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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Barusan rilis berita pbb akan rapat sanksi buat korut....kemungkinan usd menguat...tpi mending hold aja dlu buat pair usd....

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Mantau fundamental (selain ff cal) lewat sumber mana ya? Ajarin dong...

Hari ini trading di EU, GU pakai predator terbaru V 5.1.3

Floating EJ minggu lalu, close profit.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Mantau fundamental (selain ff cal) lewat sumber mana ya? Ajarin dong...

Hari ini trading di EU, GU pakai predator terbaru V 5.1.3

Floating EJ minggu lalu, close profit.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Maybe you can try investing.com about news and calendar

Today's market is very slow, I hope we all get profit this week :)
Mantau fundamental (selain ff cal) lewat sumber mana ya? Ajarin dong...

Hari ini trading di EU, GU pakai predator terbaru V 5.1.3

Floating EJ minggu lalu, close profit.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
hari ini jangan pasang di pair usd dulu mas broo...antisipasi aja...hehehe
mending pair lain aja....klo pas ea op sesuai trend enak..klo pas salah bisa dag dig dug...wkwkwkkw
hari ini main di EJ, Eur/chf, Aud/Jpy ...setingan lot 0.01 lot base 1.3 tp:20 locking opit: true start trailing:15 step trailing:10 max spread :10 slipage:1
lihat hasilnya ntar....ane main yg ada pair JPY krn hari ini gak ada high news on JPY...ane sementara gak main pair USD buat ea predator krn sangat riskan....
semoga opit...
salam ijo-ijo...heheheh
Pak heri, gimana kabar pair Jpy?

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Pak heri, gimana kabar pair Jpy?

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Blm ada op mas broo...mgk ane pakai spread maksimal 10.....heheheh
Soale riskan kalai spread tinggi ea op....
Barusan rilis berita aman main usd skr soale krisis semenanjung korea mereda dan badai di florida gk separah yg di takutkan....heheheh

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,gimana. Kabar pengguna biawak ini...hejeje

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Nampak nya cuman dikau dan daku yang ada report nya....

Today, not bad.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Great looking EA. I have an XM micro account with 888 leverage and $600 in total just to try some EAs. I can't get around the error "Not enough margin, I want to go sleep". What is the minimum amount of margin? Or is there a setting to allow it to still trade?
Great looking EA. I have an XM micro account with 888 leverage and $600 in total just to try some EAs. I can't get around the error "Not enough margin, I want to go sleep". What is the minimum amount of margin? Or is there a setting to allow it to still trade?
Your ea was expired, need contact owner[emoji12]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
huge floating loss on EURJPY on my FBS Live account, more than USD 580 floating losses !!!

guess we'll need USD 1000 per 0.01 lot per pair....
huge floating loss on EURJPY on my FBS Live account, more than USD 580 floating losses !!!

guess we'll need USD 1000 per 0.01 lot per pair....

what multiplier : 1,66 or change?? you can change to 1,3 and TP change 20...because this is for tf 1M and for save...heheheh
thas't my suggestion...