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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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I guess is risky last 2 weeks , ea reach averaging to 16 and floating Loss was 270$ for 100000 and lot was 0.10..I think it’s more safe 6000 for 0.01 lot.
Greetings to your honorable person

Bro, 270 from 100k is only 0.27% and you said dangerous. Are you kidding me?
Setelah sy baca dari awal sampai akhir,, untuk test sy beranikan diri dengan real ACC Cent selama 2 hari (kamis, Jum'at) dilepas 24 jam hasilnya bagus,, dengan setingan standard tidak ada yang di rubah mudah2 an bisa bertahan lama..
Terimakasih pa soehoe yang telah membuatkan EA ini.
Untuk Lot apakah perhitungannya otomatis, di awal di tetapkan modal 3000 lotnya 0.01 maka apabila modal 6000 lotnya akan otomatis 0.02 di EA nya,, mohon penjelasannya kepada para master di sini. Terimakasih
Attention please !
Never compound the balance, just run 1 pair
While 20 level trades opened total 33.36 Lot :)
Do you know how to change the settings such that the next trades opens with a smaller lot size. I just MC my account using this but I think this is a good EA with a setting that does not open such big lot size.
Do you know how to change the settings such that the next trades opens with a smaller lot size. I just MC my account using this but I think this is a good EA with a setting that does not open such big lot size.
Sorry we can't do It
All autosetting by SocialVPS we only change BasedEquity , type more than your balance


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untuk performanya EA ini alhamdulillah menunjukan hasil yang baik minimal 2% perharinya kadang lebih per account (pemakaian EA baru 1 minggu).