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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Orochimaru V3

Belum sempet FT, tapi sekarang lagi di running.
Kalo hasil BTnya luar biasa..
Oh ya ama ane di coba di AUDUSD
Akhirnya bisa share hasil FTnya,
Jujur saya puas sama kinerja EA ini, tadi udah di coba di AUSUSD dan EURUSD dan sama-sama memuaskan sejauh ini.
EA ini cocok banget ama broker atau pair yang spreadnya kecil, pas tadi dilihat soalnya cuma minta profit satu pip doang.

How much is the required MINIMUM Amount to use this EA? Anybody knows and can recommend ?


Akhirnya bisa share hasil FTnya,
Jujur saya puas sama kinerja EA ini, tadi udah di coba di AUSUSD dan EURUSD dan sama-sama memuaskan sejauh ini.
EA ini cocok banget ama broker atau pair yang spreadnya kecil, pas tadi dilihat soalnya cuma minta profit satu pip doang.
Bisa share full report nya Gan? Thanks


How much is the required MINIMUM Amount to use this EA? Anybody knows and can recommend ?


If i'm not mistaken, avishek has done a BT with $500 capital and it shows good results, you can check that on the first page
udah adakah yg nyoba FT even hanya akun cent gitu.
ane pengen nonton performa FT nya dulu nih sebelum pake di real :D
If we can make consistent profit in cent, although only 30%/month, with initial capital of $100 and compounded growth, you can calculate how much you earn in a year my friend :)

Hi pavonine, thanks for your reply, ok i accept what u are saying. Just think earning on cent account with very small profit ratio even will not be able to cover vps expenses.
On Standard Accounts there will be a big risk involve, however if anyone of my friends want to go with this robot then this robot is very good option for cent accounts.
Low Drawdown and Reasonable profit with this robot. I appericiate your effort and thanks for sharing a very good robot on this forum.
antri dulu di VPS nih, saya mau liat" dulu kyk apa. kalau bagus mungkin bisa gantiin EA saya yg lama :D

btw thanks gan buat sharingnya ya

Yes, I saw it, and thanks to Avishek.

I will try to find out

Dont forget to share if you'd found one James ;)

Ijin sruput nih gan, maknyus kayaknya

sruput ahhh,,, matur suwun gan

Ijin sedot gan, moga - moga opit
Monggo silahkan Gan, jangan lupa sharing hasilnya yah :-)

Ninggal jejak dulu......
Monggo, di dunlud & dicoba jg monggo Gan :)

udah adakah yg nyoba FT even hanya akun cent gitu.
ane pengen nonton performa FT nya dulu nih sebelum pake di real :D
Saya mau coba FT, mungkin hasilnya minggu depan sdh bisa saya share

menunggu setingan yg pas nie .. :)
Bantu di oprek juga dong gan, jgn lupa di share hasil oprekannya ;)

Udah ada yang coba di real gak ya..cocoknya pake broker apa gan..
Baru mau coba minggu ini gan

ijin test ya gan
Monggo silahkan Gan

antri dulu di VPS nih, saya mau liat" dulu kyk apa. kalau bagus mungkin bisa gantiin EA saya yg lama :D

btw thanks gan buat sharingnya ya
Siiip Gan

mau di test dulu ni
Ditunggu report nya ya Gan

ijin download sama nunggu settingan yg paling mujarab nya
Siip om :)
already BT this ea...
need huge capital to run this ea
i try BT starting 500 from 1 may 2015....MC at 22 may
so must be off during news..