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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


That's why you need to run it for a longer period, cannot just for a week, it (normally) will closed it self.
Or you might want to try irruzzz strategy, here is his myfxbook running with this EA

I dont think you are reading what im writing. I have been testing this for more than a month now.
Weekly are the setups that i change.
Do you expect me to run each setup for months to see if it works? lol

I have checked your history trade way back. And from what i see it closes all the trades by itself.
Not like mine, where no matter what it leaves trades open.

There is no point looking anyone else's myfxbook. This is not a solution to my problem.
Solution would have been a different setup or an advice what to do with settings in general
to change its behavior.
As it is now, with the results that im getting so far, it doesnt worth trading for real.
Its like throwing money in the dumpster !
Ini set yang saya gunakan dan banyak pair yang digunakan , antara lain USDCAD USDJPY EURJPY EURCAD USDCHF EURCHF di TF M15 semua. Ditambah 1 EA yg tugasnya cut all jika profit nyentuh $10 (bebas mau setting berapa aja)
Saya masih FT di demo belum berani real, karena menurutku pasti bakal nyungsep, kita lihat saja hasilnya nanti


Hello, Can someone provide a setfile for 500usd equity for this ea? and also can ea be modified to run only on asian session as a night scalper?

Hi John, this EA can be set to run only during Asian session, it equipped with the trading hour functions.
However, I don't recommend to use it as scalper, I recommend you to use only 1/5 of your capital and convert it into cent, then run this EA on 5-10 pairs using set provided, or you can PM me should you have any questions.
The EA us 100% Martingale.Huge funds needed.Euro/jpy and USd/jpy is best pair.I have used this EA but zero my a/c.
Depends in the pipsstep you're set, if you use small pipsstep, profit & DD will be high, use at least 50pipstep, then you'll be safe with only 1k-2k equity for one pair
I really wonder how some of you keep getting good results as you are saying.
So far for me it is nothing more than a fail no matter what.
I am currently using the setup of irruzz. Not much of a change here, although it s just one day so far.
Still 4 positions open from last night.....
I really wonder how some of you keep getting good results as you are saying.
So far for me it is nothing more than a fail no matter what.
I am currently using the setup of irruzz. Not much of a change here, although it s just one day so far.
Still 4 positions open from last night.....
I really wonder how some of you keep getting good results as you are saying.
So far for me it is nothing more than a fail no matter what.
I am currently using the setup of irruzz. Not much of a change here, although it s just one day so far.
Still 4 positions open from last night.....

Well, as I said, maybe this EA doesn't suit you my friend, need extra patience on this EA, if you can, then it will pay you hahaha
baru test direal hari ini, karena pip-rangenya hari ini kecil (+-45pip) UJ, jadi profitnya lumayan, (cent account)
settingan default, yang diganti cuma start lotnya jadi 0.1 (robo)
jam trading 1 : 00:30 sd 05.50
jam trading 2 : 09.30 sd 16.40
GMT +3 (jd ga 24 jam), secara type marti.. :devil:

yang perlu diwaspadai sepertinya kalau market trending 100pip keatas lebih baik cutloss, tunggu market stabil lagi...

yang ini Demo : Tickmill ECN (EU M15)
jam trading sama kayak diatas, (24/05 sd 27/05)
pip-range minggu ini +-100 pip (lumayan)
level marti menyentuh level 10 (Lot terbesar 1.1)
start lot 0.01 (menggiurkan, high risk) :angel:
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Jadi perlu juga melakukan manual monitoring meski trading dengan ea begitu yah misalnya terjadi arah trend yang mungkin membahayakan bisa melakukan cut loss manual, masih suka mengikuti perkembanagn trader yang pakai ea nih keknya menarik