• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

setting ea
  • bismillah....
    sedikit share parameter yang saya gunakan selama seminggu tradding. keculai hari jumat kemarin. sengaja saya gunakan cuma di akun demo. karena kondisi market yang terlalu banyak gejolak.
    set up parameter ini saya gunakan pribadi dan alhamdulillah profit,
    EA ini menggunakan candle untuk OP, jadi menurut saya pribadi masalah step ndak begitu berpengaruh karena acuan nya bukan itu... tapi candle ( price movement )
    untuk masalah lot exponent gunakan lot exponent 1,33 saja. lebih bersahabat ke margin.... :D:D
    dan untuk target profit harian itu berdasarkan risk percent dan equity risk nya. klo risk semakin kecil target profit juga semakin kecil.
    parameter yang saya share adalah untuk tradding 24 jam full otomatis, kecuali hari jumat. karena saat hari jumat EA kadang ada OP dan kadang tidak ada sama sekali.
    setting parameter yang saya gunakan ini bukan berarti akan profit ( sebagai catatn saja biar ndak salah faham )
    sekalian saya tambahi perhitungan lot exponent yang saya dapat dari diskusi lain di forum ini


    set terbaru agan nikimura
  • setting super aman yg udah di share itu ya gan :)

    bukan mas bro agan trader_with_ea ....
    ini setting yang tak pakai sekarang.... yang menurut saya paling aman...
    broker 5 digit.
    broker 4 digit saya off kan dulu... monggo di sedot...


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    set profitable terbaru agan nikimura
    share lagi hasil tradding hari ini. lumayan lah 5$ perhari ( kecuali hari jumat ). karena EA saya off kan.
    saya share juga parameter yang saya pakai, dan ndak tak ganti2 lagi untuk modal 10.000 ( cent )
    saya rasa ini setting paling ok dengan modal segitu. untuk modal lebih besar misal 30.000 cent bisa dari start lot 0.05 maksimal 0.08 untuk menghindari MC.
    dengan parameter ini terfloating paling jauh utk hari ini cuma sampai ke lot 1.22 ( 15 level ) klo yang kemarin bisa sampai lot 11.7 .... :D:D
    semoga bermanfaat... untuk BT atau FT silahkan di lakukan. klo aq langsung ke akun riil saja....:D:D:rock::rock:


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    Ea equty sentry dan script close all profit
  • Bisa pake ea equity sentry atau script. Mohon agan resa utk share ea equity sentry nya. Terima kasih

    Monggo gan.. Tp yg tpl-nya entah kenapa pas mau upload tdk kelihatan..


    Cara menghilangkan lot bagong
  • saya coba inject dana ternyata malah muncul lot "bagong" ternyata faktornya diopsi risk percent. cuman kenapa munculnya di tengah yang ane kurang tau, ane inject 1000 cent tiba2 muncul lot gede diantara lopt yg masih kecil.
    Sy pernah ngalamin spt itu, waktu input dll-nya di aktifkan.. Mungkin (hanya mungkin) spt-nya broker ngirim sinyal tuk OP lot gede.. Soalnya semenjak ane tdk aktifkan, lot bagong tdk pernah muncul lagi..

    Btw, untung lot-nya ane kecilin, klo enggak bisa senam jantung lagi neh.. Selain itu untung jg td sempet nyentuh TP, klo enggak, tewas akun ane... Alhamdulillah... :rofl:
    indi follow trend bandit flash By Wisnu
  • paling solusinya kalau yg masih mau tanpa supir 24 jam lot exponentnya harus di turunin dan jarak antara OP1 dan OP2 di perbesar, resikonya profit pasti lebih kecil..
    ya style masing" aja sih, btw thanks gan udh di share ya :D
    sama sama gan. indi ini ampuh buat follow trend.


    Seting TF 1, TP 10, Step 10
  • Hi Resa2410,

    Yes, 100 pips is for 5-digit brokers, the which means only 10 pips far away between each order.

    Please check account of SMPROFITS as follows:

    50k Account
    Login: 7614304
    Investor Password: SmProfit
    Server: Demo
    Server ip: dc-d01-03.mt4servers.com:443
    Broker: Xmarkets10K Account
    Login: 7614307
    Investor Password: SmProfit
    Server: Demo
    Server IP: dc-d01-03.mt4servers.com:443
    Broker: Xmarkets

    I do not know if they are using the M1 or M5, but I think it is the same Because each new trade will be 100 pips away (5-digit brokers).

