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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

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overall punyaq hari ni loss 0.67$ pair eu. dr 16 kli OP dpt 13 win 3 loss,..
kesimpulan hr ini
1. klo mw pke rapid filter 100 limit 5 SL 50 trailing 5 ni hasilnya profit hr ni mpe 15% https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/trend-reversal-rapid-method-yonif/1342844
2. klo mw pke set normal filter 150 limit 5 SL 100 trailing 5 ni dengan SL yg diperlebar memang dipaksakan untuk win per trade nya cuman klo nyentuh SL ya minusnya 100 pips,.. hhe,.. ada yg pke SL 50 kah? gmn hasilnya? klo aq ndri lbh nyaman pke filter 150 sih,..
3. yg pke pair AU gmn hasilnya gan?
aud/usd 1x loss lainnya profit bang , tapi ya jero
sip2,.. gmn mnurutmu limit sama stoplossnya perlu perubahan g? limit 5 mmang sangat mepet reversal dikit aj langsung kna PO nya,.. SL 50 kira2 sanggup g ya nahan marketnya sblm reversal? hehehe
terlalu deket tu limit 5 bang, klo yg laen dah sip, mau tak test pake limit 10 jadi klo reversal positip reversal
Thank you for the sharing bro, I tested this with 2 brokers (Best choice and Think FX on H1 for 2 weeks now and it is dormant...no reaction, I sincerely don't understand why it is so popular....
waygrow ea opens orders only on H1 and not working at all on M1 ,
where at H1 wiped whole demo account with loss and it was ECN account.
I do not know when I will get a scalper at lest which will work on M1 he have someone please give me link here.
You are lucky my friend mine had no reaction....for 2 weeks....
Hari kemarin secara overall profit kok..tp naik turun. Semalem sempet turun..trs gak lama opit lagi. Trus turun lagi abis itu saya tinggal tidur ternyata dapet opit lagi. Hari kmrn total opit $1,35. Naik turun $0.95 - $1.35 hasil akhir $1.35. Alhamdulillah berapapun ttp disukuri.

Ya kayaknya pakai limit 10 SL 50 aja kali ya..
mau test di icmarket

Do not bother with ICMarkets.
One of the forward testing i have made with this EA, was with them.
And if you seen my previous posts about it here, you will notice that no matter what setups i used,
they all did fail. And it didnt even matter being an ECN.
Just saving you some time here :)
Do not bother with ICMarkets.
One of the forward testing i have made with this EA, was with them.
And if you seen my previous posts about it here, you will notice that no matter what setups i used,
they all did fail. And it didnt even matter being an ECN.
Just saving you some time here :)
pke akun demo apa real gan? ane di tickmill live pke TR modal $100 masih minus $30 an lebih.. coz gnti2 setting terus..hhehe.. tp ea nya tgl 3 bln depan udh expired.. hiks..
real bang, masa TR ada expirednya?pake aud/usd dr kmaren perfect
Baru profit $0.1 di AU hari ini.
Nanti malam ada banyak news USD bareng rilisnya..saya kira harga pasti akan bolak balik kenceng.
Total profit pakai ea TR ini hampir 40%.
Modal $10 :D