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New EA EA FreeBreakout EU

ternyata ada yg teliti juga nih master cobraprofitable yg terkenal dengan EA cobranya.... ampun2 master Ivan Suseno Aji .. hi2
iya nih lagi cari broker yg profitable buat EA ini.. kebanyakan hanya profitable di demo saja.. di real loss..

mas EA http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ajiska/trader-pro-scalper-ea/1221317 di forwad pake broker dan VPS yg mana ya?.. inbox
Nice for sharing!
Is it your portfolio with the EA? Looks like working on real! Why do you stop updating?
sebelumnya mohon maaf ke master2 di forum ini. saya masih newbie mohon bimbingan dan saran yg membangun.. sy mau berpartisipasi menyumbangkan EA untuk di gunkan bersama2 di forum ini. semoga bermanfaat. EA free breakout cara kerjanya: pending order buystop dan sellstop 1 menit sebelum news. di harapkan salah satu pending order tersentuh, sehingga menghasilkan profit.

EA ini sudah lulus di Backtest 99% selama 1 tahun dan lulus Forward demo selama 2 bulan.

Syarat wajib EA free breakout
1. Pair Harus EURUSD.. kalau maksain ke pair lain, pasti ga open
2. Rekomendasai TF di M1
3. Balance kalau bisa sih minimal 500$ ( tapi 100$ bisa sih, tapi ya gitu deh)
4. Wajib pilih broker yg speadnya <=10 point.. fixspread lebih baik. kalau spread melar saat news melebihi 10 point dipastikan profit di demo, tapi LOSS besar di real akun ( pengalaman bro... ga percaya.. silahkan coba sendiri)
5. Wajib cari VPS yng ping server broker <=5ms.. ( ada sih, tapi masalahnya sering melar gede speardnya.. hi2.. susah juga ya)
6. mohon cariin broker dan VPS yang bisa profitable nih EA di akun real, sy sendiri blum nemu.
kalau di demo akun mh pasti profit..... ( jadi langsung di real aja ya forwardnya)
7. tugas kita rame2 forward di akun real ya.. lotnya cukup 0,01 aj, biar ga terlalu rugi banyak.

8. jangan di decompailer ya master2..... karena EA ini tidak di protec dan unlimited akun
di bawah ini gambar forward test selama 2 bulan di demo akun ( multy pair)... profit gede, tapi di real akun loss.

Please Rate this thread 5 star
sebelumnya mohon maaf ke master2 di forum ini. saya masih newbie mohon bimbingan dan saran yg membangun.. sy mau berpartisipasi menyumbangkan EA untuk di gunkan bersama2 di forum ini. semoga bermanfaat. EA free breakout cara kerjanya: pending order buystop dan sellstop 1 menit sebelum news. di harapkan salah satu pending order tersentuh, sehingga menghasilkan profit.

EA ini sudah lulus di Backtest 99% selama 1 tahun dan lulus Forward demo selama 2 bulan.

Syarat wajib EA free breakout
1. Pair Harus EURUSD.. kalau maksain ke pair lain, pasti ga open
2. Rekomendasai TF di M1
3. Balance kalau bisa sih minimal 500$ ( tapi 100$ bisa sih, tapi ya gitu deh)
4. Wajib pilih broker yg speadnya <=10 point.. fixspread lebih baik. kalau spread melar saat news melebihi 10 point dipastikan profit di demo, tapi LOSS besar di real akun ( pengalaman bro... ga percaya.. silahkan coba sendiri)
5. Wajib cari VPS yng ping server broker <=5ms.. ( ada sih, tapi masalahnya sering melar gede speardnya.. hi2.. susah juga ya)
6. mohon cariin broker dan VPS yang bisa profitable nih EA di akun real, sy sendiri blum nemu.
kalau di demo akun mh pasti profit..... ( jadi langsung di real aja ya forwardnya)
7. tugas kita rame2 forward di akun real ya.. lotnya cukup 0,01 aj, biar ga terlalu rugi banyak.

8. jangan di decompailer ya master2..... karena EA ini tidak di protec dan unlimited akun
di bawah ini gambar forward test selama 2 bulan di demo akun ( multy pair)... profit gede, tapi di real akun loss.

Please Rate this thread 5 star

boleh jalan di icmarkets true ecn?
Hey Blogteater Thanks for free EA You are very kind
Can u please remove currency restriction I want 2 test on other pairs and EURUSD with suffix Thanks
Hi drlama,

You requested the mq4 from the programmer but did not get a response. I was able to download an EA before with more or less the same principles of operation as this EA. I hope I won't offend the programmer by sharing the mq4 of the EA I downloaded. I tried adding MM to this myself but my mql programming knowledge is very limited. I hope this is the same EA. Please improve and share the results back to the community.

thanks very much, if it is the same ea i add the mm no problem
This is my review for this thread:
ROBOT is clean excellent in their operations and inputs of 10 operations earns 9 repeat is excellent.
Banyak juga ea yang sukses di demo tapi gagal di real akun, apa mungkin kerana server di real itu lebih susah daripada demo sebab robot kerjanya kan menghitung menit atau setiap tich pergerakan harga, bagusnya mungkin tambahin stop loss juga tuh

I received a notice from the broker on this EA, please can correct?

You are receiving this email to your MT4 account Has Been Recognized as 'Hyperactive'.

An account is Considered hyperactive (Metaquotes guidelines) When it exceeds 2,000 server messages per day. We are flexible with this guideline and will only contact clients When this threshold is breached by some margin. Your server messages are Becoming excessive so we must ask you to take immediate action to bring These down to an acceptable level.

The most common Reasons for hyperactivity are:
Orders being modified by an expert advisor every tick
Orders being sent to the server by an expert advisor When there is no money in the account
Faulty logic and or settings in the Expert Advisor Causing overtrading (and losses Usually)
Attempting to place the trades with an EA at an invalid price / with the wrong order type
Please check your account and make the changes Necessary to lower your server messages. If we do not hear from your Within 24 Hours and the hyperactivity continues Then we may block your IP address to Prevent unnecessary load on the MT4 server.

Me too.
I had to stop Ea due its hyperactivity.
I observed it and i saw that some time it changes pending order according price changing.
It's really hyperactivity.
I don't know why.
It's a shame because the EA seems good.
If anyone has suggestions please share here.
Green pips to all.

I received a notice from the broker on this EA, please can correct?

You are receiving this email to your MT4 account Has Been Recognized as 'Hyperactive'.

An account is Considered hyperactive (Metaquotes guidelines) When it exceeds 2,000 server messages per day. We are flexible with this guideline and will only contact clients When this threshold is breached by some margin. Your server messages are Becoming excessive so we must ask you to take immediate action to bring These down to an acceptable level.

The most common Reasons for hyperactivity are:
Orders being modified by an expert advisor every tick
Orders being sent to the server by an expert advisor When there is no money in the account
Faulty logic and or settings in the Expert Advisor Causing overtrading (and losses Usually)
Attempting to place the trades with an EA at an invalid price / with the wrong order type
Please check your account and make the changes Necessary to lower your server messages. If we do not hear from your Within 24 Hours and the hyperactivity continues Then we may block your IP address to Prevent unnecessary load on the MT4 server.

Anyway regardless of the broker that you use it's not normal that the EA modify a pending order as soon the price changes.
I mean it is continuously changing pending order.
I think something don't work properly in that EA.
In one day it made more then 2000 changing order.
For this reason broker says that it is hyperactive.