    Check, view Reviews their demo account, and you can understand everything.

    Have a nice day !

    Thanks James. i think we can use adenan TF M1, TP 100. Step 100, with balance 10.000 lot 0.01. its very safe
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    INdi agan nikimura
  • ni saya share indicator yang selalu tak pakai tradding manualan.
    tapi sekarang wes jarang manualan... lebih sering pakai EA. ilmu untuk manualan masih blm cukup mumpuni....
    lebih sering dag dig dug nya.....:D:p
    jadi pakai EA dulu sekalian belajar MM dari EA,,,,
    untuk indi dan rule tradding nya bisa di cari di mbah google dan di forum trader... pasti sudah ada yang membahas nya.soal nya itu dapet dari hasil comot sana sini...:rock::rock:
    indi dan template nya sudah ada di dalam file RAR... tinggal copy paste dan terapkan template nya saja.


    Instruction to use this ea english version
  • Hi all newbies and Reviews those members who only know English,

    In order to use this Adenan ea safely, please do follow Reviews These steps:

    1. Start with at least 10,000 usd (you can use standard account if you do have this big money to trade, or you USD Cent account which is only 100 usd = 10,000 USD Cents). If you want more safety, please put extra 10,000 - 20,000 usd to make your deposit become 20,000 usd - 30,000 usd.

    2. Please use the preset files of Vishnu (the file name is Super_Anan) or Nikimura (name of file is profitable). Pip Step = 30 - 45.

    3. Please do not allow Imports as per idea of Resa2410. Thanks for this good idea that I even forgot to do so. Sometimes, broker can cheat the ea by creating some fake signals, and so, we must select "DO NOT ALLOW..."

    4. Sit back and relax to enjoy around at least 25% net profits (based on 10,000 usd account, so, it is at least 2,500 usd. Even you put 20k usd, you can still expect to earn at least 2,500 usd per month because the extra 10k usd is for RESERVE CAPITAL to avoid Margin Call when price goes against the ea for many levels, for example it can go up to level 20, or 21, or 22, or 25, etc. So, your RESERVE CAPITAL is to protect your account in case you do not have much free time to monitor your account daily).

    5. Open 2 charts of EURUSD, M1 Timeframe. On the first EURUSD Chart, select "ONLY BUY" and on second EURUSD Chart, select "ONLY SELL". This is a trick that in case price goes down, our sell trades will make some good profits to increase balance and equity while our buy trades are in bigger floating Loss, and vice versa.

    These are all requirements, and so, please do not ask again Because this thread is getting longer and longer when lots of members are using this profitable ea and write Reviews their success here.

    We will only share new Profitable settings and findings to increase more profits and reduce lesser drawdown, not to repeat the same things by answering the same basic questions.

    Please do not compare and talk about BAD backtesting results versus real, live account profits results, because if we see, even all backtesting results shows that this ea will blow up the account, it is due to Margin call / not enough money to sustain market, but in live testings as many members are using this ea, it is very profitable because the users have enough money to sustain market and to avoid Margin call. This is big difference, and of course, we only trust FORWARD-TESTING than BACKTESTING.

    Hope all my explanations above are quite clea to all English-only members.

    Set Ryan
  • Here we go guys, this is my setting. I think it is the same as most of the outer guys that have the setting. This EA has been good for me and still is with low risk.
    This remember guys, this is on a real account and it is a Micro account. I have 1 chart that buys and 1 chart that sells all EURUSD 1m
    The EA has been running from the 16th to the 27th August 2015 and still running, I live in South Africa so my time is not the same.


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    Set Pradyanegara
  • settingannya bagaimana gan??
    berharap untuk dikasih tau :giggle:

    maaf gan baru bukak forum lagi,maklum lag nguli di kantor jd g bs santbay....
    ini seting yg saya gunakan selama 1 bulan ini,mungkin akan ada perubahan kedepan sesuai dengan keadaan pasar.....
    dan selalu siapkan dana cadangan sebesar 2x dana yg di pertaruhkan.
    disina saya depo $100 saya jadikan cent dan dana talangan masih ada sekitar $200 tujuannya untuk menahan floting,dan ketikan terclose semua floting saya WD kembali dana tersebut.
    tp dari pengalaman 1 bulan menggunakan setingan ini belum pernah inject dana talangan,krn floting tidak begitu besar.
    "semoga bermanfaat"


    Set Resa2410
  • sya senengnya sama EU TF sesuai anjuran agas TS pakek M1
    klo agan pakek pair apa n TF brp?
    biar bs juga saya FT sx mumpung ada VPS yg nganggur ini.

