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New EA EA FreeBreakout EU

[QUOTE = "blogteater, post: 69 829, members: 6419"] previously apologize to master2 in this forum. I am still a newbie for guidance and suggestions that build .. sy will participate in gunkan donate bersama2 EA for this forum. may be useful. EA free breakout how it works: pending orders buystop and sellstop 1 minute before the news. in the hope that one of the pending order is executed, resulting in a profit.

EA has been passed in Backtest 99% for 1 year and graduated Forward demo for 2 months.

Mandatory requirement EA free breakout
1. Pair Must EURUSD .. if maksain to another pair, definitely ga open
2. Rekomendasai TF in M1
3. Balance if you can still at least 500 $ (but $ 100 can be hell, but ya deh)
4. Mandatory select a broker who speadnya <= 10 points .. fixspread better. stretchy when news spread that exceeds 10 points certainly profit in the demo, but great in real accounts LOSS (experience bro ... not believe .. please try it yourself)
5. Mandatory looking yng VPS server ping broker <= 5ms .. (there is, but the problem is often stretchy big speardnya .. .. hard hi2 also yes)
6. please cariin broker and VPS can be profitable ya EA on real account, sy itself blum find any.
if in the demo account mh certainly profit ..... (so directly in real aja forwardnya)
7. rame2 forward our task in real accounts ya .. aj 0.01 lotnya enough, let ga too much loss.

8. do in decompailer yes master2 ..... because EA is not in Protec and unlimited accounts
below the picture forward test for 2 months on a demo account (Multy pair) ... big profit, but in the real loss account.

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Hello Dear BlogTeater,
Need AutoMM function for "Free Breakout EURUSD EA" Kindly share source code for all !
Thanks !
WARNING!!! SL is not working. I had a loosing trade and had to close it with a big loss by hand. Programmer is not answering! This is very dangerous. I do not understant why someone shares his own made EA and do not answer our questions.

That ea using high stoploss.
That ea using high stoploss.How can I change that.I tried ea own parameters but I can't.
WARNING!!! SL is not working. I had a loosing trade and had to close it with a big loss by hand. Programmer is not answering! This is very dangerous. I do not understant why someone shares his own made EA and do not answer our questions.
hi buddy
I checked your setting, with your set 14/1/2014 opened a buy position and didn't close it.
I think your setting isn't good, with default setting is working with sl
EA is working on real account and it is profitable, but is a lot risky.
Problem is it can really wipe your whole account.

EA is not frequent trader, has internal spread filter of 10 points, puts 2 limit orders with SL/TP. Idea is that when a spike happens it will fill in the orders and make profit.
Indeed that is working and SL will also work unless you happen to have a situation that after big news announcement/result a new 1M bar suddenly opens somewhere below or above the 2 limit orders with a big gap between the previous bar.

Than broker will open an order and order won't be closed by the EA due to internal error - out of quotes.

If you are not in front of the PC to manually close the order, than position will stay forever and possibly even wipe your account.

It happened to me on real account and wiped quite big volume of my account. Good thing was that I was monitoring the account closely and managed to close the trade manually.

In regular bar spikes the SL will work just fine and EA is actually making some cash.

Be careful with this one, above situations does not happen often, but could potentially kill your account. This is the reason why several members already mentioned SL didn't work.
WARNING!!! SL is not working. I had a loosing trade and had to close it with a big loss by hand. Programmer is not answering! This is very dangerous. I do not understant why someone shares his own made EA and do not answer our questions.

Yes, not work SL.