Day -%3.4 )

it is not always won, the most important is risk management and capital management. always operate with stoploss to cut the losses

Trade 13-02-2018 FXTM real account (lost recovered %3.2)

This is an EA for the long term, do not expect to have all the profits in a single day or week ...
the idea is to create a portfolio.


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Hi all.
Started the EA yesterday and here are my results of the first night.
EVoss Day 1.PNG
5 trades - 5 winners.

The different sizes came from "playing" with the "Base Balance". I forgot to set it back.

Edgae : You have a minitored account of some days or weeks?

First night looks good so far :-)


  • EVoss Day 1.PNG
    EVoss Day 1.PNG
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Hello reddevil,

let's leave doubt, please can you send the market time of your broker at this time and compare

I am attaching the time for 3 brokers, taken almost the same time:

Fxpro GMT+0, Varianse GMT+1, ICMarket GMT+2.

that means Fxpro is 2 hours behind ICMarket. If ICMarket is 00:00, then fxpro is 22:00. Icmarket follows the NY close time at 24;00 (00:00).


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I am attaching the time for 3 brokers, taken almost the same time:

Fxpro GMT+0, Varianse GMT+1, ICMarket GMT+2.

that means Fxpro is 2 hours behind ICMarket. If ICMarket is 00:00, then fxpro is 22:00. Icmarket follows the NY close time at 24;00 (00:00).
My appologies varianse is now GMT+0(winter)l move to GMT+1 in summer. Fxpro is GMT+0 throughput the year. Icmarket is now GMT+2 (winter) and move to GMT+3 (summer)
Edgae, please can you help me seriosly to understand one point. The GMT parameter.
The EA here says us to trade GMT 20:00-22:00
So , when my local time(pc time) is matching this time, my EA is as following parameter arranged.
But if my time is arranged as this the EA did not open positions on 20:00-22:00 GMT and also not as Pc time 23.00-01:00. It has opened as following times below.


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Dear Edgea,
can you please give a snaphot of your current Market Watch time and your input parameter of times. So I can start on correct time. I will figure it out from your posting time in this thread. Thank you
please let's all align. I use Icmarkets and Fxtm which are GMT +2. I have my EA configured in Gmt_offset=1 so that it operates from 00 until 01:50. who uses another broker with gmt different than 2. to analyze


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please let's all align. I use Icmarkets and Fxtm which are GMT +2. I have my EA configured in Gmt_offset=1 so that it operates from 00 until 01:50. who uses another broker with gmt different than 2. to analyze
Dear Eadgea,

I need only a snapshot of your Market watch and a snapshot of the Ea parameter for time...Current one please on your next post I will understand everything then.upload_2018-2-13_17-8-51.png


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