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Suggestion EA Theo fx ,, BT modal 100 jadi 2300 usd dalam satu bulan

That the TheoFx Mql
The EA seams profitable but needs a little improvement it works best with EU/USD
Time frame 5mins is the best
Pip step 5
Trailling At 20 p0ints or 15 points depending on the broker better ECN brokers
Stop Loss its good if it starts at 40 points since it doesnt pick a close stoploss
Other wise you can use a hidden stoploss and take profit
enjoy if any improvement it can be improved


That the TheoFx Mql
The EA seams profitable but needs a little improvement it works best with EU/USD
Time frame 5mins is the best
Pip step 5
Trailling At 20 p0ints or 15 points depending on the broker better ECN brokers
Stop Loss its good if it starts at 40 points since it doesnt pick a close stoploss
Other wise you can use a hidden stoploss and take profit
enjoy if any improvement it can be improved

hello when depure, have a error in ARRAY.
thanks gan sudah berbagi, mau coba dulu di demo,syukur2 bisa langsung mc, membuat EA kebalikan dr mc dadi profit bisa maksimal.

The backtesting results are very good, but it was in 2011. How about the new backtesting from 2014 to July, 2015 ? Anybody can provide this backtesting result with profitable preset files?

Also, the backtesting result is based on 1h of eurusd, but why you advised to use it on M5 for best results? Anybody can share some forward-testing results of the recent weeks / months up to now?

Thanks a lot

That EA is a crap I have tried it for 6 mnths both back test and forward test with different setting in back test it gives good result but in forward test very poor results unless you monitor it so tht when it places a trade you scalp and delete poor trades tht can be better
EA ini profit saat ada pergerakan yg kuat (high Impact) dan cepat biasanya saat muncul berita2 penting. ambil TP antara 2-5 pips saja tapi max simal ordernya diperbanyak dan Persentase Risk nya ttp 1.

1. pernah test EA ini saat order posisi kadang setting TP & SL nya tidak biasa muncul alias Nol ,hal ini terjadi biasanya saat muncul berita penting/ berita yg high Impact (pergerakan yg cepat saat berita penting) ataupun koneksi internet yg terputus/ kadang koneksi server brokernyayg terputus...
klo ada master EA yg mau bermurah hati bisa bantu perbaiki algoritmanya utk pemanggilan ulang TP dan SL yg Nol (sesuai dengan settingan yg telah kita buat). sehingga bila muncul minus kerugiannya bisa dibatasi.

2. Klo ada Master EA yg berbaik hati bisa ditambahkan kapan2 saja EA ini diaktifkan/ dinon aktifkan ( bisa input jam-jam berapa saja EA ini diaktifkan). untuk berita Nonfarm payroll ini sangat cocok. cuma ya ini kendalanya pada No.1 di atas.

3. Alangkah baiknya klo ada Master yg bisa menjelaskan settingan yg ada pad EA tersebut, seperti item MAXORDER dan MAXORDERLOP bedanya apa? juga TIMETOWAIT?
That EA is a crap I have tried it for 6 mnths both back test and forward test with different setting in back test it gives good result but in forward test very poor results unless you monitor it so tht when it places a trade you scalp and delete poor trades tht can be better
i think same as you.