Set normal gan. Makanya lg mau nyoba FT di broker laen dan nyoba masing-masing set. Ntr kalo berhasil dikabarin deh.Semangaat gan smoga bisa survive sett trbaru nya… jgn lupa share ya sett nya[emoji16]
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Set normal gan. Makanya lg mau nyoba FT di broker laen dan nyoba masing-masing set. Ntr kalo berhasil dikabarin deh.Semangaat gan smoga bisa survive sett trbaru nya… jgn lupa share ya sett nya[emoji16]
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
pls use English
Welcome to the forum from newbie too. Hahaha. Its best to let this EA run 24hrs on a VPS. Test it with all your set file and brokers. Some broker work well, others don't work as smooth as hoped.Hi Everybody,Good Morning.
I am a new Members.I have great Expections from this Forum. Any of the forum Members pls response my requirements.we know that the Benefit EA has no Stoploss. so any body has any suggestion,If the EA open 1 to 15 order but all order has Stoploss is same place,Suppose the EA open 10 order Buy so each of this 10 order has stoploss and same place.
So in this respect I would like to inform you that anybody share a script that I can use EA safely. Stoploss Script that is all open order has same place Stop loss.
pls pls pls response.
modal berapaom klo 5pair sekaligus??Saya pakai di Uj, EG, GU, EJ, UCAD, tf M15, masih live & opit sejauh ini
The EA have its own virtual stop loss and take profit.Yes dear I know but 100% safely Stoploss needed.any news or occurance the a/c If we can use it long Stoploss then some balance we can protect then we can again if you share a script for Stoploss (all every order same stoploss) I will be highly pleased.
$100-$200, convert ke c sent, jadi 10-20k cent, $100 untuk agressive, $200 untuk medium riskmodal berapaom klo 5pair sekaligus??
di pair apa ya???Ini EA emang edan....saran saya batasi Step sama Lotnya...step 9 lot cukup 10...running di pair yg paling stabil tapi pergerakanya sering mendadak saya running dari tgl 7 sampai hari ini tgl 20 udah untung 400%. Cukup 1 pair aja.
dipair apa ya??? boleh tahuKeknya trading high risk banget nih gan belum sebulan bisa profit 400%, tapi kalau sekali gagal biasanya cepet juga
mungkin kalau selalu akurasinya bagus bisa jadi jutawan forex nih gan
5 pair nya selain eu gu apa om?$100-$200, convert ke c sent, jadi 10-20k cent, $100 untuk agressive, $200 untuk medium risk
EU, GU, UCHF, UCAD, ECHF5 pair nya selain eu gu apa om?
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Good already has the V3.1?someone has the new version ? V 3.1 ?
Please share V3.1Good already has the V3.1?
Please share V3.1
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps