ok, I have to analyze this caseforgot to attach sorry
it does not matter, computer timeand my computer tıme ıs gmt+3
should we also consıder thıs ?
Right, the premium version has that and other improvements that make it much better, those interested in the premium version, you can write me through the internal chat.Edgae when share you .. your 2.0 premium version?with space minutes options
"ok always the same" ??hmm.. ok always the samethank you edgae
run the original version and the version EVoss 1.0 takes the one you like the most and gives you more confidence. No problem, and how do you know I'm selling it? if you have not even written me.If you write, those interested in the premium version, you can write me a pm... that means for me... that you are trying to sell the EA, what is not OK in my eyes, because of sourcecode copyright.. what it was shared you from another user on this forum... I respekt if a coder sell his EA when he code all the EA from scratch and not put a little code snip on it and try to make profit from the users knowhow and FTs, so that he can improve his modded EA...
please let's all align. I use Icmarkets and Fxtm which are GMT +2. I have my EA configured in Gmt_offset=1 so that it operates from 00 until 01:50. who uses another broker with gmt different than 2. to analyze
yes, you should oparate the same.mine is also gmt+2
so that means offset = 1 also okay for me?
mine is also gmt+2
so that means offset = 1 also okay for me?
i was waiting for your anser at the same time read the threadyes, you should oparate the same.
jejej, ok tell me what broker is and I will try to look at it todayi am confused
mine is gmt+1
jejej, ok tell me what broker is and I will try to look at it today
How do i set basebalance and mlole to trade with $100? Am a bit please helpBaseBalance: is the base value $ for EVoss to calculate the lot.
MLole: the initial lot, for the calculation of the final lot. The Balance of the account is divided between the BaseBalance parameter and the value is multiplied by Mlote, eg: Account Balance $ 1000 / (BaseBalance = 500) = 2
2 * (Mlote = 0.1) = 0.2 Lot
MaxSpread: Maximum spread allowed to open an operation.
GMT_offset: hours starting at 00:00, in which EVoss opens operations, for example: 1 operations will be opened until 01:59
StopLoss: the maximum loss accepted per operation in% on the account balance.
Tested brokers (ICMarkets, FBS and Alpari).
Ref: https://soehoe.id/ea-boss-full-version.t9807/page-6#post-186530
BaseBalance: is the base value $ for EVoss to calculate the lot.
MLole: the initial lot, for the calculation of the final lot. The Balance of the account is divided between the BaseBalance parameter and the value is multiplied by Mlote, eg: Account Balance $ 1000 / (BaseBalance = 500) = 2
2 * (Mlote = 0.1) = 0.2 Lot
MaxSpread: Maximum spread allowed to open an operation.
GMT_offset: hours starting at 00:00, in which EVoss opens operations, for example: 1 operations will be opened until 01:59
StopLoss: the maximum loss accepted per operation in% on the account balance.
Tested brokers (ICMarkets, FBS and Alpari).
Ref: https://soehoe.id/ea-boss-full-version.t9807/page-6#post-186530