Will share both EA's hereYes it does not work wel with IC markets that’s why I stiopped using it.
I found that hybrid and Af global is perfect together. Low dd and good profit
Will share both EA's hereYes it does not work wel with IC markets that’s why I stiopped using it.
I found that hybrid and Af global is perfect together. Low dd and good profit
Will you share both EA's hereYes it does not work wel with IC markets that’s why I stiopped using it.
I found that hybrid and Af global is perfect together. Low dd and good profit
what is minimum capital for this hybrid eaHere is Hybrid! Enjoy
Use on 1hr timeframe and make sure you use low lot sizes.
I have account that has 10 pairs on it with starting lot size 0.03 and it makes about +500$ a day on demo
My recommendation is this 4 pairs on Hybrid using 0.01 and change Tp to 60
1k to be safewhat is minimum capital for this hybrid ea
1k for each pairs or 1k for 4 pairs lot size 0.01?1k to be safe
Thank you for the English version much appreciatedTranslated to English