I think we should change the lot exponent to 1.6-1.8, seller account looks stable with default 1.8x
makasih gan, ane kelewatan baca itu. ane coba lot exponent 1.8
I think we should change the lot exponent to 1.6-1.8, seller account looks stable with default 1.8x
Anytime sir!I love it when people share good things. Thanks dear!
Semua EA/strategy type Marty ga akan kuat dengan modal 50, harus di convert ke cent jadi 5k, atau kl mau modal minim modal 10$ convert ke cent jadi 1k cent saja2 hari lepas bermodal usd50 dalam akaun demo, kini hanya tinggal usd16. Hanya guna pada pair usd/jpy. Mulanya berikan untung besar.
mungkin ada yang sudah punya pengalaman menggunakan BENEFIT EA, boleh di share disini, saya lihat dari myfxbook, hasilnya cukup bagus
BT --> http://www.benefit-ea.com/test.html
FT --> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/BenefitEA/benefitea-usdjpy/1522252
TF M15
info lengkap --> http://www.benefit-ea.com/description.html
Forex Advisor BENEFIT EA
The main advantages of forex advisor BENEFIT EA:
VirtualTakeProfit system - frees you from the constraints of the installation of the TP on the minimum amount of points from the price. The broker will not know where TP is placed all transactions are closed.
The possibility of opening the next order manually series. Forex Advisor BENEFIT EA will calculate the TP for the entire series, and will continue to operate in accordance with the basic logic of the strategy.
In VTP mode forex advisor BENEFIT EA uses a horizontal line TP (Virtual Take Profit) for closing orders.
The next opening of (manual / automatic) Order forex advisor BENEFIT EA recalculates the price level to move TP line. When the price piblizhaetsya to TP line (from bottom to top to buy the series, from the top down to selling series) by a distance defined in the EA parameters like Tral_Start, TP line changes its color to Tral_Color. This indicates the profit of all the series (buy or sell). When the price moves in the right direction, TP line will follow the price of no more than points Tral_Size. If the price is set, the series will be closed at the TP.
Productive trading on all trading instruments (currency pairs, CFD, metals), a trading system across multiple strategies in different market conditions (in the trend in the flat, trade on pullbacks during the correction, scalping)
The system of protection against loss of deposits and minimize risks
Works around the clock
Forex Advisor BENEFIT EA quietly tolerate temporary disconnection
Aggressive and highly profitable trading system allows you to increase the deposit up to 200% per month, as well as to trade EA in quiet mode, receiving 50-70% with the minimum risk.
Forex Advisor BENEFIT EA suitable for all investors and traders.
Currency Pair: USDJPY
Timeframe: M15
Untuk diskusi bisa juga disini gan
monitoring account:
myfxbook seller - real
myfxbook seller - demo
myfxbook TS - real
myfxbook TS - demo
Silahkan Gan, jangan lupa set 5 digit nya kalau pakai 5 digit yah, thanksterima kasih telah berbagi, izin download & testing..., semoga ea ini membawa hokky...![]()
maksudnya gmna set 5 digit itu gan? apakah auto detect 5 digit brokernya di true kan?Silahkan Gan, jangan lupa set 5 digit nya kalau pakai 5 digit yah, thanks
Silahkan Gan, jangan lupa set 5 digit nya kalau pakai 5 digit yah, thanks
Pair mana yang cocok dengan ea ini?
FT dari tgl 10 sampai saat ini sudah opit 80% n floting 40% dari modal,modal $10 dijadikan cent.....
kecil2 menjadi besar....
ternyata sya lupa rubah yg ituJangan lupa auto detect 5 digit diganti ke true Gan, kalau salah, opit memang besar, tp DD jg bahaya, kalau liat opit agan, sepertinya auto detect nya masih FALSE ya? thanks
Can anyone tell me how to set Trading_Time_1_Start, Trading_Time_1_End, Trading_Time_2_Start, Trading_Time_2_End parameters? My broker is with the time zone GMT+3. I have tried all your set files posted in this thread, but all of them emptied the account. Thanks.