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Suggestion Ea Gilaaaaa 1000% Selalu PROFIT!!

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by bfajar298, 17 May 2021.

  1. zeefx

    zeefx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    thanks for sharing
  2. an8dy

    an8dy New Member

    Ref Point
    menarik..ijin coba ya..
  3. bfajar298

    bfajar298 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    #Update EA!! hanya terjadi sedikit perubahan pada 1 item saja yaitu untuk setting TARGET_EQUITY yang sebelumnya 201 menjadi 201.0 (ada penambahan angka dibelakang koma). Hal ini berguna untuk menentukan nilai TARGET_EQUITY secara lebih detail dan memudahkan dalam menghitung.

    Contoh :

    Balance $200.00 maka setting :
    LOTS = 0.01
    TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 100) = 200.00 + (0.01 x 100) = 200.00 + 1 = 201.0

    Ketika EA membaca bahwa TARGET_EQUITY 201.0 telah tercapai maka EA akan langsung melakukan CloseALL,
    namun saat proses CloseALL tersebut membutuhkan waktu antara 1-10 detik sehingga akan menimbulkan selisih harga.
    misal setelah EA Stop, Balance kita menjadi $200.92 (bukan $201.00 seperti yang kita targetkan diawal pada TARGET_EQUITY 201.0).

    Kemudian ketika kita akan lanjut trading maka kita bisa setting ulang EA dari Balance $200.92 dengan setting :
    LOTS = 0.01
    TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 100) = 200.92 + (0.01 x 100) = 200.92 + 1 = 201.92

    #Update EA !! There is only a slight change in 1 item, namely for the TARGET_EQUITY setting from 201 to 201.0 (there are additional numbers behind the comma). This is useful for determining the TARGET_EQUITY value in more detail and making it easier to calculate.


    Balance $ 200.00 then setting:
    LOTS = 0.01
    TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 100) = 200.00 + (0.01 x 100) = 200.00 + 1 = 201.0

    When EA reads that TARGET_EQUITY 201.0 has been reached, EA will immediately closeALL,
    but during the CloseALL process it takes between 1-10 seconds so that it will cause a price difference.
    for example after EA Stop, our balance will be $ 200.92 (not $ 201.00 as we initially targeted at TARGET_EQUITY 201.0).

    Then when we will continue trading, we can reset the EA from Balance $ 200.92 with these settings:
    LOTS = 0.01
    TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 100) = 200.92 + (0.01 x 100) = 200.92 + 1 = 201.92

    Attached Files:

  4. holland1224

    holland1224 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Can you program it that it will keep on trading? Looks nice and thanks for sharing this ea demo.
  5. co_boi

    co_boi Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    loss alot when sideways
  6. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Nampaknya ini adalah sebuah ea yang sangat menarik, disertai dengan pengantar profit konsisten akan menyebabkan trader tertarik dan mencobanya
    dan mungkin ini layak untuk digunakan pula di broker manapun juga termasuk Firewoodfx, dan melihat bagaimana hasilnya
  7. samarlo

    samarlo New Member

    Ref Point
    ijin coba ya.. thanks
  8. jmluojun

    jmluojun Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Do not use
  9. danielpowter

    danielpowter Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Volatile profits on this XAUUSD trading pair can be large, and also large losses. 1000% profit but may burn your account soon before.
  10. bfajar298

    bfajar298 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    LAGI!! UPDATE EA Versi terbaru.

    Ada perubahan Logic pada EA untuk menekan angka Loss yang sering terjadi saat market sideway.
    Untuk cara penggunaan masih sama seperti sebelumnya.

    AGAIN!! UPDATE EA Latest version.

    There is a logical change in the EA to reduce the number of losses that often occur when the market is sideways.
    For how to use it is still the same as before.

    Attached Files:

  11. ghasham

    ghasham Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Orders totally changed, lets see, thank you ...
  12. bfajar298

    bfajar298 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Untuk lebih aman, nyaman dan jantung tetap sehat maka sebaiknya gunakan modal minimal $1000 (bisa pakai akun cent) kemudian menggunakan rumus setting sebagai berikut :

    Misal Balance $1000

    *LOTS = perkelipatan $1000 lots 0.01

    *TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 1000) = 1000 + (0.01 x 1000) = 1000 + 10 = 1010

    For a safer, more comfortable and healthy heart, you should use a minimum capital of $1000 (you can use a cent account) then use the following setting formula:

    For example, the balance is $1000

    * LOTS = multiples of $1000 lots 0.01

    * TARGET_EQUITY = Balance + (LOTS x 1000) = 1000 + (0.01 x 1000) = 1000 + 10 = 1010
  13. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    lol .. opened 38 trades.. opened like 4 lots, made 4k transictions in 1 day.. to make 100 dollars? :banghead:

    your account will be freezed by the broker...
  14. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    really bad coded... after reached target.. stop trading
    what is that? a copy paste projekt???
  15. bfajar298

    bfajar298 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    Info :
    Untuk SPREAD :

    2XU (2 Digits dibelakang koma) disarankan <= 30.0

    3XU (3 Digits dibelakang koma) disarankan <= 300

    Info :
    For SPREAD :

    2XU (2 Digits behind a comma) is recommended <= 30.0

    3XU (3 Digits behind a comma) is recommended <= 300
  16. ghasham

    ghasham Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    please add target reached push notification alert for mobile device
  17. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Semakin laris manis kalau mampu menghasilkan profit yang konsisten
    cocok digunakan semua broker, termasuk Firewoodfx
  18. bfajar298

    bfajar298 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Contoh penggunaan pada Balance = $1000 :
    Examples of usage on a Balance = $1000 :

    No. Login : 500106647
    Password : uj0zjrh
    Server : RoboForex-DemoPro

    No. Login : 8419677
    Password : Pr0fitFx
    Server : Exness-Trial2
  19. pipmenow

    pipmenow Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Wild EA! Took my demo account for a wild ride always ending in profit. It sure would be interesting if the EA could automatically adjust the target equity after each trade and open a new basket. It would be a fast and easy way to see how much profit it can make and if a margin call is imminent.
  20. tyfu75

    tyfu75 New Member

    Ref Point
    If the balance is not round value, for example 1228 ... is it rounded to 1000 or 1200 or keep remaining 1228 ?

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