wuih ref nya udah mencapai 20.11 loh...pasti masuk nominasi lah bro !!sayangnya sy hanya ngajak lewat lisan, dan kemungkinan mereka dah ikut. harusnya sy pake reff, biar kecatat ama sistem.
hrs action nih...mudahan ada yg tertarik dan msk daftar reff sy.
Raffus you can login the socialVPS client area and download existing EA. For EA user guide you must read in threadHello, i m new of this forum.
Can someone help me to join in this EA group.
i rent a VPS from socialvps, and now what i have to do???
thanks to all!
to PM other member just click "amplop" logo located just next to name of member cmiiwdear Agus Mardiyanto ,
Yesterday i bought a vps from socialvps.net but at the moment is still pending, so i have downloaded the EA and put it in my MT4 to try (with my name + code)
the EA doesn't work, appears an alert to contact soehoe.com
Maybe it will work only in socialvps.net?
ps. how to send a Pm to you?? i can t find this possibility.
thanks for all and sorry i m new of this forum
bacanya harus dari awal baru bisa tahu...kalo nanya lagi...ya bisaa kena tilangCara langganan EA ini gimana caranya? mohon penjelasan lebih detail. Thxs!