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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


View attachment 20405
baru test direal hari ini, karena pip-rangenya hari ini kecil (+-45pip) UJ, jadi profitnya lumayan, (cent account)
settingan default, yang diganti cuma start lotnya jadi 0.1 (robo)
jam trading 1 : 00:30 sd 05.50
jam trading 2 : 09.30 sd 16.40
GMT +3 (jd ga 24 jam), secara type marti.. :devil:

yang perlu diwaspadai sepertinya kalau market trending 100pip keatas lebih baik cutloss, tunggu market stabil lagi...

yang ini Demo : Tickmill ECN (EU M15)
View attachment 20406
jam trading sama kayak diatas, (24/05 sd 27/05)
pip-range minggu ini +-100 pip (lumayan)
level marti menyentuh level 10 (Lot terbesar 1.1)
start lot 0.01 (menggiurkan, high risk) :angel:

Agan auto detect 5 digit nya pasti default di FALSE ya Gan? profit gede tapi bahaya, better di set jadi TRUE, pipsstep nya jadi minimal 60pips - 150pips, aman walau badai sekalipun, gerak 200pips cuma buka 3order :)
Agan auto detect 5 digit nya pasti default di FALSE ya Gan? profit gede tapi bahaya, better di set jadi TRUE, pipsstep nya jadi minimal 60pips - 150pips, aman walau badai sekalipun, gerak 200pips cuma buka 3order :)

betul gan, diset FALSE
kalau TRUE, ga tahan lihat floating berhari-hari gan :whew: (suka galau,,, "mau dibawa kemana...." kayak lagu....) :rofl::rofl:
i am also trading on live account, looking forward to practicing my money management

i am trading on 3 different cent accounts with 3 pairs each, each has an initial balance of 3000 cents, the idea is to remove profit when risk is light and keep a minimum balance of 3000 cents.

i have opted for set files that should double the account withing a week.

lets see how this goes
I have started EA on live account with Roboforex. It is 4 digit account.
It's not taking trade on it as it was on 5 digit demo account.
Do I need to change any setting.
Can any one help me please.
i am also trading on live account, looking forward to practicing my money management

i am trading on 3 different cent accounts with 3 pairs each, each has an initial balance of 3000 cents, the idea is to remove profit when risk is light and keep a minimum balance of 3000 cents.

i have opted for set files that should double the account withing a week.

lets see how this goes

Keep us updated please Trevor :)