    Ane pake EJ gan.. lebih sering bolak baliknya.. TF M1, set : lot 0.01, lot exp. 1.33, TP 3 (Adenan 30), PipStep 3 (Adenan 30)... Tapi ane pake additional lot klo market sideway (mulai 21 Agustus 2015).. jadi ada 4 chart, 2 chart (buy only dan sell only) tuk 24 jam dan 2 chart lagi (buy only dan sell only) tuk jam sideway, settingan sama.. Tapi kemarin kena cut loss gara2 di utak-atik jadinya lupa, trus salah setting jam tuk additional lot-nya, harusnya jam sideway, start jam 2 pagi, tutup jam 10 WIB, ane set jam tutup di jam 10 juga, padahal jam server itu seharusnya jam 6 pagi, akibatnya keseret sesi London.. Yg cut loss di real account, klo yg demo ga salah setting, jd harusnya yg real acc ane spt ini.. :banghead:

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    EA fx pro jackes setting by resa2410 on EJ
  • Dead resa2410,
    Can you translate in english your comment?
    Thanks a lot.
    I use Jacksen EA..
    Set :
    start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 1) and sell only (chart2)) running 24/5 >> main lot
    start lot = 0.01, lot exponent 1.33, TP 3 (for adenan 30), PipStep 3 (for adenan 30), 2 chart (buy only (chart 3) and sell only (chart4)) running on sideway market only >> additional lot

    Need minimum 20k balance..

    I make mistake by wrong put time.. I use timezone, not time server.. so my additional lot that should sideway market (20:00 - 05:59 server time = 02:00 - 09:59 my time zone, but I set 09:59 on EA) goes floating till London market open.. Then I cut loss that additional lot... but coz loss too much and I afraid that price will still goes down, I also do cut loss on main lot.. But if my time setting is correct, it should be what look like at my demo account..

    But I think you should do BT 1st... Who know market will be get worst someday.. ;)

    dear resa2410, is it EURJPY ? you are trading in real account ?

    I play on demo and also real account.. Real account at R*boF*rex, demo at T*ckmill.. And yes, I only play on EJ pair..

    Total bullshit. Profit only temporary. Loss sooner or later not inevitableView attachment 4860
    You the one who bullshit.. coz u not read from beginning.. We already know if we use wrong setting will bring result like your BT... :punch:
    So u better READ.. READ.. READ... Dont just came here and yelling... you should contribute by give us feed back on right setting, just like other members did.. Remember, we didnt get paid from you for sharing all this EA, so you have no right to yelling like that... If you want yelling coz result not good, then go to other place and pay for EA.. :finger:

    maaf ya gan momod trader_with_ea klo kalimatnya rada2 kasar gt, soalnya orgnya ngeselin.. :mad:
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    HitmanV3 Light - Lebih tahan banting
  • Buat agan2 yg suka Adenan / Jacksen, ane lampirkan HitmanV3 - Light Version...

    Apa bedanya dgn EA Adenan / Jaksen ?
    1. Tdk perlu buka dua chart (buy only dan sell only) karena HV3-Light ini bisa buy dan sell dalam 1 chart
    2. Ane tambahkan MinBody, yaitu minimum panjang body candle, sehingga cukup ampuh menghadang trend yg pelan2
    3. Ane tambahkan juga News Filter, agar aman dari badai..
    4. Ada monitoring di sisi kiri, sehingga memudahkan agan tuk memonitor kerja HitmanV3-Light ini

    Penampakannya di setting-nya spt ini :


    Penampakan saat di attach :


    Tapi klo mo donasi, ane terima... :rofl:

    Catatan : Buat agan momod trader_with_ea atau agan TS wisnu , mohon di jadikan threadmarks, agar agan2 pengguna EA Adenan/Jacksen bisa menggunakan HitmanV3-Light, soalnya HitmanV3-Light ini sama type-nya dgn Adenan/Jacksen tapi agak lebih tahan banting dan ga repot pasang 2 chart.. :D


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