Semangat pagi semua, salam PROFIT KONSISTEN!
Izinkan saya membuat threads baru sekedar untuk berbagi EA yang menurut saya ini adalah EA tergila karena selalu menghasilkan profit secara konsisten.
Langsung penjelasan cara pakai :
1. Pair : XAUUSD (wajib)
2. Ada yang untuk broker 2 digits (2XU) XAUUSD 1846.97 & ada yang untuk broker 3 digits (3XU) XAUUSD 1846.973, silahkan pilih sesuai broker kalian masing-masing
3. TF : M1
4. Leverage minimal 1:1000
5. Balance minimal : $200
6. LOTS : perkelipatan balance $200 = 0.01
Balance $400 = 0.02
Balance $600 = 0.03
Balance $750 = 0.03
dan seterusnya...
7. TARGET EQUITY : Balance + (LOTS x 100)
Balance $200 = 200 + (0.01 x 100) = 201
Balance $400 = 400 + (0.02 x 100) = 402
Balance $550 = 550 + (0.02 x 100) = 552
dan seterusnya...
8. Pastikan LOTS dan TARGET EQUITY telah diisi dengan benar!!
Sebelum mengaktifkan EA pastikan dahulu bahwa kondisi akun dalam keadaan Clear / tidak ada OP (Open posisi : Buy/Sell) dan tidak ada PO (Pending order : BuyLimit, SellLimit, BuyStop, SellStop) kemudian baru aktifkan EAnya. (untuk waktu pengaktifan EA adalah bebas sesuka hati kalian)
9. Jika Target Equity telah tercapai maka EA akan CloseALL posisi (Clear), untuk lanjut trading matikan EA lalu setting ulang LOTS & TARGET EQUITY kemudian Aktifkan kembali EAnya, atau jika dirasa sudah cukup maka sering-seringlah WD dan jangan lupa sedekah ya...
10. Gunakan koneksi internet yang stabil dan waspada listrik padam, paling aman lebih baik pakai VPS
Oke sekian, langsung download EA nya bossque...!
Morning spirit
Let me create new threads just to share EA which I think is the craziest EA because it always generates profit consistently.
Immediately explain how to use:
1. Pair: XAUUSD (required)
2. There is a broker for 2 digits (2XU) XAUUSD 1846.97 & there is a broker for 3 digits (3XU) XAUUSD 1846.973, please choose according to your respective broker
3. TF: M1
4. Minimum leverage of 1: 1000
5. Minimum balance: $ 200
6. LOTS: multiplication of balance $ 200 = 0.01
Balance $ 400 = 0.02
Balance $ 600 = 0.03
Balance $ 750 = 0.03
7. TARGET EQUITY: Balance + (LOTS x 100)
Balance $ 200 = 200 + (0.01 x 100) = 201
Balance $ 400 = 400 + (0.02 x 100) = 402
Balance $ 550 = 550 + (0.02 x 100) = 552
8. Make sure the LOTS and TARGET EQUITY have been filled correctly !!
Before activating the EA, make sure that the account condition is clear / there is no OP (Open position: Buy / Sell) and there is no PO (Pending order: BuyLimit, SellLimit, BuyStop, SellStop) then activate the EA. (for EA activation time is free as you like)
9. If the Target Equity has been reached, EA will closeALL the position (Clear), to continue trading, turn off EA then reset the LOTS & TARGET EQUITY then reactivate the EA, or if it's enough then WD often and don't forget to give alms, ok? .
10. Use a stable internet connection and be aware of power outages, it's best to use a VPS
Okay that's all, immediately download the boss's EA ...!