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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


I've been trying this on the UJ and for the second time it's almost wiped out the account in a few days. It's a micro account. The first time I closed off all the trades at a loss as it was obvious is was going to get wiped out. Someone really needs to make an EA like this that trades the direction of the trend instead of going against the trend. It makes no sense to continually open trades against the trend or at least if it hedged to make up for the losses.
It did make some profit in that time, but keeps getting wiped out by the losses.
I've been trying this on the UJ and for the second time it's almost wiped out the account in a few days. It's a micro account. The first time I closed off all the trades at a loss as it was obvious is was going to get wiped out. Someone really needs to make an EA like this that trades the direction of the trend instead of going against the trend. It makes no sense to continually open trades against the trend or at least if it hedged to make up for the losses.
It did make some profit in that time, but keeps getting wiped out by the losses.
Kondisi marketnya mungkin mudah berubah mister, dan ea tidak selalu kerjanya bagus bisa mengikuti arah trend, mungkin pelajaran kalau perlu juga manual monitoring dan cut loss bila diperlukan
I've been using an xm micro accounts and today they sent me an email saying to stop using these EAs in all my years of running EAs I've never had this hallen. Does anyone know another good broker for micro cent accounts?

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Om belajartrading seperti nya udah release yg versi 3.1 nya.. X aja dpt yg free lagi, dan lbih maksimal lg hasil nya hehe.. Di tggu versi 3.1 fix nya.. Cendol siap di guyurkan.. [emoji16] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hi all,

I'm newbie in Benefit EA

Currently I'm trying to test in EU pair my account was 5 digit.

I saw this video from YouTube running BT (Back Test) on EU pair on M1 Time Frame start depot with 35,000

I try to follow these configure but didn't success yet.

Can anyone help me to generate .set file for test same scenario on that video.

Please help and recommend

Сделайте скрин отчета работы советника и выложите его на форуме я сделаю сет файл.
Take a screenshot of the EA report and place it on the forum, I'll set the file.
This is my review for this thread:
Keren. Sempet FT pake demo dan bisa profit 10-20% perhari. Cool. Semoga ada versi selanjutnya... :)
ane sudah FT dari tgl 7 modal 20k cent open 6pair 0.02 semuanya seting standar,blm nympek senam jantung opet baru 20%.........
1 minggu 20% kykna g jelek2 amat,tp kita lihat dulu ampek 1 bln gmn akirnya....
Ane jg lg uji modal 3000 cent, 1 pair 0.01.. Pgn lihat klo 2 bulan aman tanpa supir kmungkinan akan ane buat 2 akun dgn modal yg sama 3000 cent masing2 1pair, atau mungkin 1 akun sj dg modal 6000 cent lot 0.02 attach 1 pair juga..

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Buset gara-gara CAD jadi habis yang realnya bos. Untung cuman cent account. Yang demo Malah bagus.
Modal brp om dan lot awal brp?
Klo minggu ini EG ku lolos dri mc rncna minggu dpn awal bulan mau tak up ke lot awal 0.02 dgn modal ttp 3000..
Kliatan nya EG rada ngirit margin

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Modal brp om dan lot awal brp?
Klo minggu ini EG ku lolos dri mc rncna minggu dpn awal bulan mau tak up ke lot awal 0.02 dgn modal ttp 3000..
Kliatan nya EG rada ngirit margin

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Modal brp om dan lot awal brp?
Klo minggu ini EG ku lolos dri mc rncna minggu dpn awal bulan mau tak up ke lot awal 0.02 dgn modal ttp 3000..
Kliatan nya EG rada ngirit margin

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Ini EA emang edan....saran saya batasi Step sama Lotnya...step 9 lot cukup 10...running di pair yg paling stabil tapi pergerakanya sering mendadak saya running dari tgl 7 sampai hari ini tgl 20 udah untung 400%. Cukup 1 pair aja.